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Commander shepard

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Blog Comments posted by Commander shepard

  1. I would say I was depressed but I don't have normal expectations so either I am eternally depressed or I'm not depressed and never was depressed.

    Ultimately everyone's mind works different, if I was simply a normal/different person I could be more susceptible to depression or at least the really negative bits.

    Although when I was a teen (16) I gave my life a lot of thought going into the future and I think I came to accept whatever happens happens.

    From the way you describe it a dark cloud will always be over you no matter how much time pasts. I don't know a lot about causes but I think most peoples depression aren't quite like yours and it isn't as simple.

  2. New nations now get 2 million which would have being helpful when I started.

    More things can be done but the game is already improving for new nations.

    "Y'all are simple minded creatures. You don't see what I'm offering. $%&@ u guys. Hey admins, I was going to help but these !@#$@#$ morons deny me. For that I spit in their !@#$@#$ faces."

    What exactly are you offering? I need details because all I saw were ramblings about how great you are.

  3. To the contrary, with all the crazy chains going around these days, it was a fun exercise to guess his alliance. It's not like UPN, VE and LoSS fight alongside each other every war, after all. (I ended up getting it right though, yay!) Replies to this blog with unlikely combinations of opponents would be kinda cool.

    I can't check, but he is Non grata? I think it's only way that combination is possible.

    If anything it is interesting.

  4. So GPA, the largest alliance in the game who also happen to be neutral, are not active? This literally makes no sense at all. Regardless this isn't IRL, so nice red herring but it is irrelevant.

    They may be active but I specifically said "super active".

    That was not really a remark about a particularly alliance but more of a observation about neutrality and such in general, TDO was not exactly super active either.

    The other part is actually very relevant.

  5. The thing you need to understand is that the micro's, neutrals and the players with no alliance are there for a reason and it is not because they're super active.

    You're not going to rally people who don't want to fight into a fight against impossible odds.

    While the idea is cute. it is a fantasy situation.

    CN is a virtual environment and that restricts how much you care and how it effects you.

    In a real world situation I'm sure you could raise support for causes if there was good enough reasons being supplied.
    But a real life comparison of what you're doing is comparable to trying to start a revolution by inciting disabled and brain dead people.

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