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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1293503447' post='2555745'] What exactly do you hope to achieve by protecting unaligned nations?(Apart from a sense of moral superiority of course) I assume you looked into why he's been made a public raid target before jumping in with a notice of protection? [/quote] I really don't care about a sense of moral superiority, I've played this game as a raider before too. Right now I just want to help the people who are just trying to play the game their own way. I wouldn't say there's a goal to achieve this way except perhaps help us stop bleeding members like we have these last couple of years, but of course there are other factors that relate to that so we can't blame it on raiding. I just personally think if some people here want to fight so badly, they should find someone else who's willing and not pick on some innocent bystander. And no, but if there's a valid reason for someone to attack him then I'm more than willing to listen and if it's a good reason I'm willing to rescind the protection.
  2. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1293502985' post='2555738'] Might I ask why? [/quote] Because my alliance stands to do what it can against tech raiding and protecting unaligneds when we can. In this case we can, and we have informed him of what's going on. If after that period he still wants to remain unaligned then that's his choice and everyone can have their fun.
  3. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1293502487' post='2555732'] Stop throwing VE's power around, if they weren't protecting you you'd have been rolled five times over. You come off as really lame and there just to kill fun. [/quote] My intentions were clear when I made the alliance. If people want fun they can find someone else who wants to fight and attack that person instead of just triple teaming an unprotected nation like bullies.
  4. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1293501413' post='2555719'] Becoming a moralist has brought you to this level? Shame [/quote] A lot higher level than one who posts delegate logs on (that site where logs gets posted and is censored for some reason) and tries to posture on these forums about being "tough"
  5. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1293501068' post='2555714'] Did you seek permission from Carlos to extend this protection [/quote] No. Going to do something about it?
  6. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1293500538' post='2555703'] If i was in his range, id raid him 'cus $%&@ your protection [/quote] Haha talking tough again, just like in the BC thread. Edit: Zoomzoomzoom probably would, which is why I have some respect for him. As for wickedj..hahaha
  7. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1293497899' post='2555660'] Your alliance itself is protected by VE? This protection you keep handing out to everyone is beginning to smell like VE wants you to do it, get called on it, and then they can step in with PB with a "CB". VE/PB needs it to be nice and simple so treaties don't conflict. [/quote] I didn't talk with VE before protecting BC or this guy. But keep the conspiracy going. I like it.
  8. [quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1293496206' post='2555649'] Trying to make up for your past, eh? [/quote] Nope, not really.
  9. I've already messaged the nation and informed him of the protection and time limit on it, as well as his options available to him.
  10. That nation will be protected by Celestial Being for 7 days starting today.
  11. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1293484183' post='2555468'] Having said that, your post was honest and humble. It might not mean much, but I am impressed. [/quote] I agree, takes a man to admit that.
  12. [quote name='Timmehhh' timestamp='1293476843' post='2555385'] The best example of Sparta support would probably be in the second Unjust war. In this war they did a good job fighting TOP and IRON. They went in that war not really sure who could win it. NpO side was winning before the preemptive strike happened. After that that it became kinda one sided because several alliances like Genesis, NpO, STA, Nueva Vidia, 1 touch football and Carpe Diem peaced out their wars and ended up on the other side. While alliances like UPN and GLOF who were fighting for the NpO side went neutral after that attack. [/quote] It's called the Bi-Polar war.
  13. [quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1293431717' post='2555086'] No it isn't. On top of which, people have done plenty of things that didn't work while attempting to succeed. Just because it turned out to be a terrible idea doesn't prove that the people who came up with it didn't think it was an amazing idea. If you think that is the counter argument, then it means the argument you are making is that any time someone screws up they have an ulterior motive for their actions and it is impossible to just make mistakes. [b]Actually, it explains a lot if you really think that.[/b] [/quote] It really does actually.
  14. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1293426403' post='2555020'] If there was a nation in my range id raid the hell out of it just to see you squirm and call on other allies For those just arriving, ill summarize the thread for you. VE and RoK are protecting this alliance [/quote] Hahaha I love when people try to act tough.
  15. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1293393260' post='2554528'] Fair enough. Give us a ring if you need assistance. [/quote] Will do, thanks for the offer.
  16. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1293393082' post='2554524'] That's incredibly disrespectful to the dying alliance's wishes. Are they not entitled to determine their final fate? [/quote] They did determine it, it was to disband.
  17. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1293392773' post='2554516'] That's kind of a dick move, he wants to punish his former lazy members, why not let him? [/quote] Because I don't want to.
  18. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1293392560' post='2554513'] For arguments's sake, PotFace's reasoning behind the lack of protection is very well put: "No deposit, no return." Why do you believe that you should supercede his authority on this matter? [/quote] Because I can and want to.
  19. Celestial Being will be protecting the Blackstone Commission members for a period of 7 days beginning today. Do not raid.
  20. [quote name='Leigon' timestamp='1293157947' post='2552213'] The guy who chose to cancel it has communicated his regret already though, while you on the other hand are mostly smug about the way this all played out. I haven't heard a word of MK about feeling sorry to have put goons in this position. And denying that you foresaw some trouble to come out of the MK/TOP treaty seems ridiculous considering the name. [/quote] Why would MK feel sorry that they signed a treaty with an alliance they're friends with? GOONS has no issue with TOP, GOD does. Trying to put the blame on MK here is laughable, truth be told.
  21. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1293156575' post='2552199'] I love your replies in this thread, TOP has compeltely 180ed since BiPolar, but Polaris is to be held as contemptible as ever. [/quote] If we are to go only on old history from Bi-Polar and before, then my statements are spot on as TOP was more reliable back then than NpO. If we go to the modern time, then Xiphosis is holding a double standard to TOP. He has given NpO a chance to cozy up to him while denying that right to TOP. I consider Xiphosis a friend, but I can still see how he's being hypocritical.
  22. [quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1293153246' post='2552166'] I hate to say it and trust me I really [b]HATE[/b] to say it but Xiph was right here. GOONS does have some influence with MK and they could've easily piped up and said hey we don't feel comftorable with this treaty. Xiph had every right to cancel and now that his allies in VE are telling him he's ridiculous leads me to believe that they would pull a PC and back out of their treaty if a war came. [/quote] If you think VE would do that, you're sorely mistaken.
  23. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1293142805' post='2551991'] [color="#0000FF"]I'm sure many of you know of my strong dislike for GOD, but one thing I hate more than GOD is nonsense. MK's treaty with TOP is for a reason, and it is fairly obvious to all. I know it is not smart politics to come out and say the truth, but I've never been any good at politics. I make up for it by speaking the truth. You're gunning for NpO (well not you, but MK and TOP). It is no secret that Random isn't a fan of MK, and relations have been iffy between the two for awhile. With NpO no longer being part of MK's sphere, that puts them on the outside, and as a threat. TOP wants revenge for being played in BiPolar. It's obvious to everyone.[/color] [/quote] I don't believe MK is "gunning" for NpO. I think it seems obvious that NpO will be on the "other side" and everyone is preparing appropriately. TOP is an alliance which knows first hand not to trust NpO and also the friendship developed between MK and TOP isn't a farce. I was in MK months back when relations were starting to grow and I really do believe that they match up well together. Small knit group of powerful active nations reflects both of them well, and if you've been in the embassy on either end you'd come to understand they have become real friends.
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