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Everything posted by Dcrews

  1. Good Luck guys and have a fun war
  2. I have to say the last few were hilarious.
  3. Actually it looks pretty much the same. You guys are covering yourselves where you hold a disadvantage. The same could be said for Sparta. Under both circumstances a strategy was/is being implemented. Repeatedly calling it different doesn't make it true.
  4. No counter, not surprising. I am imagining there is political warfare going on in the DH camp trying to secure the resources needed before making their move. Then you have to throw in time to prepare target lists and such for a colossal amount of nations. Try to be a little patient, we'll get our global war. A member of DH was attacked, the most powerful one statswise mind you, they aren't going to take this sitting down. I look forward to when this war takes off.
  5. Been waiting for this war for a long time In the words of Bane, Let the games being. o/ war
  6. About time you guys put it on paper. /expected.
  7. [quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1358388115' post='3077792'] Throwing up your hands and saying "$%&@ it then" is not suffering, it is surrendering. Suffering would be trying to keep it together while simultaneously being abandoned by your allies and getting your heads kicked in. BFF members are being welcomed with opens arms all over the place and alliances are tripping over each other to let everyone know they're being protected. Few rulers could expect the support Ernesto (I'd call him Chax, but I don't have a good vibe with him) is getting after what he allegedly did. I won't disagree that this is a !@#$ situation, but suffering is preposterous. [/quote] Guess, I'll chalk this one up to difference in perspective. You're a third party spectator, I'm a third party spectator, difference is I actually have some history with the people we're discussing and was actually a member at some point in time. Considering that and actually talking to them, I can safely conclude that the ideal word is indeed suffering. Have you had your alliance put through the public spectacle BFF has? Have you had your alliance fall apart not once, but twice? Just because you have support doesn't mean you can't suffer. Yes, they have different AA's to go to, but changing AA' s isn't like changing a pair of socks. These dudes put a lot of time and hard work into building their alliance there is even an emotional element to consider. So yes, I consider the people in question to be suffering, because they are. Don't really feel like derailing the topic anymore than I already have. So I'll end it with this. Congratz to TTK and their new friends.
  8. [quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1358383827' post='3077775'] Let's not get carried away. [/quote] Nope, sounds about right
  9. Icwutudidther, easy way to avoid confusion is not to use the acronym associated with the particular alliance, but obviously considering the topic title, that was the last thing on your mind. Congratz
  10. Wow, that wasn't a knee jerk decision at all. I mean not to even take a few days to THINK about what you were about to do? That is the reason BFF failed, and you have no idea how sad that makes me to type those words. Good luck guys.
  11. Lord Bit please stop spamming the thread. Thank you.
  12. All Hail FEAR!!! god i love you guys. good luck.
  13. I guess this is the rumour I was warned about. Geez man.
  14. Completely understandable move. No complaints to be had.
  15. [quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1357961082' post='3075195'] It was more a lighthearted joke on the fact that you even went there concerning MK. How you even connected these two things is beyond me. It is either intense paranoia and hatred of MK, or just a general lack of intelligence. [/quote] Why don't i point you in the right direction. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1357938392' post='3074940'] MK: Private chats with MK/BFF gov, MK offers a solution of a limited engagement in the event that NEW hits NG, being that MK, NG, and NSO fight Kaskus, BFF and The International for 1 round of war. I decline this, pushing for 2 or 3 rounds. [/quote] I know insulting someone's intelligence is a favorite pastime of CN, but seriously dude. Don't assume so much, it makes you look silly [quote name='Sniper Joe' timestamp='1357960876' post='3075191'] Coming from the guy who pretty much wanted us to join Duckroll, I'll chalk this up to ideological posturing. [/quote] Yes, because not wanting to sit on DH's di#k = wanting to join DR. I will agree with you that I'd rather get closer to DR than DH any day of the week.
  16. [quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1357960169' post='3075184'] I see the tinfoil hats are being handed out early tonight. [/quote] Cannot build comprehensive/ related response, make underhanded joke. I expect no less.
  17. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1357945945' post='3075027'] That is the most contemptible thing I have read since 2010 my nation declared itself. Never in my life would I have thought to see you say this. You had every right to cancel on NEW, you had no right to negotiate a deal that would see you get early peace by offering up NEW on a platter. My god man, what happened to you guys?!?! [/quote] Agreed, as an ex member of FEAR and a founder of BFF, this is truly deplorable. Yes you were in a !@#$ situation, doesn't give you license to $%&@ over an ally. Figures the idea came from MK, those guys are pros at screwing allies over. However, i didn't know there were so influential to you. When are you planning on joining DH, looks like you'll fit in just fine What happened to you guys, I hardly recognize you.
