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Everything posted by Gloin

  1. Congrats BFF, and good luck to the newly elected.
  2. Congrats Impero on a well earned retirement. Best of luck to Goldie and WC!
  3. A treaty between two alliances I'm fond of makes me happy. Congrats all around!
  4. Nice stuff guys, congrats! Especially to Chaos and Walling, although I'm sure the rest of them are swell too!
  5. So much awesome right here. Congrats TAE, you've definitely earned it!
  6. I'm glad zoom decided to stay. We would surely miss his antics.
  7. Also can someone please wake this guy up http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=271889 I feel like this war would be more fun if people in Fark fought back.
  8. I blame Fark's pitiful upper tier for this.
  9. I'll always cherish the memories we share at your embassy on our forums.
  10. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1340167025' post='2989715'] Go. $%&@. Yourselves. [/quote] [quote name='killjoy123' timestamp='1340167881' post='2989760'] I got half a mind to join CSN and kick the !@#$ out of MK's !@#$% lower tier. [/quote] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120404161726/walkingdead/images/thumb/9/9b/Watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png/620px-Watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png[/img] Seriously guys, nut up or shut up.
  11. You make me sick! Edit: Well at least [b]somebody[/b] posted something today
  12. The Super villain sigs are my favorite so far, although there are some good ones so far.
  13. Poor Umbrella...they're going to get so bored with your pitiful top tier.
  14. Congrats to an awesome ally... even if Rush's memory problems caused him to forget my name in his special list! o/
  15. So you were in such a hurry to create this alliance that you didn't bother to get a protectorate? I guess you really did want to get out before the war comes.
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