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Buffalo Niagara

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Everything posted by Buffalo Niagara

  1. Welcome to the mailroom, here is your desk Just kidding welcome to the family all! o/ BTA o/ Hostile takeover o/ Anarchy!!!
  2. nice to see this finally come to fruition!!! Great to see things falling together for us and our closest of allies!!! o/ Duckroll o/ Olympus o/ SNAFU o/ BAPS o/ Valhalla
  3. There are few alliances I bother to show my head for...Valhalla you are one of them o/ Valhalla and Congrats on a great milestone!! /me grabs the beer and the rocking chairs to chill with Bud. "GET OFF OUR LAWN!!!!"
  4. meh nevermind I have already lost enough braincells...
  5. [quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1323916709' post='2878276'] Straw man what? I guess now any ally of ours is a 'vector' or tangent of Val? Using the same argument you arent just a vector of GOD, you are the tissue that wipes their ass. [/quote] As long as Valhalla is a vector of the Pansy...and by default Olympus...then they are a vector by Default of Olympus...god this gets confusing sometimes... Good luck and welcome to the fray
  6. Welcome to the fray our esteemed allies o/ Winter Tour!!!!
  7. Congrats to our family on the recent elections.... Buffy pulls the rocking chairs out of retirement and breaks out the mead. Welcome back Bud!!
  8. Three years ago a very timid queeny, a warrior princess, and a smelly buffalo set out with a few friends to make a special place...a place that all were accepted, taken care of and all could feel welcome and call home. We have had our ups and downs, and some of us have had severe bouts of that darn RL server acting up but one thing has always remained the same....Olympus has been a family. I want to personally thank queenhailee for her hard work, dedication and commitment to what we set out to do, without you, we wouldn't have made it past the first year. You have been the steady heartbeat of Olympus since that first night we were all throwing up hoping we made the right decision to now..where we KNOW we did. Thank you for making the vision become reality. I also want to thank a couple others..I never thought I would say this, but Pansy, you have always looked out for us.. You helped give us the steady hand as panic set in that very first night, you helped give us the confidence we now are able to allow others to see, and most importantly, you always looked out for the family. Thank you. Most importantly, I want to thank each and every member of Olympus, past, present and even future for helping us get to this point. Since the beginning of Olympus we have had a mantra that simply is "numbers mean nothing to us." Those who never experienced it..can't explain it, and those of us that have, can't do it justice with words. However, its that feeling..that belonging that has made Olympus something that I am very proud of, and each member of the alliance has made that possible. Thank you. o/ 3 years o/ Olympus
  9. Welcome to the fight our slots should be filled now..... Buffy waits..... and waits..... AND WAITS..... Seriously DoW and we still have slots open???? Don't you know I am on the Olympus Bill Reduction plan (Otherwise known as the Pansy needs more casualties, and Atari Jaguar!!!!!) Wheres da
  10. Yus its true the wild Buffalo and the Mutant ticks ride again!!!!! Time to tear up the trailer park!!!!
  11. I got a fever for some cowbell!!!! Good Hunting Valhalla and SNAFU!!!
  12. Welcome home NAC, its nice to see you all return to your roots
  13. [quote name='Seipher Caim' timestamp='1316432308' post='2803656'] Joining Olympus sounds like a damn good idea if you want my opinion... [/quote] The Seipher is wise...you should listen to him.....
  14. Hats off to those who have come and gone...come and faded and come and stayed. Without each one of them, we wouldn't be where we are today. Thanks to everyone for the awesome o/'s and such. Hard to believe over 1,000 days ago, we set out on a journey of friendship with a common goal of just making a simple home for us, and have grown and flourished to the level we are at. Thank you to all our members past and present that have made Olympus what it is. o/ Olympus!!!!
  15. As previously stated there is a big difference between waving your own flag, and showing pride in your nation in finally getting closure on horrific events from over 10 years ago, and burning another nations flag in hate. Osama got the same rights he gave those on September 11...and heck even more, as the SEAL team gave him the opportunity to live and stand trial. Instead he reached for a weapon. That is an act of aggression and I do not fault the SEALs for using deadly force on him based on history. I will close this post by merely saying it is a time for us to remain vigilant, not forget the mistakes of the past and never forget the tragedy of September 11. Many people were lost and many women and children grew up without parents, siblings, sons and daughters. This is nothing more than a very important mark of closure for them. God Bless the men and women serving and protecting us everyday. Thank you for your commitment and dedication.
