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Everything posted by Mandrivia_2

  1. I certainly hope we can roll their cowardly alliance after all this.
  2. Cowards. Sign Defense and aggression treaties with the most powerful alliance in the game is only good for when its convenient to you. You all are no better than ODN.
  3. I doubt it will be for long with all the recent cancellations.
  4. Good to know you feel you have the upper hand so you can act all arrogant, again. I truly hope TORN burns to nothingness. You all deserve it, many times over.
  5. Goodbye NPO. Hope you get what you deserve for declaring in the middle of peace talks with a 40-minute late DOW. HAIL OV!
  6. Delicious thread, now just needs a side of stats and charts.
  7. emotional post. Unless you know for sure something will happen tonight, this thread was entirely pointless.
  8. Who knows what will happen, but I tend not to listen to any leaders right when there is a threat of war, a la before the Unjust War.
  9. I just have to ask: What was Order 43 all about?
  10. Why does there have to be 20+ threads made by newbs about a war that may not even happen? CN thrives on war, if it happens, it happens, but we don't need threads like this.
  11. COOL! A new treaty amid all the cancellations!
  12. If these images foreshadow what is to come, I highly anticipate this war for the propaganda pictures alone.
  13. The Drama Meter died with LUE. Archon wished it not be brought back, I believe.
  14. I don't believe in honour and justice in a war/political simulator game on the internet, however I do believe in good form, such as not forcing alliances to disband. "Honour' is just used by certain individuals and alliances to suit their own ends.
  15. I for one am quite happy to see this.
  16. I'm glad GATO is free, but it is clear that it was done out of fear.
  17. Whew, made it before Vladimir did. Enough dilly dallying, less Pax Pacifica pl0x
  18. Dephire I hope you post those logs before the banhammer comes down on this thread.
  19. This guy sounds legit, FAN, I'd take their offer.
  20. This is true. I hope GGA is especially enjoying this experience of theirs, for they truly deserve it.
  21. I'm calling it as I see it, but nevertheless I apologise for derailing the thread and won't discuss this further.
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