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Biff Webster

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Everything posted by Biff Webster

  1. [quote name='Ravnica' timestamp='1335135790' post='2957378'] Someone thinks GOONS is just a tech farm for Mushroom Kingdom. Forgets to point out that the micro-alliances went from being nuclear rogues to 6k nations with almost all wonders. MORE AT ELEVEN. [/quote] Next DH goes to war, go easy on whoever you attack. You wouldn't want to overload the dreaded meat grinder with too many wonders.
  2. This almost sounds like an argument for 2 nations.
  3. [quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1335088204' post='2957060'] the making a mention of tech stops this blowing out mistaken wars, rogues from AA's and other such things, this is more for for tech raiders who fail to do their due diligence (we have a wiki for the hive, a recruitment thread on the forums, a announcement for its DoE and now this thread as well) [/quote] Ok. So if NG attacks a Hive member and lists it as a "Land Raid" do we go back to the "all possible means are to be attempted to resolve the situation peacefully" portion? The announcement states that attacks on Hive members will be treated as attacks on Grämlins herself, would that bring it under the first part of that article? Don't get me wrong, I do get it, it is just that it looks weird to me and there is nothing else to talk about at this time of night.
  4. The language is kind of weird in the amendment. I would have just left it at "attacked" instead of adding the tech thing.
  5. I bet R. Lee Ermey teaches it.
  6. I thought the function of the GOONS MEAT GRINDER was to handle the type of nations they requested the help for.
  7. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1334304621' post='2952028'] They couldn't cover the 10-33k tier where they outnumbered Kaskus 49 to 11. [/quote] The tech must flow.
  8. Is this the first time Pee Bee has declared as a group?
  9. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1333426861' post='2947671'] haha nice1 [/quote] Yeah, it wasn't too bad.
  10. They certainly complain less about how bored they are than all these hardcore pro CN gamers do.
  11. How much (if any) tech would you estimate has not been sent because the slots are being used for aid?
  12. Welcome! Don't listen to anyone, even me. Make some mistakes. Learn stuff as you make them. Have fun!
  13. Should have gone with a Devilock.
  14. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1330788606' post='2932511'] disappointed at the lack of a schattenmann emote, of all things. [/quote] I always like this one: [img]http://www.gomotes.com/emoticon/skype/skype45.gif[/img]
  15. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1330676854' post='2931874'] Had to squint to even recognize of them. A lot of CN flags don't go well into that size. [/quote] They must be breaking Antonio Salovega's rules for flag making then.
  16. Relevance has replaced Bubblegum as Schattenmann kryptonite.
  17. [quote name='Velocity111' timestamp='1330404229' post='2929739'] GOONS is not NG, GOONS charter is not NG charter. Anything else? [/quote] Charter: Because charter.
  18. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1330058521' post='2927281'] Possibly, but this was before he said something like "clearly I've lost all sanity" so there is an obvious tone of sarcasm there and it might not be fair to jump to conclusions. I'm not trying to play coy, I just think there isn't no where near enough evidence on the table to go ahead and declare that this was all done with the intentions of sabotage. [/quote] If UE had the last remaining tech sellers on the planet then your "just trying to score tech" theory might make sense. Personally, it makes a lot more sense that the ghosting was to get transactions accepted, returning home to get the deliveries rejected. Unless you believe they'd stay on those AA's for twenty or so days to get the full 100? I'm pretty sure you see this already and that's why I called you a stooge. Since I have no proof, I'll take it back.
  19. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1330049145' post='2927194'] Is there any proof of intent? I've sort of skimmed through here so I could have missed something. So this is a legitimate question. Is there any proof that MK did this is the intent of hurting anyone rather than just trying to score some tech? [/quote] Hello mini-janax, are you working on a future MK application? Stooge.
  20. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1330033665' post='2926990'] Because I quite literally did not think people cared [i]that much[/i] about who is flying their AA, it seems like such a non-issue. If someone jumped on my AA and started attacking other alliances, it's not like I suddenly have to protect them. Likewise, if someone jumped to my AA and started aid bombing, the simple answer is to not accept the aid. Furthermore, TPF acted fully in their right and attacked someone who jumped on their AA, which is obviously a risk taken when one leaves the safe zone of their own AA. I hardly expected such a brash blowback, although really given the amount of mountains made out of molehills here I guess I should have been prepared. This isn't going to be a persistent or reoccurring issue, as it was clearly a mistake, which has now been addressed. [/quote] I bet Ardus would have been able to pull it off. How sad. Instead of UE showing you it's ass and backing off of it's policy, you end up apologizing to Grämlins of all people. You've come a long way from being able to extract reps over a log dump.
  21. Do you feel the ghosting to test UE's policy in general was dumb, or just that you ghosted Grämlins and they noticed? I somehow doubt the same apology would've been offered to TPF (or 64Digits, but they no longer exist.)
  22. [quote name='Augustus Autumn' timestamp='1329602799' post='2923572'] All I'm really taking from this argument, Londo, is that things were better "back in the day" and that nobody can possibly be as cool as the old crowd. If there's a more blatant attempt at dissuading others to even bother trying, I'm not sure I've seen it. [/quote] It's more like: "Remember that I used to be in the old crowd, not the multiple times I folded like a lawn chair when I caught a whiff of trouble."
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