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Everything posted by Eumirbago

  1. Olympus and BAPS are two really great alliances Welcome to Bob Mo Fatta o/ Olympus o/ BAPS o/ Mo Fatta
  2. CN has lost a really great person.... Rest in Peace Moo
  3. [quote name='xR1 Fatal Instinct' timestamp='1341592858' post='3004841'] GPF can't be trusted? What the $%&@ are you on? You do know that this was because there was no official vote within LoSS on the treaty, 2 of 3 tri's were okay with the treaty and it came from Junior to post the treaty on the OWF? So before you go spouting off your !@#$, maybe.. just maybe, you should learn your facts. [/quote] This. Goodluck moving forward guys
  4. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1341571538' post='3004734'] That flag is just to photo shopped, I just had to say that. [/quote] It's still a sexy flag though
  5. [quote name='29107127' timestamp='1341557809' post='3004675'] As much as I respect you Romans, I also have a vendetta against you for giving us such a hard time during the thriving of CNGA.... I'll watch rome burn by my hand someday.... In the mean time, have fun. And good luck. :] PS: nobody wants a peice of Rome except former CNGA govt and those who have suicidal tendencies. We'll be back soon to show you wuz up. [/quote] We will be waiting
  6. Thank you for a great fight VE Especially Baltus for giving me a run for my money
  7. Long live Big Brother for he is just and righteous o/ o/ Lightbringers Bring order in chaos
  8. [center][img]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/3996/tebanner18.png[/img][/center] [b]Statistics Taken on 7/5/2012 at: 9:51:05 PM Server Time[/b] 1 [57] ([color="#FF0000"]-1[/color]) [b][color="#000000"]Roman Empire[/color][/b]: 35.41 --> 33.00 ([color="#FF0000"]-2.41[/color]) 2 [57] ([color="#008000"]+2[/color]) [b][color="#FFFF00"]State of Unified Nations[/color][/b]: 31.07 --> 32.30 ([color="#008000"]+1.23[/color]) 3 [54] ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [b][color="#00FFFF"]Hellas[/color][/b]: 28.69 --> 28.84 ([color="#008000"]+0.15[/color]) 4 [43] ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [b][color="#FFFF00"]New Desolate Order[/color][/b]: 23.92 --> 23.93 ([color="#008000"]+0.01[/color]) 5 [36] ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [b][color="#FF0000"]Warriors[/color][/b]: 20.05 --> 20.12 ([color="#008000"]+0.07[/color]) 6 [29] ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [b][color="#0000FF"]Ordo Paradoxia[/color][/b]: 18.66 --> 18.90 ([color="#008000"]+0.24[/color]) 7 [23] ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [b][color="#A0522D"]Rodentia Dominatus[/color][/b]: 13.30 --> 13.33 ([color="#008000"]+0.03[/color]) 8 [22] ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [b][color="#800080"]BARBARIANS[/color][/b]: 13.06 --> 13.13 ([color="#008000"]+0.07[/color]) 9 [24] ([color="#FF0000"]-1[/color]) [b][color="#800000"]Grim[/color][/b]: 13.38 --> 12.95 ([color="#FF0000"]-0.43[/color]) 10 [21] ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [b][color="#FF0000"]The Flying Kiwis[/color][/b]: 12.16 --> 12.30 ([color="#008000"]+0.14[/color]) 11 [21] ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [b][color="#FF0000"]BLT[/color][/b]: 11.52 --> 11.43 ([color="#FF0000"]-0.09[/color]) 12 {19} ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [i][color="#FF0000"]Catharsis[/color][/i]: 11.03 --> 10.47 ([color="#FF0000"]-0.56[/color]) [b]----- The Sanction Line -----[/b] 13 {17} ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [i][color="#A0522D"]Lafayette Escadrille[/color][/i]: 10.40 --> 9.64 ([color="#FF0000"]-0.76[/color]) 14 {18} ([color="#008000"]+1[/color]) [i][color="#0000FF"]WAPA[/color][/i]: 9.56 --> 9.55 ([color="#FF0000"]-0.01[/color]) 15 {15} ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [i][color="#000000"]The Phoenix Cobras[/color][/i]: 9.22 --> 9.28 ([color="#008000"]+0.06[/color]) 16 {14} ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [i][color="#008000"]Death Before Dishonor[/color][/i]: 7.71 --> 7.71 ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) 17 {13} ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [i][color="#C0C0C0"]Citadel[/color][/i]: 7.34 --> 7.43 ([color="#008000"]+0.09[/color]) 18 {14} ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [i][color="#FFA500"]RnR[/color][/i]: 7.26 --> 7.33 ([color="#008000"]+0.07[/color]) 19 {11} ([color="#808080"]+0[/color]) [i][color="#C0C0C0"]Kaskus Protection Force[/color][/i]: 5.98 --> 5.94 ([color="#FF0000"]-0.04[/color]) ----- [i]The Add Line[/i] ----- 5.52 --> 5.24 ([color="#FF0000"]-0.28[/color]) ----- [i]The Drop Line[/i] ----- 5.22 --> 4.94 ([color="#FF0000"]-0.28[/color]) [b]Today's Passes and Other Events[/b] [b][color="#A0522D"]Rodentia Dominatus[/color][/b] passes [b][color="#800000"]Grim[/color][/b] [b][color="#800080"]BARBARIANS[/color][/b] passes [b][color="#800000"]Grim[/color][/b] [b]Roman Empire[/b] Rollin' Hard On The Paint [b]Today's Awards[/b] Biggest Gainer: [b][color="#FFFF00"]State of Unified Nations[/color][/b] ([color="#008000"]+1.23[/color]) Biggest Loser: [b][color="#000000"]Roman Empire[/color][/b] ([color="#FF0000"]-2.41[/color]) [u]Today’s Commentary[/u] [b]Roman Empire[/b] Represent!!!
  9. Hey there, I'm Eumirbago of World Wide Web Welcome to Planet Bob
  10. Awww, you guys are great people. Sad to see you go Nonetheless, thank you for giving me the opportunity to war and hope nothing but the best for you guys And it's always Krath :>
  11. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1341086196' post='3000716'] Oh hey I left Tetris and somehow ended up fighting alongside my old allies. Even if it is only for a few more days. Whatever. Have fun you guys. And please make sure to break Baltus. [/quote] In progress
  12. Everyones's preempting everybody, so I guess it'd be alright if you preempted Sentinel. That is, if you guys really wanna fight them.
  13. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1341059584' post='3000576'] What did you expect, Legacy just merged into them o.O [/quote] I lol'd Congratulations Apparatus
  14. [quote name='wasso' timestamp='1340976610' post='2999965'] I Agree with what you said concerning the usage of Nukes [/quote] We all gotta learn to love the bomb
  15. [quote name='asawyer' timestamp='1340857561' post='2999045'] Why did you even post a DoW? Viridia has always been at war with Oceania. [/quote] Lol this is epic
  16. For the love of the NPO signatories of the Chicken Wing Accords, Oceania also recognizes VEs hostilities against them. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99579&st=0
  17. [quote name='Rodger Waldie' timestamp='1340517140' post='2994255'] From who ? [/quote] I lol'd Good luck NPL, give them an ass whoopin
  18. [quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1340399990' post='2992935'] I don't blame them for being in peace mode. It's their only hope. However, saying "Those don't have any wars, so IRON obviously doesn't care about them" is wrong. They only have no wars because they are hiding in peace mode. [/quote] But if they're in peace mode, they won't be able to become low tier nuke turrets...
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