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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1282632091' post='2429142'] I like how all through this war, Rok huffed and puffed about how they always "talk straight", and how everything Hoo says happens. And then they prove that he's as big a liar as anyone else. [/quote] Hoo said he spoke for RoK and would also go along with whatever his allies said. And...he did. What a terrible person.
  2. [quote name='heggo' timestamp='1282631979' post='2429136'] Hey, don't say you guys. I, for one, am mostly just here to try and slander xiphosis. Speaking of which, did I mention that xiphosis' best attempt at communicating with us involved him constantly referring to Lint as adorable? [/quote] I'm sure you could just squeeze his cheeks.
  3. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282631750' post='2429124'] Do you believe in the tooth fairy as well? Because I've got some bad news.... RoK said "this is what we will do." They didn't do that. At least two of RoK's allies, the ones who entered purely in support and only because we were going to peace and they had to launch early, said they would leave whenever RoK did. So how did we get here? Someone lied, or manipulated someone, or was a bad ally, or a bad diplomat, or a bad leader, or something. No matter how you cut it, it wasn't handled well, at all. [/quote] And RoK personally didn't want terms. And their allies did leave when RoK did. You guys are really reaching to try and paint RoK and Hoo as some sort of villain here.
  4. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1282631034' post='2429090'] No, I get your point. But I'm not sure how you can say that RoK didn't break their word. They asked for the terms. They signed the document. They said they wouldn't do so. They did so. That's a lie. [/quote] If that's your interpretation of it, fair enough. What I see is consultation between alliances where one of them doesn't want anything but one of the others do, and harmless enough they just put one together and someone from the side presents it. Personally I think you're reaching here since I'm sure you know if it was solely down to RoK there would be no terms, but like I said you're allowed your opinion.
  5. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1282630687' post='2429075'] What? I have no idea what you're talking about. You said that you don't think RoK asked for any terms. I told you that they did. [/quote] I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain to you how a working out peace for a war involving multiple allies works. RoK presented the term at the behest of their ally, they might not agree with it but it was their ally and I'm sure they weren't going to leave them in it alone. Just because they presented it doesn't mean that they were the ones whom wanted the review, just that they wanted it to end and that's the most harmless one that their ally asked for.
  6. [quote name='Wad of Lint' timestamp='1282630606' post='2429066'] Are we really going to argue this again? We've admitted (in several threads) the misjudgment that occurred. [/quote] I accept your apology to RoK.
  7. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1282630490' post='2429056'] RoK is the alliance that presented the terms. You're not even trying here, WC. [/quote] Would you prefer VE did? Of course someone has to present them, and RoK is the logical choice to. And of course they will have conferred with their allies from the war in the terms for ending the war. If their ally happened to ask for it, it would still have to be included when presented to you.
  8. [quote name='Wad of Lint' timestamp='1282630437' post='2429055'] Ah. Right. Diplomacy. That would be when I talk to your leader and work out an agreement right? Like what was done? Yea. Tried that. You wanted no truck with it. [/quote] Diplomacy? You mean like when an alliance leader tells you not to aid a nation who's at war with his protectorate and you do it anyway?
  9. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1282630157' post='2429043'] So it's okay for an alliance to lie about terms but not okay for an alliance to give $6.000.000 to a nation? [/quote] I do believe RoK personally wasn't asking for any terms, and since it was a joint war their ally is allowed to ask for something thus RoK did not necessarily break its promise in my opinion. But of course people will continue to complain about a beer review. I mean they have Corinan so I really don't see why they would complain
  10. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282630122' post='2429042'] Kaitlin already tried derailing the conversation exactly like this on the last page. Your attempt won't go any better. [/quote] Talking about the reason this war started is off topic from a thread about the war ending? Well look at that. It's almost like you're just trying to find something to complain about so you just ignore the argument against you! Who would've thought!
  11. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282629752' post='2429023'] We had to agree to say these things in order to achieve peace. That's the very definition of a term. [/quote] It's almost like you shouldn't have committed an act of war to begin with!
  12. [quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1282629336' post='2429004'] http://pastebin.com/W3dteXgr Watching Xiphosis trying to act as a e-thug is always a hilarious sight. Keep trying bud one day you'll get there...or maybe not. [/quote] Trying to get lintwad to peace out his alliance from being crushed as soon as possible and not argue over a beer review is truly the e-thug way.
  13. [quote name='Pyroman' timestamp='1282628993' post='2428993'] And it will, time and time again. On topic, I'm glad to see that the NSO was TOLD to say those things. Makes it seem like they were willing participants in the end of this pissy war. I wonder what it would be like if for once the actual instigators apologized for starting a war. Wouldn't that be something? [/quote] The loser in a war being forced to admit wrong-doing. It's like this crazy new concept those folks at Hegemony 2.0 thought up of, right next to incredibly harsh terms.
  14. [quote name='Wad of Lint' timestamp='1282628774' post='2428983'] Nice try, but the specific wording was NOTHING would be expected of NSO. I don't know about you, but sitting in that room I sure felt as though something was expected of me. Might have been placing my signature on those terms or face a very very long war. [/quote] How will you ever live with a beer term, I wonder. Oh well, you do have corinan!
  15. [quote name='Pyroman' timestamp='1282628604' post='2428975'] The joke is on you SF. CD and her allies were going to declare tomorrow. Oh well, better luck provoking us next time. [/quote] Darn the plan to crush CD has failed.
  16. Incredibly harsh terms. You're surely the new hegemony now.
  17. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1282625018' post='2428808'] Neither - it's the history of the two alliances ..... Specifically where treaties were involved. As pointed out earlier in the thread - last treaty that bound these two was WUT. And VE leaving WUT eventually lead to [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Green_Civil_War"]disbandment[/url]. It's just a shocker. [/quote] And now there's a GOONS with completely different leadership and VE is being a generous alliance who's willing to give them a second chance. Amazing isn't it?
  18. If anything this has proven to have some entertainment value from RV's constant whining.
  19. [quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1282618027' post='2428644'] Um, that's impossible. Every action one has the capacity to reference is in the past. [/quote] You're very dim if you don't understand what he's saying.
  20. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1282607209' post='2428297'] My favorite part is where people are upset about this. [/quote] Most people are understandably surprised by this treaty truth be told.
  21. While this treaty did just surprise me a bit, after thinking about how well my own dealings with GOONS leadership have gone in the recent past I really can't complain as they've been understanding whenever I have spoken with them about an issue. So congratulations to my allies in VE and I hope this relationship ends up developing for the best.
  22. From the terrible decision with GGA to even worse moves during the negotiation process (came off like a dick even though you were completely wrong). I have to say \m/ needs somebody in charge who has learned from its past reincarnation, and marx seems to definitely not be one who has and deserves to go if \m/ are to avoid the same fate as before. However, maybe this lesson will finally be the one to do the trick for him. I suppose time will tell.
  23. Well handled STA, my respect for you somehow grew beyond what it was before.
  24. [quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1282009436' post='2418513'] The /b/ombing aside, I kinda wish I was around for that. It sounds like an absolutely epic war. [/quote] Practically everyone was involved and it as a pretty even war with really good camaraderie (at least on the WUT side )
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