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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Aurion' date='21 July 2010 - 03:51 PM' timestamp='1279741879' post='2383071'] You have a point, but they're still not doing so hot. I suppose it's fair though since [s]most[/s] pretty much all arguments in favor of mass-raids suck too. The only relevance for me in regards to believing it was a bait is that rising to it and pulling this was not the greatest idea ever... specially since some of the people doing it are allies. [/quote] For some reason I don't think you guys care that much about your allies doing this And well, guilty by association has long since been an argument against the ex-hegemony. Wonder how well that will work in the future when you actively support this, and not just by way of having a treaty with them.
  2. [quote name='Aurion' date='21 July 2010 - 03:39 PM' timestamp='1279741129' post='2383035'] Well they aren't doing a very good job of it, then. And I still maintain that if NPO couldn't see this coming a mile away, they need some serious help. Which is why I think it was a bait, because it takes a [i]lot[/i] of stupidity to be so ignorant of the prohibitively likely consequences of playing something up like that. And I don't think NPO's leadership is stupid, so. [/quote] Whether it's a good job or not is up to personal opinion. But of course not everyone can argue as well as you or I And the point about it being bait or not is not really relevant. These new "karma" forces are now acting as the new bullies on the block and it was their own choice whether to pro-actively organize a raid on a whole color sphere just for a cheap shot on an alliance they already punished quite a bit. They're getting called out for it, and fair play to that.
  3. [quote name='Aurion' date='21 July 2010 - 03:32 PM' timestamp='1279740707' post='2383021'] A different argument would be nice, WC. That's all I'm saying. I mean surely, acting like that is a bit stale... why not focus instead on how the people being raided are being robbed/extorted/whatever other verb instead of saying something like "Wow, people [i]tech raid[/i]! How terrible!" [/quote] Those kind of go without saying, and I'm sure the main argument has been about how this is simply a shot at NPO and how the "new guys in charge" are acting like the bullies they claimed they'd been fighting against for a while.
  4. [quote name='Aurion' date='21 July 2010 - 03:27 PM' timestamp='1279740431' post='2383005'] Sure it's the usual fare, but after a while shouldn't the whole "shock and outrage" routine start to fade out? I mean god damn. [/quote] That'd mean they wouldn't be supporting what they believe in if they stopped. Kudos to people for arguing for what they believe in, both sides in this case.
  5. Seen this story before. I guess the future just might actually be a bit more interesting.
  6. The new rulers made this game take too long between wars >
  7. Back when we would have a war every couple months instead of a whole year wait like nowadays.
  8. [quote name='JimKongIl' date='23 June 2010 - 12:40 AM' timestamp='1277267991' post='2347313'] We need to resolve this soon whether by diplomacy or blood atonement, I am getting very impatient playing this waiting game without any detectable progress. Those who want to continue the war need to embrace it and those that want peace need come to the bargaining table. Either we find some middle ground soon or we all ride to hell together. [/quote] The rest of us are getting bored of this situation as well. At this point I think everyone has realized that diplomacy is pointless and you guys will have to crush gramlins badly enough until they overthrow ram and immediately accept white peace then disband. Or it might be something along those lines, but really the end result we want is this crap war over with so we can move on.
  9. [quote name='LJ Scott' date='15 June 2010 - 07:35 AM' timestamp='1276601724' post='2338136'] You will be crushed under our boot. [img]http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt91/LJ_Scott/umbrellailures_transparent.png[/img] [/quote] hahahhaahahahha Right.
  10. [quote name='Southgarde' date='16 June 2010 - 07:17 PM' timestamp='1276730243' post='2339995'] Why both of them? [/quote] He meant the ones being attacked.
  11. I'm WC! D: Also enjoy the time off, we all need it every now and then and good luck to US
  12. [quote name='Merrie Melodies' date='02 June 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1275524642' post='2321280'] It's not like we don't get off on the hate, however we attain it. [/quote] I've seen this movie before.
  13. [quote name='wickedj' date='02 June 2010 - 08:16 PM' timestamp='1275524152' post='2321267'] Its equally retarded to bunch your panties up over a joke announcement Personally i love all the hate \m/ gets for just being \m/ [/quote] Because the "hate" was just because it was \m/, and had nothing to do with the OP right?
  14. [quote name='Emperor Marx' date='28 May 2010 - 11:48 PM' timestamp='1275104915' post='2315252'] Your argument would hold if this wasn't a Foreign Affairs venture undertaken by CB. If you take my comments as complaining then you're missing the point. [/quote] You really seem to have an obsession with us, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
  15. [quote name='Sooner' date='28 May 2010 - 10:48 PM' timestamp='1275101302' post='2315209'] I'm really liking this a lot. has CN changed? Is this the work of Karma's spirit moving through every..... Okay, I'll be frank. Karma has nothing to do with this, it's people doing and believing in what is right and decent in this world. Amen. [/quote] So CN has changed
  16. [quote name='TypoNinja' date='28 May 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1275100005' post='2315189'] I gotta admit, I didn't spot the Typo either. [/quote] I lol'd. No really, I did.
  17. Awesome to see happen. I expect others to be joining this movement soon. Your move gremlins.
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