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Kubla Khan

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Everything posted by Kubla Khan

  1. Cool story i knew about this when i read the OP
  2. this is an awesome bloc and I loved the story. <- Wrote 3 days ago and forgot to click "post", feelings have not chaged o/ all Damn, a man goes on a bender for a weekend and misses all the fun of something like what you would see when a couple breaks up and the woman sees the husband is in a new relationship and starts a massive scene of crying and slapping. Its embarrassing for the husband and, most of the crowd that gathers, is a mixture of dark humor and a collective "ah, i can see why he had to get out" [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1308529704' post='2735165'] Does that mean that you're about to fade away? If so I can stand being a small dog. [/quote] Sounding more like a whining female dog each day, or at the very least neutered. I understand wanting to defend your alliance but you don't need to jump into each debate and try and sound like the the most loyal member. Please, for your own sake, stop. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1308533832' post='2735268'] Wow RoK. [/quote] kinda the same for you, just because being self-righteous feels good and lets you take any criticism as validation dosen't mean its a good idea. I'm saddened to see friends drink the Kool aid and keep going back for more. [quote name='Ozymandius' timestamp='1308514695' post='2734914'] Do you guys realize that the people who went around saying winter is coming in A Song of Ice and Fire, the Starks, are nearly wiped out and killed by their enemies. I think it will fit here nicely though. [/quote] As a Shelley fan I think this is the post of the the thread. A perfect metaphor for what has become of SF since the last war with the perfect moniker. [quote]"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay[/quote] A literal embodiment of the hubris of a once great and powerful being, now with a shattered visage, still sneering but naught but sand and rubble to rule. Thank you for being hear and living up to your namesake so well. You made my night and my hangover so much better. If you were any younger or less established, I would say you had to be a plant or a multi of some kind. Shine on you crazy diamond
  3. /me pours some of his 40 oz. on the dirt for Synergy o/ My friends, We did some incredible things together [quote name='Hydro' timestamp='1307923510' post='2730149'] And yet that doesn't change GATO's cowardice. [/quote] Thank God we have your courage and chivalry to took to for example of the heights we may one day reach! o/ Hydro, truly a person of rare intelligence
  4. you are a God to those of us who fancy our selves stats keepers Be well and i wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors
  5. o/ LoSS! Awesome Announcement is awesome, Looking forward to working with all you guys and to your 5 min announcement
  6. TOWLYN, as glad as i am that you finally obtained a keyboard with both capital and lower case letters, your re-roll and subsequent return to Alliance politics is still irritating to the eyes and gives me a headache. On the other hand if treating the OWF like the wall in a public restroom in a Brooklyn subway station is now I look forward to the next topic providing me with a number to call for a good time. [quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1306223965' post='2717357'] If that display picture of yours is what I think it's from, I would attack you myself. It is vile and just down right pathetic. [/quote] It is, and, yes, it is.
  7. And thus the short bus gets a new driver all hail
  8. that damn laserwolf just wont go away and that sloth fella must have had that job for 9 months now inexcusable
  9. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1303620690' post='2698248'] Oh noes! You caught me red handed Actually I wasn't trying at all, it was 'sarcasm.' (Like I did above ) [/quote] I can attest that it was not Darth as he is barely literate
  10. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1304220231' post='2702901'] I find it amusing that you kept track of this. Still mad I presume? (Though, that is pretty funny. I, for one, put GOD over CSN because I acknowledge we have a lot of work to do.) Really? So because a few people don't like us we should avoid posting here? That's amusing. [/quote] Didn't CSN just expel you for dubious reasons, then allow you back in but revoke your diplomat status? Yet despite all that you still stand here defending them. The part about "keeping track"? I read the thread, it wasnt that hard. I was never mad, just saddened to see you, my friend, fall from a dynamic and interesting person to a myopic eunuch spouting propaganda I doubt you really believe anymore. I miss my old friend Gibsonator21, if you see him, tell him I said hi.
  11. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1304216236' post='2702853'] This is awesome to see. [/quote] I echo this, I suspect for different reasons than you though
  12. Anyone else find it interesting that most CSN posters rated GOD above them? If you don't rate your own alliance highest, why are you a member? Maybe you are there to improve an alliance you love or because of personal connections but still, to openly admit that you like another alliance better than your own seems asinine to me.
