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Everything posted by Aeros

  1. [quote name='President S O' timestamp='1341620862' post='3005306'] It's not a threat. FYI, there is a war going on. [/quote] Oh I know, I got my skull throne parked out on the lawn where I am sitting back, relaxing, having a few brews and watching the nuclear glow on the horizon.
  2. [quote name='President S O' timestamp='1341618010' post='3005250'] Woah, this was so.. not even funny. Have fun getting stomped. [/quote] Carrying this threat out would be...ill advised.
  3. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1341528188' post='3004235'] Which supercoolyellow is the biggest awful thinker? [/quote] From what I have noticed about supercoolyellow over these past few days, I have a sneaking suspicious supercoolyellow is the biggest awful thinker.
  4. [quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1341506188' post='3004003'] Even though the person who posted this announcement is in Peace Mode, which is kind of avoiding the conflict, I guess. [/quote] Well, then let it not be said he does not avoid his ALLIANCE taking a beating.
  5. Well, let it not be said you don't avoid a beating
  6. Oh look, Rotavale is posting again.
  7. I don't think sincerity of an apology or guilt admission really matters. What matters is you were able to impose your will on someone else and force them to publicly say something they don't believe. That's worth something, and after going through all the trouble fighting a war its a fairly minor something to gain. Personally I think any reps or punishments depends on the circumstances.
  8. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1341354373' post='3002785'] As for being "puppets" if you can't read a criticism without condensing it into something which it isn't, I can't help you with that problem. The fact of the matter is that several members of Mj had a bone to pick with SF/Xiph, and in order to get your petty revenge you allowed yourselves to become a tool of Ardus/MK. That is a fact and a truth, and if you can't own up to it or stand to hear it, then I'm sorry to inform you there are no time machines, so you'll just have to get used to it. A year later, you played your part in the "hard fought victory but still marginalized" plan very well in order to get that petty revenge, and in return you find yourselves the subject of C&G paranoia. Take it from me, friend: watch your butts. [/quote] Oh, so other people can have grudges but not us? Maybe you got it all wrong. Maybe MJ et al manipulated MK into destroying SF and this entire war is the culmination of our evil plans! Seriously, saying we are tools because we don't do what you want is moronic. And I don't see any pressing reason for us to watch our butts more then we are now. If someone wants to take a pass at us, they are more then welcome to try. I am bored out of my skull right now and am just itching to add more casualties to my list.
  9. [quote name='smurthwaite' timestamp='1341350569' post='3002755'] Aeros, you sig is pure win. [/quote] Not one I made unfortunately, but the artist who did is quite talented
  10. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1341347601' post='3002717'] Like SF itself, Mjolnir, and others before you, you've not just ignored, but allied the true threat and are doing its dirty work. [/quote] It should be noted that SF seemed to have a fixation with MJ too. How big it was we may never know, but there was some bad blood there and Xiphs posting on the day MJ was declared certainly did nothing to improve the tensions we all knew existed between SF and MJ. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1308533779' post='2735266'] Oh, I can't at all let this one go. I mobilized my alliance to roll Ragnarok's enemies on less notice than 24 hours on multiple occasions. I did this out of love, and loyalty, and because Hoo and you and others had no one else that could have your back in that way. I watched MA come into being and I safeguarded and watched over it like a hawk, making absolutely sure no one got within inches of it without feeling a great deal of pain. I hesitated in welcoming RoK to SF due to your CDT ties but very, very rapidly made a brother in Hoo - someone that had a little more swagger, and a little more carelessness - than most of SF. Someone I could enjoy, and did enjoy, many years of politicking and warring with. And always, ever always, RoK behind him. His baby. Kait can ruin it. You can tell lies. But neither of you can claim with a straight face that we dragged you on stupid errands. The stupid things SF did, as others consider them to be, were usually done with the full consent of all involved - and usually spearheaded by me/GOD and Hoo/RoK. After he left, if anything, you [i]personally[/i] were the one supporting and egging on stupid moves - as attacking UINE would have been, as it would've handily destroyed your own ally and their entire sphere. You, more than anyone, told Ego that was a good idea and should be done immediately. You, who instead of having your allies back, didn't even know who to contact in Polar when it came time to bring them into the mediation and back up UINE's stupidity. [b]I[/b] had to go get people. Because I actually know Polar, and you just played at being their ally while stabbing them in the back. I don't know how you proverbially get out of bed in the morning, but I'm glad it's no longer mine. Honestly. [/quote] Definitely a great way to give a new bloc a warm fuzzy by going all emo on one of the signatories. The SF/MJ was one that was in the cards from day 1, and everyone here knows this. I also find your assertion that Valhalla et al are nothing more then MK puppets amusing. If we were really MK puppets, then C&G would not be doing everything in their power to prevent INT from breaking with the game plan and drawing us into the war. I must confess, INT's willingness to burn their reputation to avoid conflict with the vikings might give me more pride, if it was not obvious it was a self serving move to stick with one bloc of friends at the expense of others. No doubt in the future they won't make so many treaties, or at the very least, other people won't make treaties with INT.
