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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. 4. I don't really think it matters, and I really don't care. It's a game, let's use nukes, what's the big deal.
  2. Who cares about the responses? Just propaganda...
  3. Congratulations to Soldier. And Mel is one sexy man
  4. We already had a poll on this, and I feel this one is unnecessary.
  5. Your sir will pay. Your sir will pay dearly. And now, the ball is in XONDOR's court.
  6. Official Dark Fist Ultimatum Although the alliance of Dark Fist is happy for their friends making love to each other, we are left unsatisfied due to the lack of nudes. Unless these nudes are provided within a time period of 48 hours, it will not end well for TCB and Iunctus. That is all.
  7. This is the most stupid idea ever. This is a game - get over it. You are trying to take things so seriously, it is nothing short of depressing, and a complete detriment to new players. I also totally disagree with your stance on OOC and your failed assumptions which go along with it. All OOC attacks are a simple matter of opinion, and nobody's opinion should have authority over anyone else's. Ever.
  8. I highly approve of the graphic used in the OP. Congratulations to both alliances.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but IRON cancelled their protectorate and then NPO declared war on them. Jarheads committed no acts of aggression.
  10. Okey, so here are my questions. 1. What have all of the original 52 nations done that you feel the need to attack them? 2. What peace options have you provided to those 52 nations? 3. Have you specifically not engaged the rest of the nations in the Jarheads alliance (except the aforementioned 52) [OOC] And perhaps most importantly, 4. Why do you feel the need to rob the rest of the nations of their community, for which they joined the game? And don't you think that by doing so, you will cause many of them to quit? And if so, would you not agree that this is a negative outcome for CN?
  11. Just a couple of things. Fixed. Fixed. I support Jarheads because they are a large group of new players (which is something I feel this game desperately needs), who did absolutely nothing wrong.
  12. Nice Also, I don't think this treaty contains any non-aggression text
  13. Sup. I'm Starcraftmazter - but everyone calls me SCM or alternatively, "the weird guy over there".
  14. Note: The blow has OOC elements. While it eases my concerns, I really can't see why those nations cannot play the game in the alliance into which they were recruited. I may suggest to you, that they may easily lose interest to play the game, if they cannot play it on the terms which they desired to, when they joined. To elaborate, if they cannot stay within their chosen community - which I think would be important for a lot of them, because this community has OOC origins - I think they may just quit the game. /OCC It would have been much better IMO if you chose to solve this issue diplomatically. I am sure you could come to some kind of an understanding with the leaders of Jarheads.
  15. Why, am I wrong somehow? Please do correct me if I'm wrong, I would hate to be missing something.
  16. I'd like to congratulate the New Pacific Order for continuing their campaign to cause esteemed national rulers to resign their roles in our world, and destroy alliances. It is a deep shame, that when a significant influx of rulers enters the Cyberverse, that they must be attacked for no reason and without the use of diplomacy beforehand. You have done us all proud
  17. I really didn't think IRON would do this, but oh well... Another alliance attacking it's protectorate, even if it was a former one.
  18. How stupid of the attackers. The smart thing would be to do it during wartime.
  19. Okey, that's cool. I guess I simply misunderstood, no harm done
  20. Sometimes all day, sometimes a few minutes a day. It depends what other things I have to do and how I'm feeling, etc.
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