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Lord Hershey

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Everything posted by Lord Hershey

  1. I see Tywin Lannister making a way into the Senate, I have no doubt he will bring Supernova X a brighter future tomorrow. Congratulations, Supernova X, for your fine establishment on Planet Bob.
  2. Still waiting for subtitles. ;_;
  3. Then I would highly recommend that you address your concerns directly to PECS.
  4. How is Bones exactly out of the line, Rey? He issued a warning, LSF nations started taunting, then you know the rest.
  5. Lmao, I think this Polar member, DaFuzzy, is definitely on a good start on becoming my number one favorite NpO member already. :D
  6. Holy shit, the Berber sighting.
  7. It's okay, Auctor, you're not the only person who feels that way.
  8. Tywin, accept the fact that DBDC is an alliance consisted of extraterrestrials. They have arrived to Planet Bob since last year.
  9. To further support Artigo's supposedly "warrior race":
  10. Why are you hiding in peace mode again?
  11. Congrats, NoR and TTE. I have a feeling that Gatorback05 is going to be sad when he hears of this announcement.
  12. You might want to get your facts straight on that last part. Da Dreadlord and Defenderland (both non-PECS senators) are two of three senators who voted yes for the immigration proposal. Bones voted without PECS' consent and that mistake surely won't happen again. For future references, name calling won't get you anywhere.
  13. I echo this sentiment. And what Steve Buscemi said.
  14. Here is the answer you have been looking for since the rebirth of DBDC.
  15. Where's Alchemy on this? I know Alchemy has taken the most damage of all, I think?
  16. Congratulations! It's nice to see a friendship glowing between TPC and ODN. :)
  17. This thread was going so well until someone who shall not be named decided to post here and spewed negativity. Congratulations, SoD and SaS. I wish you all of the best by spending together nuking some foes.
  18. Behold the Global Stability! All hail infra!
  19. Keep up good work with charity donations, bros, appreciate you doing this annually. I'd definitely contribute substantial amount of money when I am in a good financial position. :> I just wanted to say that it's asinine that people are derailing this meaningful and well-intended thread based on the OP's association with questionable, unique people, in which I am very humble to be part of!
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