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Everything posted by Dcrews

  1. This is the type of crap I was refering to. Brehon said he doesn't trust TOP, somewhere between that print and the spin that goes on in your political perspective comes out he was afraid we'd get fooled. *sigh Tackling your second point, Ai has a number of alliances on them, if you're in The Clique, I'm sure you can appreciate their circumstance.
  2. Good luck Pacifica. To those of you who are trying to paint this DoW as some type of Pacifian power grab or insertion are stupid. That or you are pitting your best propagandist uniform. This DoW was made because a Pacifian ally request for it, nothing more nothing less. We have heard from the horses mouth that the Eq alliances's on this front competence was not the reason nor was it due to a false wish of Pacifica wanting to butt in. Now, can we stop with this crap, you're bringing our collective IQ's down.
  3. Wasn't here for UJW so I have no base for comparison.
  4. Difference between UJP and DH politics.
  5. Hopefully, they made those nations at home O_O
  6. In my eyes "clearly" is one of the most ill equipped words to describe the current conflict.
  7. I believe iamthey made a pretty good explanation of Ag's motives, so i won't speculate on that. Most people interpret events through their political lens, I'll say that will have more of an impact on history than any tertiary alliance. Edit- Back on topic, Quality or quality? That is the question. How about execution, that will determine the winner.
  8. That was a heinous mischaracterization of the situation it may be your opinion, but it's not very accurate. Ag-TOP split was due to diverging paths, no one hopped off a side and no one was backstabbed. Times moves to forward, circumstances change and the cancellation was a result of that.
  9. Their coalition name is Clique.
  10. Honest mistake, but you never publicly disagree with ze Emperor.
  11. The Clique is obviously the best choice.
  12. Much like other parties in this war, some nations are switching AA's temporarily
  13. And on the 11th day look to the east. Good job NG, bout time you guys decided what you were doing.
  14. [quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1358880104' post='3083840'] Except it wasn't a choice *we* made. When PF was signed, we already had MK as an ally. Back then, it didn't seem to bug out anyone. In the process, however, some of the PF/IRON signatories decided that they disliked MK more and more. We didn't see any reason to hate on MK, if that hate wasn't also shared on Umbrella or NG, two of MK's most "evil" partners in crime. For some reason, PF and/or IRON would largely keep ties to Umb-NG until the end but would clamor that MK was the most evil thing since viceroys. We didn't share that analysis. Changes in governments in PF (OMFG disbanding, Gräms and Argent having internal changes) meant that we were headed to a clash of ideas. We didn't choose an ally over another. We chose a path over another. We held - and still hold, despite some people's most gracious efforts - no ill will towards our former bloc mates or ex-allies in IRON. [/quote] Its true that you'd already signed with MK by the time PF was founded, and I doubt that if the sigs had any qualms about MK at the time, it wouldn't have been signed, However, Project Mayhem Accords had a supremacy clause, which the MK treaty lacked. With that in mind PF should have been your priority, the comments of the rest of your former bloc mates doesn't seem to support the idea that it was, hence the bloc's disbandment. edit-gmr
  15. Dcrews


    Its To be fair it's been gone for while. You have your friendly neighborhood shroom to thank for the current political climate and the death of "sportsmanship"
  16. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1358875126' post='3083780'] They also screamed that peace mode is a tactic and refused to accept any points to the contrary. When we use it as a legitimate tactic, the "lol peace mode" jokes are endless. A tactic is to delay a front until you're ready. Cowardice is to hide an entire tier from enemy attacks for two or three wars in a row. [/quote] Same could be said for you guys who painted those using pm was cowardly, and now profess that it is a legitimate tactic . Until your strategy comes to fruition, you could just be spouting hot air. Whats to say that the past use of pm you are referencing was an attempt to save what upper tier they had in prep for the day of reckoning where they would come in handy. I'd say that would be a pretty boss strategy if I do say so myself. Point is peace mode jokes are dumb. Although what your side is doing is equally dumb considering the CN's recent history.
  17. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1358873154' post='3083756'] But we never considered dropping MK, and that seems to be the whole reason we are no longer allies. [/quote] I think it was more of TOP putting more value into their MK treaty over their bloc (which had a priortiy clause) and their long time allies in IRON. You guys were simplify in love with MK, thats fine, but then you can't fault your other 5 or 6 allise from feeling negative towards that especially when they had been with you for some time. It was obvious that if it came to PF/IRON or MK, you'd chose MK.
  18. War is real. Good luck gents, for this is the stage fit for great feats. o/ war
  19. Finally the war we've all been waited for, its gonna be a blast. Good luck gents. o/
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