  16. Congrats on the peace finally. Good luck in rebuilding everyone!
  17. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1299386150' post='2654104'] We were not obligated by Poseidon. Poseidon is a non-chaining MDOAP. The Purqua MADP was activated, that's why we hit SOLID. [/quote] Sorry the leadership in NATO decided to activate a MADP which imo should have been activated without discussion but I have a different view than most when it comes to treaties. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1299396123' post='2654227'] Olympus had a more direct say in what was supposed to happen than most of the rest of us. You complain about communication, but I didn't see much from you. You fought well and contributed more than a lot of others have, and that's the only reason I've bothered to hold my tongue, but don't go spouting this line of !@#$%^&* and expect to not get called on it. [/quote] Heft- I have been inactive in the war planning but stayed informed of what my alliance was doing and how we were treated. I have let our elected government handle the communications rather than have 8 people represented there from our small alliance. However doesn't mean I can't be upset about the way some have treated us. That said, I'm not here to drag folks through the mud, but I won't allow the sacrifices made by our alliance to be either. Good luck to all still involved, Buffy
  18. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1299378023' post='2653989'] Buffy, you were a part of the NATO leadership that forced us to declare on SOLID. You really have no right to complain about the NPO interfering in other alliances' affairs when you've interfered far more with us than they ever attempted to do. [/quote] Forced? First are you speaking of the War of the Coalition? ...if so Solid declared on Valhalla, NATO moved in on Solid through Trident and if I'm not mistaken Invicta was a member of Poseidon at the time, so you were obligated through your Poseidon treaty which was MDoAP with Valhalla and through Purqua with NATO which was MADP to come along via treaty. In addition at that time I was not government in NATO at that time. This was after the issue with NPO occurred actually as QH replaced me in Finance and her name is on the NATO DoW... Also a treaty obligation is no where close to the NPO interfering in NATO's ELECTED government because something told to Invicta in confidence as you were such a close friend to BOTH NATO and NPO, and my head being called for on a platter over it to the point to me having to step down from my elected position. Huge difference..but thanks for the trip down memory lane.
  19. [quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299351620' post='2653617'] Yes... honoring our binding treaty in a no-CB war with one of our closest allies is clearly a terrible offense. I will make sure we publicly repent of our sinful ways and beg for forgiveness. If our attackers can find mercy in their hearts, perchance we can only end up with double the reps that NPO got in Karma. Oh forsooth! Not doing [i]anything[/i] for over a year is clearly wrong, and we must swear off our evil ways! More realistically, it's a sad measure of how CN is going if allies and enemies alike are eagerly waiting for "terms" in this war. Before, waging wars of aggression were terrible and needed to be punished. Well, enough people got punished, so the wars of aggression stopped. But now the NPO and allies get attacked because there's no wars, and we must be punished for not being aggressive. And then people wonder why this place gets smaller and smaller every year. [/quote] Learz, Lets get a couple things straight. In the past NPO has used shaky CB's on other alliances and used their power to exert themselves into other alliances business. I know from personal experience when I shared some confidential information with a certain alliance and it found its way back to them...I won't name any names...^cough^INVICTA^cough^. HOWEVER, Olympus still gave NPO a second chance to prove that they have changed with the Scrabble Accords. We had concerns and presented said concerns to the "Coalition Leadership", which fell on deaf ears. We had been involved in this conflict since the "Coalition Leadership" approved the pile on GOONS and ignored the rest of the alliances allowing them to counter on our nations. Strategically giving NPO a chance to catch a breath return to peace mode, get out of anarchy and return to the fight. I have just checked and only 5 nations of NPO are out of peace mode over 30k NS. That gives very little support to our already war torn nations after TWO cycles of war with full slots which for a small alliance like Olympus kills our banking ability quickly if our slots continue to be full regardless of our warchests, (insert meatshield comment here...which Olympus VOWED to NEVER BE). For the first two cycles I was staggered and full aid and war slots, loosing over 75% of my nation personally in defense of a treaty partner that couldn't even answer or even discuss my alliances concerns on the progress and future execution of our "plan". I have no issue loosing everything for an ally that respects my alliance and our opinions. I would go to hell and back for them, and we have proven that in the past and will continue to do so in the future, but from the beginning our allies are told we expect to be treated as equals when it comes to each others defense. That was not happening. IF NPO/Coalition Leadership cared just a bit about our issues or at least addressed them, Olympus would still be in the trenches with you all. It is also a sad day when friends and allies turn their backs on logic and ignore friends and allies. Then when said ally acts in their best interests and follow their beliefs because there is no communication, they are burned at the stake. As far as my comment about Invicta's peace terms, I was speaking in reference to your comment about us paying NAC's terms being high and unreasonable and we should have waited and worked with Invicta to get an exit strategy to get everyone out rep free. I am sorry for the confusion. With that I will take leave of this conversation, and bid NSO as well as Invicta, and our allies still fighting, SNAFU and NPO the best of luck.
