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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. I'm surprised \m/ didn't take it farther, truth be told. I thought they stood up for what they believed in, regardless of possible consequences.
  2. Getting GOLD to go neutral in GWII(or 3?) And GWIII in general because it was just great and I whooped some butt.
  3. Not surprised at all. Glad to see Random doing what I expected, and here's a toast to him for doing something out of the ordinary, even if not all that prudent for the long term.
  4. [quote name='bros2' timestamp='1290988600' post='2525518'] Yep And we didn't get to go nuclear because of AirMe, which is why the war ended so early. [/quote] He had faith in Legion and ODN jumping in to help didn't he?
  5. [quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1290974067' post='2525397'] GATO was pretty out of it for gw2. We didn't end up taking a huge amount of damage because the war was so short, but we had no real coordination or planning. A lot of people declared willy-nilly, while 5-10 of our newer military people tried to get people to work together. Some of our military leaders (Walford primarily) actually suggested NOT to have a warchest because you could steal funding from your attackers! This worked ok on the ground without nukes, but aircraft had just introduced, so some people got absoltuely flattened by TOP nations who were much more prepared. Funny enough, if we had gone nuclear GATO may have fared better, because so many people declared 3 offensive wars. Overall lack of warchests makes that a tricky subject though, because most people wouldn't have lasted very long.. The timing was unfortunate though, a few of our MOD members (myself included) had just enrolled in the NAAC OTS courses, and given a little time to implement what we learned, may have had a dramatic effect on our performance. ODN and Legion joining may have helped also. That would have caused more parties to enter on both the League and Initiative war fronts, and could have made that war truely gigantic. [/quote] Airme should have gone nuclear
  6. [quote name='Cairna' timestamp='1290967385' post='2525342'] My main worry is this whole "Friends > Infra" thing. Frankly, it's caught on far too well. This game only really works if you care about your infra. There's no real politics to be played out unless you care about your infra. Maybe we've just mastered the game mechanics so well that we can't really make drama that easily anymore. I mean, part of what made the GW's so awesome was because people could really mix stuff up with strategies. There's not much to do ( albeit, there's still military prowess differences and small things you can do) and so maybe CN's just gotten too comfortable. We should just merge the big alliances into micro-alliances with newbie leaders and let them have their go. Everybody: pick a micro ( I dibs PPF, regardless of what Opethian says ) [/quote] I dibs CD
  7. [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1290943252' post='2525259'] Well, that particular thread was posted during GW3 so the anti-Initiative rhetoric was pretty common. And actually, my response on reading that thread was that I'm glad that that League v Initiative crap was over. A lot of people and alliances, including me, were sick of the polarization and went neutral after that. For an idea of what it was like to read, imagine the number of Vox posters multiplied by 4 and the actual talent and coherence of the posters divided by 3. It wasn't pretty. I personally would rather see MK and NPO argue about an embassy than see more GW3 era crap. Don't feel too bad about missing early 2007. In 2007 the boards were repeatedly attacked by porno spammers. One attack was so bad that the boards were down for a week in April. In late 2007, we moved here. I would also rather see MK and NPO argue about embassies than log in and see pages of poop porn. [/quote] We had more huge wars during the first 2 years of this game than in the following 3+ years because of the polarization. Personally that was the best part for me, 2 decently equal sides barking at each other in public until it was time to fight, then reload, and go at it again.
  8. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1290932593' post='2525224'] There's always "something going on", but rarely is it really anything but a tease to those involved. Believe me. [/quote] It has to start somewhere, and something going on is in itself an indication that alliances are trying to stir something up, not just MK. Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean things aren't happening. Anyway, 'night.
  9. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1290932354' post='2525221'] You'd be surprised. [/quote] The fact that you don't know what's going on just confirms the fact to me that you're the one who'd be surprised truth be told.
  10. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1290932077' post='2525212'] And...? I don't really contest that, even. But anyone who has to resort to saying that is conceding the point, really. [/quote] The method is valid if the overall situation is one that requires a side to garner support in order to fight, if one does not need it then why waste the effort? It's not really a slight at TORN, more saying that you can't rely on it when one side doesn't even need to start "acting friendly" to an alliance they normally wouldn't to.
  11. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1290931405' post='2525207'] Influence. Which they have, and your alliance certainly doesn't get a say over MK in this world. Eh, I don't care to dig around. If there really is drama going on amongst the Coalition of the Comfortable, I'm sure I'll learn about it via the method explained before. Never fails, and rarely teases. [/quote] I don't believe TORN is as of the importance as it once might have been truth be told.
  12. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1290929313' post='2525190'] If I turn out to be wrong on this I'll happily admit it. But not only have I seen no action...I haven't really even seen talk [/quote] Look in better places. [quote name='Chalaskan' timestamp='1290929563' post='2525194'] Are you implicating VE as "the one?" [/quote] VE clearly wants the old MK flag back.
  13. [quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1290928535' post='2525182'] Speaking from the perspective of the currently "underdog" side, for lack of a better word, I've been able to gauge the level of actual drama by this. I.E. the MK treaty drop thing didn't lead to any serious tension on "your" side, for lack of a better word, so the treaty catcalls remained silent and the embargo remained in place. Again, though, no one in the "comfortable" side has the ambition to shake things up and take a shot at something more. MK might have that ambition, but anyone else in a position to challenge MK within the Coalition of the Bored would rather suck up to them. Hence, stagnation. [/quote] I wouldn't say no one.
  14. [quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1290796107' post='2523884'] I like his attitude. You should recruit him. [/quote] I agree with this.
  15. [quote name='SWAT128' timestamp='1290822053' post='2524252'] Plan on starting any wars soon? [/quote] Sure
  16. If you can find out the identity of the person spying on you let me know and if we have some people in range in Celestial Being we'll try to help out.
  17. Can't say I've ever disliked TOOL or Mia, in fact I usually had a good time whenever I hung out in their irc channel. So good luck to TOOL in hopefully igniting the alliance up again into activeness and Mia in enjoying her solitude out of government.
  18. Seems like you guys finally picked one! Congrats ardus and welcome back archon.
  19. [quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1290378847' post='2519436'] Did Meow meow approve of this? [/quote] Encouraged it under the threat of a rusty foon.
  20. [quote name='Holy Ruler' timestamp='1290242278' post='2518106'] Seerow is upset that NPO still hates him. NPO doesnt care. Thats about all that is in this thread. [/quote] NPO doesn't care so much that they still demasked him because he left however many years ago. Aren't you a bright one
  21. I'm actually wondering if anyone will step up and be willing to create some more drama or if the rest of the leaders around here are actually that spineless that they will keep waiting while MK and NPO do their thing and then just jump in like a drone.
  22. I must say, the future finally looks a little promising. Here's hoping.
  23. MK steps up to stir some fun up on planet Bob and you guys still complain? I for one welcome an announcement like this and hope for more in the near future. This place has gotten stale.
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