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Blog Comments posted by JackSkellington

  1. At the percentages given:

    4 nations above 80k can stay in peacemode.

    26 total NPO nations can stay in peacemode. Hopefully that wouldn't include all the DH nations ghosting us.

    All the terms given are legit, and yeah 2 billion isn't divisible by 3.

    100% of 80k NS and above nations leaving peace mode equals 4 nations still in peace mode? I think Pacifica would prefer your version of it actually.

  2. When they came up with this and for the following year Purple alliances (Poseidon)lived under constant threat of being rolled by MK and its Karma allies. Check out every Purple thread at the time and every other post was MK & Co derailing and threatening to roll Purple. So no I never found it funny. It was a scummy thing to do, during a time when a sizable portion of a sphere lived with daily threats from him and his cronies. I guess it made him feel like a big man or something. It didnt take long for him to act like an NPO @&%$ once they came to power

    If you would have known your place and acted accordingly in front of your King, you wouldn't have felt like you were under constant threat of being rolled. King is stern. Stern, but fair.

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