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Kubla Khan

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Everything posted by Kubla Khan

  1. [quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1298962610' post='2647777'] We at the Commonwealth have discovered a revolutionary new technique called back-collecting, so you probably won't see much infrastructure regrowth for a week or two. [/quote] "Back Collecting" eh? You must share this new found break through with the rest of Bob! Perhaps you can now divert some of your valuable research time to looking for discoveries in the fields of "class" and "self-respect"
  2. Ive said it for years, we need more muppets related humor in CN
  3. Lets see if this one works better [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae214/GATO_MoDA/Propaganda/fx55p1-1-1-1.jpg?t=1298846020[/img]
  4. Didnt realize the only enemy you were fighting was DT either, damn, i was way off
  5. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1298699187' post='2645256'] Indeed. [/quote] I should have just posted a link to your stats chart then posted the picture, ill try harder next time
  6. Yes, this thread is about us about to have a massive gain today
  7. thank you my good man, you have impeccable taste
  8. [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae214/GATO_MoDA/Propaganda/fx55p1-1-1.jpg?t=1298601013[/img]
  9. [quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1298443924' post='2642623'] Ironic? [/quote] More along the lines of felicitous and inevitable
  10. I have seen the logs in their unedited, full and tedious length. I still do not agree with your decision or your handling of the matter. I hope to see a swift and fair conclusion to this black spot on your history. The problem is that emotions got the better of both alliances, CSN cannot simply do the right thing anymore and offer white peace after a honorable fight without appearing weak to 1/2 of Bob. The other half will commend you for doing the right thing. DT and its allies will keep fighing until the bitter end since they appear to be inflicting a lot more damage than CSN. The longer this conflict, and these threads go, the worse it is for a CSN, a decent alliance who made a poor decision, and the better for your opponents who most agree are being wronged and appear to be winning against what started out as a larger alliance as LoSS just passed you in the sanction race. As i said in the part of the post you did not quote, i have never had anything less than cordial or friendly relations with the CSNers I've talked to. For the sake of your alliance, you ought end this foolhardy conflict and move on.
  11. for your forum pip, might i humble suggest [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/uploads/gallery_12_5_9104.png[/img] Timeless, powerful, sensual
  12. I would like to apologize for implying that you guys throw bad parties, i do hope you guys take a few minutes to sit back and wonder how despite the largest and most destructive war planet Bob has ever seen being waged, massive propaganda campaigns, and incredibly well planned attacks being carried out and thwarted between 2 coalitions that will likely decide the fate of the political landscape for the comming months or years, CSN has managed to make themselves almost universally hated. I mean jeez, until all this all i knew was that my good friend Gibs had found a new, supportive and active home after leaving GATO and it made me happy. Liz was a MoFA whom i had a few decent enough conversations with, mutually inebriated, and fun. All was well and good. Maybe it is just the world looking for a distraction from what is a M.A.D. war between VE and Polar or the entrenched DH/PB vs. NPO and friends war of attrition. Who knows. All i know is that instead of acting like the decent, generally amicable people i talk to on IRC, you adopt these caricature's of lock step supporters of decisions no thinking person considers reasonable. Im sorry for acting like a reactionary ass myself, but you ought to look back on the things you said, and the decisions you made to make every alliance from GPA to GOONS do a double take and ask what you are thinking. I look forward to talking with the new MoFA and getting to know you. o/
  13. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1298173493' post='2639015'] I sense that you are a tad bit mad. I was making fairly fun and playful remarks, but I guess we all can't have fun for long. [/quote] Not mad, more depressed at the implosion of an alliance I once had at least a small amount of respect for. Alas, those days are gone. I hope to one day look over the smoldering pile of rubble that was your alliance and help the survivors find homes, and possibly even some self respect, in another alliance. Good Speed CSN, may you reach rock bottom and your breaking point swiftly.
  14. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1298171799' post='2638978'] I'd say it's more so a combination of both... maybe even a few shots of Absinthe (unaltered). [/quote] If you wernt all such incompetent tools, I'd say you guys at least you guys know how to have a "Failure Base Promotion" party
  15. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1298171402' post='2638968'] Go down to your local 711, knock on the front door five times, whistle Yankee Doodle, and wait five minutes. A guy with a bag of some potent shrooms will meet you around back. [/quote] We could be talking about shrooms back at 40k reps, we crossed into DMT at the OP
  16. [quote name='Liz Girard' timestamp='1298170122' post='2638928'] Like you haven't negotiated reps with me while you were drunk [/quote] Damn right I have, unfortunately I don't have the connections to the people who sell the hard drugs that seem fuel the CSN Defense and Foreign policy decisions.
  17. Was Cristian Bale unavailable for the position? Possibly one of my drunken uncles?
  18. Remembered this from a few months ago, this thread brought the memory back [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1293943864' post='2560554'] [size="5"][u]Alliance Awards[/u][/size] [b]Most Powerful Player:[/b] Xiphosis. Viewed as the leader of SF, the most powerful bloc. GOD is an awesome alliance, and he has pull everywhere. [b]Best Alliance Leader:[/b] Xiphosis. His word is law in GOD. Cross it, you're toast. (OsRavan is a close second ) [/quote] A very astute moment of clairvoyance from Gibs, the only logical assumption is that he is a witch and, should it be determined that he weights more than a duck, be burned at the stake. Fortunately for him he balanced it out by saying [quote] Most Powerful Bloc: SF. Still the most sway in the game and PB hasn't done anything but back down. "Powerful" is more than just numbers Best Diplomatic Team: CSN. Because Liz is the best MoFA ever. [/quote] Thanks for all the GATO love in the rest of the nominations though, whenever your ready to come home GATO will be here. Unfortunately in CSN and SF at large, it appears that the blind have begun to formally lead the dumb. You and your alliance are better than this.
  19. [quote name='DeusMalum' timestamp='1297425768' post='2629257'] i am not proud to call myself a member of csn image [/quote] Thats not cool dude, no matter what alliance you are part of, that is a low, low thing to do, you shame yourself, and your alliance ought to be disgusted at your action.
  20. Come on now guys, TTK,GOD,RIA, all fought with honor and carried themselves to a standard that showed them to be just as graceful in peace. I hope that you extend the same dignity to all the alliances you deal with. Several of the Nations here seem to be allowing the personal history with others to cloud there thoughts. From talking at length with several of you I know you are all better alliances and better people than this. I hope you remember.
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