  20. [quote name='Learz' timestamp='1299120988' post='2650504'] I've been aware of it for a few days. Olympus jumped the gun and ended up with reps, if they'd waited for us they would have gotten off clean, but ah well, these things happen. [/quote] Olympus ended up with white peace and are paying the reps for NAC whom oA'd because we have the resources to do so (100 mill isn't that much anyways)... I can't wait to see Invicta's peace terms...
  21. [quote name='Guffey' timestamp='1299202005' post='2651750'] We only allowed our nations who were actually prepared for war in our view to fight so far, and have been cycling them through. The reason i am cycled out right now is because i am on vacation for about 2 weeks, so i cannot even login to CN right now. And EVEN if we were all spent as we were in KARMA we would all sit in peace mode until our reason for entering the war ended. in Karma's case it was for PC to cease attacks on TPF. Once we had nothing left we still stayed there until TPF got peace. That is how Avalon will always operate. In our DoW for this war we stated that "Avalon seeks only the cessation of attacks by the Doom House BLOC upon The Phoenix Federation and their allies likewise unjustly engaged." Meaning, we will be at war until TPF and all of her allies are at peace. There is no question in our minds about that. When we commit, we commit to the longterm and to the fulfillment of our goals, not just to a short burs of war. We apply this to our view of those around us. Those who ride out their cause out to till their goal are met (if they are just) will receive the most respect from us. [/quote] Congratulations on being able to stand behind your allies and have your allies mutual support and communication. Olympus is an honorable alliance that fights hard for our own beliefs and those of our allies whom communicate and treat us as allies and friends. That is something Olympus believes in also. You can ask anyone that we have been involved with in the past regarding that. Our reasons have been made known to those whom matter to us most, our alliance, and our allies. Those whom are not tied to us can form your own conclusions as it matters little to myself or my alliance. Seeing as we are quoting our original DoW's... [quote]Olympus will not stand idly by while those that see themselves as the spearhead of the "new world order" actively try and destroy those we consider friends. For without friends, we're nothing ourselves.[/quote] Friends...communicate and work together through concerns and issues. I never thought I would say this but RV hit it on the head and I personally agree with him on his summary. The thing that we were lacking past the original plan, was communication. Good leaders are never afraid to review the situation climb to the top of the tree's and admit its the wrong jungle, change course and make adjustments to compensate to achieve victory. You can try to tarnish all you want, my slots (both war and aid slots) were filled most of the time we have been involved in this conflict. For those who care about numbers, my nation lost over 85% of its NS fighting with a coalition that failed to properly address the concerns of Olympus government. That...is why we are leaving, though I personally and my alliance would have had no problem riding to zi for any of my allies or alliance that communicated and worked through concerns. Those whom really know and understand us KNOW this. Beyond that, I bid farewell to this discussion, and to those of my worthy opponents...even with very little left in the tank those I fought still kicked and screamed all the way to the end. Thanks for the good times and the increased casualties..see you all again in 6 months for another dance.
  22. Congrats to everyone on the peace, heck of a fight, time to rebuild and get ready for the next one
  23. Wow...congrats Valhalla its awesome to be as close to you all as Olympus is. In some of our shakiest moments you all were steadfast allies that not only said the right things...but did them. Thank you for rocking and parting with us. Congrats to QH on a well deserved shiney!!!! Pansy you are half the woman she is Goes back to only partially paying attention. o/ Valhalla!!!! sup bud?
  24. First of all, good luck to all my brothers and sisters whom entered the fray last night. You do so with honor, commitment and dedication that came with us signing the treaty. Secondly, Olympus has a thing, we are a sovereign alliance that respects our allies. When our allies say "this" is what we need in a situation like we are in, we don't argue, ask BAPS and Valhalla we have proven that on more than one occasion. That's what allies are supposed to do. We believe in the spirit of the treaty regardless of the consequences. You can say you "win" the wars however you want but Olympus marches to a different drum...Our victory happens on another level than most..lower bills, standing behind our word, and being faithful without question to those we sign our treaties with. You see it's never been a question of "if" Olympus would join its been a question of "when and where do you need us?" Third, Olympus will not pay reps for entering a war in a defensive manner for an ally. If you want reps you are going to have to look elsewhere or encourage NPO to discuss that option with us because we will not accept terms that include them, and if you choose to include them in reps is that not what you are trying to prevent with beating NPO up in the first place? Finally, good luck to all our opponents, I look forward to facing you when ordered to by our military. o/ Olympus
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