  18. [quote name='thedon125' timestamp='1357873152' post='3074401'] [color=#000000][font=Arial]I am airing this because I am saddened by the treatment of our long-time ally, NEW. Gov of BFF, you cannot kick an ally to the curb and seriously expect good PR from the OWF, though I know that was your plan.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]As Stewie, MCRABBIT, and assorted other members of the OWF are alluding to, yes, within hours of this nonsense starting, certain gov members were on the phone with Brehon and assorted others trying to fix the war, to ensure BFF would walk out unscathed. If NEW were to have kicked off the war, BFF would have followed right after. NPO and NSO would counter BFF, and the expansion would end there. BFF would fight non-nuclear combat with NPO/NSO until our treaty obligation ended, then white peace would begin. ODN and INT would aidbomb us, while half of Bob dogpiled on NEW. I believe these diagrams show the picture well enough (I do not take credit for these, someone else made them, they may step forward if they want to take credit).[/font][/color] [url="http://imgur.com/a/6GK72"][color=#1155cc][font=Arial][u]http://imgur.com/a/6GK72[/u][/font][/color][/url] [color=#000000][font=Arial]]Much of the nonsense was kicked off when we queried vibi from NEW, to get the story. Unfortunately, English is not vibi’s strong point, so out of the gate, we made some rather dumb assumptions “NEW is just trying to kick off a huge war, NEW is planning to drag us down with them, NEW has been conspiring against us all along!!!!”[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]Then, coekrix came online later that evening, and lo and behold, none of that was really true (coekrix has far better English skills, and so it is much easier to figure out what he is saying). The aidbomb was a spur of the moment decision on NEW’s part, and yes, they did expect to get countered by someone. NEW likes their war, what can I say. However, they would not have pulled us in to burn unless we were on-board. They actually asked us (FEAR/BFF) to stay out during NEW-DF, and I have no doubts that they would have done the same here. NEW is not, and has never been manipulative, and to treat them as we did is despicable.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]<coekrix[NEW]> it's not only bout NEW[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]<coekrix[NEW]> but BFF as well[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]<coekrix[NEW]> we will end this war[/background][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]<coekrix[NEW]> NEW has to help kaskus[/background][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]<coekrix[NEW]> but NEW doesn't wanna BFF got crushed too[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]<coekrix[NEW]> we have to think bout you[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]<coekrix[NEW]> coz this isn't bout NEW self[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]<coekrix[NEW]> it's started because third party, which is K[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]<coekrix[NEW]> if this is only bout NEW of BFF, we won't think twice [/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]Clearly, NEW is a bunch of puppetmasters.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]NEW, if you still choose to go in, know that your former BFF’s have alerted all the wolves and baited a trap just for you. You’ll be in for a tough fight, though I suppose that’s what ya’ll enjoy.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]Chax, please remove my name from the OP of this conversation. You know as well as I do that I wanted to give NEW a proper send-off, not this garbage.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]NEW, in my opinion, you have always been steadfast allies. Sure you have a thirst for war, but you have always stood by us. If we ever needed your help, you were always among the first to respond, and we have truly let you guys down. Besides, you made Bob interesting for us, and it is unfortunate to see this tie cut in this manner. You deserved us to go in guns blazing, even if we still canceled after 7 days. None of this “fixed war” nonsense. Even cutting the treaty and saying “you violated the spirit of the treaty, we will not protect you” would have been more courteous.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]BFF has clearly abandoned the values that made the bloc great, and today is a sad day in CN for me.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]--[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]TheDon125[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]-Former Trium of FEAR[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]-Former dMoFA of Europa[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial]-Former Trium of BFF[/font][/color] [/quote] If this is true today surely is a sad day. I fear that if i write much more I'll go on a rant so I'll keep it short. BFF, I am disappoint.
  19. Please don't let this dumb war escalate any further. Think of the children.
  20. It's unfortunate this couldn't be resolved peacefully. Good luck chaps.
  21. Yosh's return shall be celebrated bi-annually.
  22. Gratz to the elected, though it is sad to see no Hobbies
  23. [quote name='hormones74' timestamp='1356826147' post='3069263'] You first and I'll follow your lead with a DoW. [/quote] As much as I would love to keep these no u's going, this thread has seen enough of them already. C-C-C -Combo breaker!
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