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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. So the odds in this war will be 7:3? Nice.
  2. Not entirely unexpected I suppose. I was wondering why LoSS didn't cancel this treaty with their restructuring - it seemed fitting.
  3. Quiet you Dry, our alliance is clearly superior, as we have more nukes per member
  4. Hello dear Kings & Queens, Dictators, Presidents, Party Secretaries, Prime Ministers, Anarchists, Revolutionaries and Sponge. We've been meaning to announce several things for a while, but we have been lazy...very lazy. But now, amidst the drama and tension, we shall proclaim our awesomeness to the world. Anthem Back around a year ago, the alliance of FIST brought forth the idea of having an alliance anthem. We at Dark Fist have kept this niche tradition, and have voted for the following song to be our anthem, as voted by our membership: Motto And of course we have to have a motto. For a while, ours used to be the catch-phrase from the aforementioned piece of fine musical art - however, one day our Flying Penor Man (otherwise known as Daikos) came up with something even better. Naturally, it was instantly voted on and won. "Dark Fist: Waving our d**ks around at high speeds to maximize damage." Growth We have been growing very nicely, with some recruits, infra jumps, tech hoarding and what have you. We even reached a new milestone of 1.4mill total NS. Then three people got deleted in the last 3 days, for reasons ranging from being inactive to logging in from work (let that be a lesson to the rest of you ), so we're down around 50k again. Luckily none of them had nukes - so nothing of value was lost. This brings me to my next point... Nukes So a little while ago, we thought we'd get some nukes - and so in a short time, we more than doubled our nuke count. We also thought we'd race Aircastle to see who could get the most nukes...bad idea. They are devious bums who utilise clearly cheating tactics (Hi John Ron ) So anyway, we now have 362 nukes, which is approximately 7 per member. That's pretty good - not great like Aircastle, but still pretty good. There's still some time before the next war for us to get more anyway :jihad: And now, we would like to announce our new and highly overdue nuclear policy: Our current Government The Flying Penis: Daikos Head of Creating Diplomatic Incidents: Starcraftmazter General Obi Won Kenobi: Snakebite The alliance emo: Stalwart Chief of Outsourcing and Delegating Jobs: Foxodi High Priest of Sean Connery: Mneh The 'NO U' Guy/The man of the exams: Martinius Minister of Never Recruiting: Faramir tl;dr - query someone with owner or sops in #darkfist Embassy Cleanup We have many embassies, several of them are pretty inactive. But from my perspective, it's more work to delete them than to keep them, so yeh. I never understood embassy cleanups...oh well. Rest assured, that we won't get rid of your embassy because you're uber inactive there (Hey, everyone knows IRC is superior to forums anyway). Tech Dealing The next alliance to ask us for tech sellers will get it's butt kicked out of our forums. That is all. Also, it seems to me that several alliances (especially black) have stolen my wiki design. It's great, isn't it?
  5. My guess is, within the next month. But not until next weekend.
  6. I think (I should hope) that most people stayed up for the drama. As for me, I live in Australia, where update in conveniently at 3pm.
  7. You should make the text into a link, otherwise it will come too bloated, with all the wars up top and links separated down the bottom. Also, there's another alliance who dowed on npo pretty recently iirc
  8. Clearly LoSS doesn't consider them allies. Given their past history - I can understand why. And if you knew LoSS history as well as I do, you would realise that you don't have the right to claim LoSS is an alliance that jumps ship when their side looks like it's going to lose. LoSS has never done that in the past - in fact the opposite, on more than one occasion. I don't know how you even dare to claim otherwise.
  9. Wow, I didn't think this would happen, but now that it has, I don't know what to say.
  10. I would say Q will probably dissolve as a bloc before any more PR is lost. If just one or maybe two more big alliances leave, then Q will drift into an insignificant shadow of what it once was, as all the remaining alliances would already clearly be too tight to dump one another - and in this sense, it will lose it's meaning of binding together some of the most powerful alliances.
  11. Considering that NPO attacked GATO because of a retarded surrender condition from a war that happened over a year ago at that stage, yes - I am sure.
  12. Which is still, not half as wrong and disgusting as imposing permanent surrender terms.
  13. I think you misunderstood my question - I was simply asking if this policy applies only to IC attacks, and whether you could still carry out PZI/EZI under the banner of OOC attacks.
  14. ^ This. I mean really...why now? Why not a month ago or whenever? Seriously. But credit where credit is due.
  15. The fact that GATO was under NPO's control in the first place is wrong and disgusting. For NPO to end this, is nothing short of obligatory. It was their fault for being so cruel in the first place, which is the reason for the PR backlash. There is nothing to do about it now.
  16. You best PM me next time )):
  17. Your question is a bit presumptuous. Your policy to me seems ambiguous, which is why I want to clarify.
  18. I would make fun of NPO is they proposed GATO an MDP. I would make fun of GATO if they accepted it. I'm not sure which I would make more fun of, but I am sure that I would not be the only one. tl;dr - This is still an unnatural move, clearly from the perspective of many. Perhaps even most GATO members - I don't think we will ever know.
  19. So the New Pacific Order has been forced change it's obsolete and clearly unpopular policies, in order to keep in line with the currently prevailing doctrines - which they for the first time, in a long time, are not responsible for pioneering. But are they too late?
  20. So what's your policy on OOC attacks then?
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