  13. heh, so much win May the tears help extinguish the fires NOM
  14. this is me personally not GATO yada yada yada Mostly Harmless Alliance- 3 bloated and impotent, Im sure there are enough members dedicated and committed to their alliance, but there is so much dead weight that you wouldnt know Green Protection Agency- 5 Fark- 6 good guys, good beer, whats not to like? Independent Republic Of Orange Nations -3 lost a lot of respect in the last war, also, your pip makes me squint Sparta - 2 Worse than useless World Task Force- 6 Could be a real force if roused, i hope to see it one day and pray im not on the receiving end Orange Defense Network- 5 Was a lot higher before the war, great members and i cant dislike you for rolling with your bloc, but between the whole "Network still hungers" and the cringe worthy post about riding into war in defense of the poor oppressed nations of GOONland, all the goodwill and friendship couldnt speak louder than your actions. The Order Of The Paradox- 4 incredible econ, terrible FA, cheap shot on legion, and still shaking my head over bi-polar Umbrella - 4 Best econ in the game, love them, hate them, they are an incredible group, it seems, however, that they are to big for their own good and any real fighting is no longer a possibility, i see many proxy wars in their future and them existing primarily at a t*t for lesser alliances like GOONS to suckle on. Shame really New Pacific Order - 7 They saw the attack coming and no matter what you think the speed and decisiveness that they protected their core is impressive. They stopped a knockout blow in the first round that an all out umbrella blitz on their top tier would have been. Instead it turned into a long, drawn out war of attrition that NPO could fight for as long as they needed, particularly with there former mid tier nations extracting tech and cash from umbrella on a daily basis. Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 9 we fight, democracy cans screw up long term plans, but a deep pool of nations who have been to hell and back so many times they bought a time share is the real reason GATO is so incredible. Despite everything GATO comes back stronger and ready for whatever bob can think of to throw at it next Viridian Entente - 4 I understand your FA direction, dropping friends over a gamble at greater political power, but a bs CB against NpO? I guess you get brownie points for having a CB at all, meh The Democratic Order- 5 New Polar Order - 5 Good fighters, took it on the chin, not a huge fan, not rooting against you, I think higher of you since the war though FOK- 6 always been a fan of you all personally, dislike FA, still great membership R&R- 4 another stupid pip, cant wait to see it go away, doubt ill be waiting long Mushroom Kingdom- 2 you guys went from a great alliance with great members who just like to have fun to a bunch of self-rightious twits in a shockingly quick time, so, 2 points for efficiency, also you cracked me up having a higher % of nations in PM than NPO for about a month then whining constantly, about NPO Nordreich- 7 i like you guys, i just dont know why, would like to get to know you better LoSS- 9 great allies, great friends look forward to a LoSS pip sometime this year Nusantara Elite Warriors -5 The Legion -5 Suckerpunched but took it on the chin, cant say much more but can deny it Valhalla- 4 meh Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 6 good guys, fun at embassies Nueva Vida- 4 meh The Foreign Division- 5 Federation Of Armed Nations- 6 i like guns too NATO- 4 men Global Order of Darkness- 2 seriously you guys are a genuinely decent group of people lead by a just a genuine group of terrible people. You have a habit of always being involved where ever there is something stupid going on then making it worse. Hubris on display at its ugliest. The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons -4 meh Legacy- 4 The Templar Knights -6 had a great war, fought like gentlemen and i have nothing bad to say about you except your poor choice of friends The Order Of Light - 5 Asgaard- 6 Would like to know you better, seem like great guys iFOK- 5 Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 1 the short bus of CN Athens- 5 World Federation- 4 meh Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism- 2 shine on you lulzy diamonds Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics- 5 Global Democratic Alliance- 4 Argent- 5 Guru Order- 4 Christian Coalition Of Countries- 4 Ragnarok- 6 The Phoenix Federation- 6 Random Insanity Alliance- 6 great fighters hope to see you guys do great things, leave SF though, right now you seem to be giving CRP to that fading and toxic bloc, strike out and become the great alliance you could if you leave all that ballast behind
  15. i think several thing have changed since jan 3rd now that you mention it
  16. Heh, was the Commissioner just waiting for the word from HalfEmpty to turn on the RV signal?
  17. I read the whole post, kept waiting for the author to remind his brothers in arms to drink only rain water and grain alcohol to protect their precious bodily fluids. I doubt any pacifican wrote this
  18. I really hate Macs, my grammar is terrible
  19. 90 days of war. Sustained, damaging and brutal. GATO is rebuilding, have been for 2 1/2 months now we only fought for what could be considered a blink of an eye in GATO's and CN's history but to me, it seems a lifetime ago that a post by VE would rip Bob apart. I've been reflecting a lot in this new year and was thinking about how GATO, Bob and I have changed. To you Old Guard as i thing of you, 4 digits in your nations and 2,3, hell 5+ million casualties, Im nothing but a snot nose kid. A post Karma generation baby, I "grew up" as it were in a special age. NPO was big to be sure, but it was one of the many boogymen i was raised with. PZI for entire alliances, forced disbannings, Vietfan, and, to me as a GATOan, viceroy. My alliance beaten to a point, physically and psychologically I cant imagine. The New Pacific Order, hated, reviled, and feared. Yet once again, I cant imagine, in the abstract well of course, to read about it, which i have, more pages than id care to share, but I or anyone of my post Karma brethren can truly understand. The scars of the past run deep on Bob, still fresh, throbbing and swollen, ready to split open. But I cant understand. The NPO has been polite to me, cordial in fact, even as a young, experienced nation. At only a month old Zeta Defender offered me a few nation building tips in #nsa. Their diplomats held up against everything GATO had to say and for the most part took it on the chin, i came to respect them, know some of them, I saw members of GATO whom I looked up to go "to the the dark side" as it were and somehow survive. I saw naught but reps being paid, diligently and without as much swearing than i know i would in the same circumstances, when i became GATO's Minister of Finance I admired there economic and military development. The creature in the dark, Christ Im young I thought. I look back on this war, I fought in Bi-Polar, a few brushfires and 10/10/10 but this was my first major war in the grand scheme. Anyway, back to reflecting, I've seen an Umbrella Proxy war Chris Kaos return to CN than GATO Dozens of alliances come into existence, each with week, months, years of planning, than fail some with a whimper, some with a bang Honor among those I looked on with contempt Weakness among alliances and blocs where I thought stronger and impregnable Strength where I expected collapse All that and in humble gaggle of Spanish cats rise up from the ashes of a bonfire I never saw, regain sanction, and break 30 score for the first time in history. I only wonder what I will have seen next
  20. (insert "Thriller" related pun about score drop)
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