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Unknown Smurf

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Everything posted by Unknown Smurf

  1. SNX was left with a core of battle hardened nations; a fact that you realized because they were being raided by you guys shortly after being curbstomped. Once you realized this you saw they were more of a benefit to you as an ally (due to the fact that they were small enough and fighting back enough to make the raiding not worth it). Them being led by a completely moron that was desperate enough to actually agree to sign with you was just icing on the cake. Nothing altruistic on your part.
  2. How do you choose who is given an invitation to join the mod team? I would personally accuse the recent appointments to be politically motivated and would like to request senior mod staff look at them.
  3. Walsh was deleted for having two nations. But the second nation was like his girlfriends or something.
  4. [ooc]Lets keep the SRA stuff to the other dozen threads on the topic. [/ooc] I can't make y'all do that and nor can you make the others but meth/sig if you just don't post here again about it I'm sure the smurth derailers will leave.
  5. My mistake then. Rumor mill said y'all were disbanding and I saw you didn't have an AA in-game. Made an assumption I shouldn't have.
  6. I'm sure that 20million will make eternity come quick. EDIT: 99million *** LD you could've just let this go. Everyone even most of III% agrees you were in the wrong for sanctioning him for no reason. I mean I know its like hes an idiot to the rest of the world and you feel you can get brownie points by just going against him, but cmon. You would've been a million times better off just ignoring him. Methrage: 1 LD: 0. III%: -3 EDIT2: Added III% to that scoreboard. Just heard they are disbanded over this stupid shit. Wow. Really LN cant do anything against you, I reckon y'all would've been a million times better off just ignoring him.
  7. I've tried at all hours of the day and different browsers/Internet. Tried different laptops, smartphone and tablet. I normally use Chrome. Had no issues with wars prior to 5 days ago It says cn is too busy to process my request. I've tried at many different times through out the day as well.
  8. For those that are unaware I have not been able to access my 'war and battles' page for approximately five days now... every other function on my nation works I've pm and email the proper authorities but I've got no response. I guess the fact that I have no donations on record means they can take their time responding. I'm sure the bug will be fixed as soon as my war ends... meanwhile my attackers have no issues. There is a line between having an unfair advantage due to superior diplomacy and blatant cheating. Alleged multis nonwithstanding I think this crossed said line. I am done with this world. I have no shout outs because those that deserve them know where to find me. I applaud those behind this as well because surely nobody will believe me when I post this... greatest trick Satan ever pulled was convincing us he didn't exist..m
  9. I think that LD had a negative perspective of Methrage for whatever reason going into this (warranted or not, irrelevant) and was rash with decisions regarding the original sanction. I think her alliance mates supported her (because they are stalwart fellows) causing this to be an issue when it shouldn't be. LD feels attacked and if she admits a wrongdoing it will feel like a defeat and that is not something she knows because she is a proud soul. While this is an admiral characteristic found on both sides of this conflict, I think it is one we need to bite the bullet on. This is a stupid issue, we all know that. III% you know you're in the wrong, don't be arrogantly prideful.. just admit the mistake. Pride does come before the fall and I don't mean that as a threat.. just saying. Don't be mi6.
  10. I urge others to take peace as my plight is longstanding beyond this current conflict but I know it will fall on deaf ears. I have little to add but I wanted to highlight this underappreciated post. From this day to the end of days you have my sword. But I think you knew that.
  11. I think private channels would be a good avenue to explore before this goes any further here bud. Also a less hostile tone could do wonders. Though, as always, you are your own person and free to make whatever decision you believe to be best.
  12. Her "guiding" was her just telling him not to run for Senate (despite his admin given right to do so) and his "farting" was him running for Senate anyways.. Eh I'll be honest, I think Methrage handled this a little poorly but the bottom line is that BC could've easily just outvoted him or been happy holding 4 seats (if that's all they could muster the votes for) but they instead decided to sanction and attack him and make this into a PR nightmare.. Whose decision it ultimately was to do this is the answer I'm interested in though. I know III% appears to be the face of this but considering my experience with them I think that is more because of an itchy trigger finger rather than decisions with actual malicious intent. I hope cooler heads prevail but then again I thought they did when we all realized this was a misunderstanding from previous SNX govt.. but here we are.
  13. 60%s toward our low end.. summer vaca to expiring deals to me dropping AA (since I usually have close to 100% aid slot eff) makes it currently lower than it normally is.
  14. We should not condemn the sheep for doing what sheep do but applaud Doomsphere for consistently getting their biggest detractors to do their bidding.
  15. Telling in what way? I thought our economy was terrible but 21st for a 20 man AA is pretty good
  16. Tl;dr: we claimed brown. Now someone else is trying to claim it so we're attacking them. Stupid jerk(s) tryna claim our shit.
  17. He messaged people not on his AA asking for votes so BC sanctioned and attacked him. Or something like that. Stupid maroon is so boring. I don't even know who our senators are but I hate all of them
  18. Considering you were the first to quote my post ITT determined that was a lie.
  19. My opportunism comment was a nod to the parallel nature of the comments ITT and the 'opportunism' one. I'm truly sorry that the only way you can maintain the semblance of control you have over your sphere is painting me as the boogeyman but anyone who pays attention (which is admittedly very few) knows the score. I will agree with you though, you reap what you sow.
  20. I have nothing beyond that they did not believe this was an issue because atlas didn't give them reason to believe they were that miffed. I know what youre gonna say: they should *know* better.. but take a gander at world affairs. There's many leaked screenshots that never have repercussions. Not saying that makes it right but it justifies MInc being oblivious to atlas' war preperation considering no contact from Atlas
  21. Please show me where I complained? Your rage is hilarious though.
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