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Samuel Houston

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Everything posted by Samuel Houston

  1. This already happens to a certain extent. There are several small and new alliances who duke it out and have their micro-dramas. Most of it never makes the news though. It is true that eventually, that gets boring as well, and serious players want to be in on "the big game." That means playing by the big-boy's rules.
  2. Surprisingly, this post is more intelligible and has more content than about 95% of what I see here.
  3. Signed! Sure it's already been said, but there really isn't much reason to go beyond ZI in this day and age in CN. Moderation should take care of egregious offenses for the most part.
  4. Reminds me of this Roger Zelazny quote from the Chronicles of Amber: “I sometimes think of us as a gang of mean little old ladies in a combination rest home and obstacle course.”
  5. Lol. I'm sure the 3 out of 36 slots taken by LSR nations ruined the war for everyone. And for the record, there were only 5 left when we responded. Would you just sit idly by and let everyone else fight your battles? My guess is "no." Please consider your words a bit more carefully before making armchair judgments. Thanks for the agreement on the CB though.
  6. The Lone Star Republic is now in a state of war with Freak Safari as a result of an unprovoked attack on one of our members. No other explanation necessary. We shall now display how we deal with freaks in Texas. Signed, Lone Star Republic LSR CIC - SF Austin LSR JCoS Military - Samuel Houston LSR JCoS Economy - Medraut
  7. Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul... oh wait. the rings haven't been distributed yet. Carry on.
  8. Congrats on the new positions! We shall assist in hunting down this evildoer, "RL", as we have many counter-snipers of our own on the payroll. I didn't believe he really existed until recently... So where is this alleged beer?
  9. Agreed, This is really annoying. NoV was nuked pre-emtpively 4-5x times more in the UJW more than the previous 7x1 wars against NoV. Anyone who still has a problem with this now is either an idiot, or extremely petty. For the record, no one whined about this at the time. It was just war. Subsequent wars made this "first strike nuke" issue irrelevant. edit: the last major CN wide war established a precedent that no one needs to announce nuclear attacks beforehand. I would be happy to argue this point in private with anyone who experienced this first hand.
  10. As a side note (only read the first two pages...), at least one GOD member was approached privately and recompensed for being nuked. It is details like this that tend to get overlooked.
  11. A good guide, and a good read. Based on your performance, it would seem you know what you are talking about and can back it up with proof. You will have to follow this up with a guide on managing a nuke rogue alliance. If there can be such a thing, that is.
  12. outstanding news! maybe, Republic Of Global United Evercold.... nahh, that would just be stupid.
  13. Protector: The Dark Templar Alliance Name: Lone Star Republic Forum Link: http://www.lonestarrepublic.net/index.php IRC Channel: irc.coldfront.net, #L*S*R
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