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Samuel Houston

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Everything posted by Samuel Houston

  1. I, for one, welcome our herpetarian overlords.
  2. Don't see how a mutually beneficial trade agreement is a bad thing. Hail, SSSW18! Good fightin' ya.
  3. Yeah, UE does an awesome job there. I think the idea here is to collect all the info in a "Hegemony vs. Karma" view.
  4. See 3 posts up. Also, link seems to be temporarily broken for the new Karma stats.
  5. hey, i'm originally from Wichita, Kansas (yeah, they say Kentucky in the history books, but you know how stories get alll muddled...) what's the goal of the OP? (i read it rapidly twice)
  6. Way to bring in allies to get destroyed. Nice play, mhawk. Prey on the weaker. edit: congrats for going in against the odds. a rare quality these days.
  7. And that's true leadership, my friends.
  8. Make sure to send out a few of those new genetically engineered flying/exploding penguins. .
  9. Semper Fi, bro. Marines OCS Arty Captain 91-94 (Korea & Somalia). Have a cousin who retired as a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy (Naval Academy). Adapt, improvise, and overcome!
  10. From your perspective, that may well be. However you should read the posts above and become more illuminated. I can personally attest to this truth, but Hizzy, Random, and Zog pretty much summed it up.
  11. It is ok. We have the reverend on our side. Holy Rocket Launcher
  12. You have no idea how many goats that were required to be sacrificed to accomplish this feat. In fact, we are now genetically engineering a new breed of Super-Devil Ultra-Longhorn Goats in preparation for future needs.
  13. Dammit. I missed it. Is there a recorded version?
  14. I feel violated. Thanx for that.
  15. BE was one of the best enemies we ever had. They rolled in and stood their ground when they didn't have to.... it was a good show. Was glad to see a few of you come aboard, even to the bitter end (yet again!).
  16. Nordreich, TXFL, IX, SoM, NoV.... Still around and kicking!
  17. Death to April 1st tyrants! That Twisted guy has fake casualties anyway.
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