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Everything posted by Aeros

  1. This entire conflict has turned into a total sausage fest.
  2. It really does depend on the kind of Sausage I think. For instance, Spiced sausages last much longer then bland sausages due to the preserving effect of Capsaicin. However, those clever guys at Nordreich also figured out ways to make dried sausage, kinda like a jerky almost, and I understand that it could last for a very long time too. Of course, both are quality meats, not like the sweepings from the factory floor they usually sell in grocery stores for 5 dongs a pack. For those, there is always the freezer.
  3. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1340216025' post='2990306'] Of course you're going to defend your ally here, but come on. [/quote] One would think defending allies is the whole point of having an alliance.
  4. [quote name='Anarquista' timestamp='1340215855' post='2990299'] you are ignorant, there are no leaders [/quote] Apparently not. This seems to be one of the most obvious facets about LSF right now.
  5. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1340215371' post='2990283'] Oh so LSF wasn't [i]sincere[/i] enough. I see now, thanks for clearing that up. Your wit never ceases to amaze me. [/quote] Apparently not. Of course, LSF was never in any bargaining position since they clearly have no friends. IRON could have dictated whatever terms they wanted under the present circumstances. 200 tech and an apology seems quite light for an alliance with no allies impersonating a sanctioned alliances leader.
  6. This is what can be so obnoxious about Bob's community some times. People come on here to participate and immediately everyone assumes they are government officials who are speaking policy. Its a real stifling effect. Based on some of his posts here and in other threads, I could argue Mushroom Kingdom has it out for Valhalla because World Conqueror implies it. But I'm not stupid enough to say that World Conqueror speaks for the Kingdoms government so I just assume he's mouthing off like Hal was. I don't think we have seen anyone from Val insulting MK because of what World Conqueror is saying, so forgive me if I (Personally, as in me) find it annoying to see this thread being used as an excuse to bash Val. Seriously. There are thousands of nations on Bob and only a few of them have any authority over the alliance groupings. Its stupid to try and argue that all of those nations are lock step with their alliance policies and that they are all ambassadors for their foreign ministry. They are not. Trying to argue otherwise only stifles community participation. Which is tragic because most of the time shooting the breeze with other nation rulers is the only thing to do besides polishing nukes in the hope that one day you get to fire them. Also, I am not in Val's government either and do not speak for Valhalla, since apparently there is an unwritten rule around here that we have to up front about that before us peons get the privilege to open our mouths and crash this little debate club.
  7. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1340078117' post='2988459'] then you are incredibly dense [/quote] Product of getting nuked 30 times in the space of a few weeks I guess.
  8. [quote name='alyster' timestamp='1340077325' post='2988408'] Not surprising this comes from Val. [/quote] I'm not sure what you are trying to imply here.
  9. I suppose rolling the neutrals would be a way for Umbrella to burn NS in a "Constructive" manner.
  10. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1340035483' post='2987722'] Honestly, there are plenty of nations they could fight. It's not really dead weight unless you're not willing to ever leverage it in a significant fashion. I can think of one alliance they really dislike that's very big, and would have plenty of nations in range but they're not willing to rock the boat to do it. [/quote] Which brings everything full circle.
  11. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1340034199' post='2987696'] I'll be honest, I wasn't sure how much it would lower their NS. Sucks for them I guess. If they can't get any action in this war I doubt they'll ever see any (if they continue to grow). [/quote] Methinks the only solution is Umbrella disbanding. Being serious. They have, what, 40% of the entire games population above 100k NS? There is no way they will ever fight enough alliances where they could engage that many 100k NS nations. TBH all the power is just dead weight if it can't be used. Victims of their own success.
  12. OP is a disgrace to Rogues everywhere.
  13. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1340026697' post='2987601'] You could. It's called kicking retards out. [/quote] Valhalla likes allowing its members to participate in the community. There really is nothing else to do when we are not raiding and pillaging our foes. I'm glad I am part of an alliance that allows its members to be a part of the larger community rather then demand they sit in the corner and let their betters talk for them.
  14. [quote name='Viluin' timestamp='1340026602' post='2987599'] And when is the GPA going to be involved in a war? Yeah, exactly. Maybe when the game shuts down. [/quote] So then, make them work for their money. With 6 Billion you could nuke turret them for months. Knowing GPA they will probably pay you to go away after awhile.
  15. You're going about this the wrong way dude. Rather then whining, you should create your own one man alliance, post a DoE in the Alliance announcements and declare war on your foes in the name of some deity or ideal. With 6 Billion you can wage war for months and then piggy back on a peace treaty when your enemies get into a war with their enemies. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/OP-GOD_War
  16. here we go, proudly made in 3 min. [img]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd479/Aeros86/DolandCG.png[/img]
  17. True, but it seems defending 0 day seniority members is in vogue these days.
  18. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1339969970' post='2986644'] Good luck. [/quote] I don't think NoR needs much luck at this point.
  19. [quote name='alyster' timestamp='1339877461' post='2985925'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OQWhM.gif[/img] [/quote] Shear quality.
  20. Would be mindlessly annoying to keep track. Tech levels change all the time.
  21. [quote name='Anarquista' timestamp='1339773239' post='2984836'] well i guess there is one question, where? [/quote] Do you have any idea how many alliances want to destroy you right now? I would be willing to bet its not just those allied with Nordreich.
  22. I believe it means that GOD has turned its eye upon the Kingdom of Mushroom, and find it full of Wickedness and Vice. Or something like that. But the Kingdom of Mushrooms knows not GOD, and instead worship Allarchon, or some such deity.
  23. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1339722370' post='2984176'] you'd be amazed how many would like to do this, to completely wipe out the world. [/quote] This sounds like an initiative I can get behind.
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