  11. And so the circle is complete.
  12. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1341325659' post='3002518'] Read thread, then post. [/quote] If NPL wanted to tango, they did not need GOD to give them a veneer of legality. I should point out this strict adherence to "the rules" is partly why GOD is burning brightly right now.
  13. Very principled, moral, and honorable stand GOD. Though I should point out that neither of those three factors play into the wisdom or practicality of the act. With Non Grata and NPO banging down your door, what good does adding INT do? Also, you have not launched one offensive attack that I can see with my cursory check of the war declare screens. This whole thread just screams "drunken rage" to me. Much like Unknown Smurfs declaration of intent for Aurora Borealis. I hope Xiph at least touched base with his alliance before declaring a war he clearly has no ability to prosecute.
  14. [quote name='President Kuse' timestamp='1341166168' post='3001243'] What is dead may never die. [/quote] Does not live either. Which is kinda pointless.
  15. Good luck to my friends in Oceania. May VE come to know the love of their Big Brother.
  16. I don't really think this is the thread for this, but I should point I have never been put out of commission. (War is an option for Empire of Chyrellos since 5/25/2011.) Your opinions are your own, mine are mine. We could argue all day and never reach an agreement. But from where I am sitting, it seems SF has not recovered from the last war, and from where you are sitting its clear you think the same.
  17. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1340856901' post='2999024'] Stopped reading here. That's how you know you're doing it wrong. [/quote] I like to think I have a good rapport with the people I have fought in the past. I have no qualms about admitting when I have lost. Sniper Joe kicked my butt in (ooc) tournaments(/ooc). He taught my alot to be honest. The mistakes a made in my first war with him and the lessons drawn from that served me well in the second, and I told him as much. By that same token though, I won't hide my disappointment at his sour grapes over the Grudge War, and dare I point out, he's now on the side of the coalition massacring his old alliance.
  18. [quote name='Sniper Joe' timestamp='1340854193' post='2998988'] Words [/quote] You know, I had you down for a cool guy, but I suppose my opinion was missplaced. You certainly took me reducing you to near ZI in the grudge war in stride, and I don't recall being particularly gloating about it. But you really are bringing the A-Hole out in me. When i declared war on you, we were about the same Nation strength. When I was done you had lost most of your tech, and had less then 100 infra. I went on to bigger and better wars and you crawled into peace mode. But by all means butter cup, keep saying I don't know what I am doing.
  19. [quote name='Sniper Joe' timestamp='1340852261' post='2998961'] The !@#$ you believe is just hilarious to me. [/quote] You know, I am really trying to be sympathetic to you guys. The former MJ Alliances are stronger now then they were a few months ago. Superfriends is a shattered remnant. I take no pleasure in your annihilation. Indeed, I find it rather disdainful to see other people taking advantage of my work. You guys are in no position for arrogance. Indeed, I would say your goose is cooked. Its time you guys acknowledge that and act accordingly before the vultures tear what remains of you apart.
  20. Why should MK stop? After all, SF got ran through the meat grinder by Mjolnir a few months back while all MK and Doomhouse did was spend a few days trashing maroon. At this point SF has no ability to defend themselves since we pretty much left them a smoking crater at the end of the Grudge War. Everyone knows all this talk about Dave is a fig leaf. The real reason this war happened is because SF had terrible foreign policy, lost their last war badly, and has remained weak and vulnerable since. SF really has no bargaining power, because they have no power. IMO, people should just be more honest, tell it like it is, and launch the nukes.
  21. [quote]thing i did: got valhalla to believe they were under imminent threat of rolling so they hit mass peace, then got xiphosis to take all the blame thus setting the foundation for the MJ-SF rivalry[/quote] I've never seen Valhalla go to "mass peace mode". If somebody wants to attack us, we relish the idea. Also, if memory serves it was Xiphosis being less then diplomatic that got MJ and SF off on the wrong foot. Though from what I understand there was some bad blood to begin with predating my time here on Bob.
  22. Dolan seems to once again be beating on poor old Gooby. Somebody think of the Goslings!
  23. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1340500288' post='2993944'] Nice misdirects, but it's pretty pointless. The fact is that the public statements very rarely match the back room maneuvering. Of course your gov is going to plead ignorance, now that your little plan failed. But everything comes out in the end. :> [/quote] WC has figured out our evil plans. Or....has he? [img]http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/21635889.jpg[/img]
  24. [quote name='Custodian' timestamp='1340490671' post='2993866'] [img]http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/6356/antinorsigborderantifa5.png[/img] [/quote] Oh god, this makes me LOL, though the symbol of the dude with the boot too face needs a change.
  25. This statement is a terrible one for a MoFA to post, and you should feel terrible for posting it.
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