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The evils of Viceroyism

We study history to learn, and improve, ourselves, and our alliances, and the cybververse. In our studies we have always noticed that the NPO inflicts the cruelest, most inhumane punishments on its conqured foes. What iare these punishments you ask? It is simple. Most aliances, having declared their victory, simply ask for reparations. The most honorable alliances (such as those of the CoaLUEtion) ask only for an apology and peace to the turmoil. But no, glory hogs such as the NPO and thei



The NPO- the menace and the threat

History as we know it is a series of event that must be studied, to produce tangible effects. We make our prognoses based on what we have seen in the past. And we hold people ACCOUNTABLE for their past actions. The NPO's atrocities are numerous, as we can all agree. What we can't agree on, these cybernations nations, is that the NPO is RESPONSIBLE for the destruction of many nations/alliances/NAAC. In the aftermath of the "THIRD GREAT WAR" the NPO claimed total victory of the bob. but this



The Many offenses of the NPO

This HEGEMONY, the NPO, must be held accountable for their atrocious actions throughout the years. Why are they still the major power in this, the world? Who is responsible for their rise to power? The answer is the gang of crooks that has run this organization since its inception, and a weak cybernations that have allowed the NPO to do what it wants while never holding them accountable. Why does one alliance get an entire trading sphere to itself? Hear me, those who are ready to start the



Who is responsible?

We study history to see the reason behind these wars. The tragedy, of MH17 can't be understated. Who is responsible? We need to hold the state of the Netherlands responsible for their atrocity. Where is the force behind the UN? Where is the moral indignation> These events are allowed to happen to give RUSSIA the WAR that it desires. The stataed intention here, to destroy the Baltic states, and subject the MUSLIMS to the scapegoat experience.



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