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Everything posted by SonOfHoward

  1. [quote name='Solaris' date='20 February 2010 - 07:16 AM' timestamp='1266678990' post='2193613'] We have a meeting at three o clock, bring breezlebabe too :x ok, well this makes your stance regarding the subject quite understandable. However, understandability does not guarantee factual correctness. While the old regimes may have had something to do in regards to antagonizing invicta, I personally in fact have had quite an enjoyable experience with Purple alliances, if memory serves me right, including Invicta, during the initial times of my leadership in the VE contignency alliance the Directorate. I have no beef with invicta, other than the fact that I can't comprehend why you don't regard Michiel de Reyter as the best possible candidate for Purple senate. I mean that's quite strange of you, Michiel de Reyter is excellent senator material! But humorously coloured banter aside, VE has no beef with Invicta, or any purple alliance for that matter. If you remain suspicious, I recommend you join our forums with a strong diplomatic envoy and actually communicate with us instead of basing your decision making processes partly due to old, and firmly obsolete, assumptions. Not that kind of action is actually officially asked here, nor necessary at this juncture, but if, say, you and I had a chat next saturday would be good for me, we might be able to dispel some misperceptions that you indicate to take into account in your data processing in preparatory nature to your, at least personal, decision making. [/quote] Read this HARD Invicta. Edit: smoking way too much.
  2. More reps for GOONS I wonder who's going to get rolled next?
  3. [quote name='D34th' date='19 February 2010 - 11:14 PM' timestamp='1266650045' post='2193300'] After see alliances like GOONS and FoB receiving reparations in a war who started because of raid I have to admit, we failed hard and hope for a better cyberverse is no more. [/quote] Hope is still there...just not for those two alliances.
  4. [quote name='Crymson' date='18 February 2010 - 01:29 PM' timestamp='1266528544' post='2190230'] Ah, yes---good old Impero, the fellow who did everything he could to prevent any agreement between OV and NPO before the Karma War, and then was probably one of those who acted to torpedo it behind the scenes. His intentions have always been good.... errr.... no, not really. [/quote] According to public records it can be gleaned that behind the scenes Moo was telling TORN to sharpen their blades and prepare to attack imminently. Impero was pretty much front and center. Unless you have some new information you care to share with us. 
  5. I hope this is sincere for if it is I applaud you for taking this stance since I for one don't agree with reps period. However; if this some sort of trick for PR, or to allow you to rebuild so you can force reps back onto others in the event the tables are turned shame on you! I encourage all leaders to take this seriously and talk it out.(Or hug it out whicever) [img]http://images1.makefive.com/images/200840/549601ba133c661d.jpg[/img]
  6. We got pulled into this through treaty chaining after TOP and IRON started rolling, but if you want to attack us just for the heck of it that's cool. See you on the battlefield!
  7. [quote name='muffasamini' date='15 February 2010 - 10:04 PM' timestamp='1266300286' post='2184939'] Wait wait.. Xiphosis/GOD acts like an arrogant vindictive jerk, then says that its ok because the NPO committed <insert just absolutely horrible act> years ago? This is my shocked face: [IMG]http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a325/MuffasaMini/Ca.jpg[/IMG] No matter what you try to say, the fact remains that you are the sole alliance to demand the NPO continue the minimum rep payments during war. [/quote] Holding NPO to terms is hardly vindictive jerkiness. It was GOD's choice.
  8. lol BC All I want to know is did the NPO know how many of there members were BC'ers?
  9. I respect all my opponents and this war is fun. I think the biggest reason people are afraid of this war is because of it’s unpredictability; most humans hate not having control and fear the unknown. I can see why those who feel they have the most to lose in terms of infra, influence, power are nervous right now.
  10. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' date='11 February 2010 - 04:20 AM' timestamp='1265890858' post='2174558'] Hi PM Johns, how you doing? I been around the whole time. Playing it my way, keeping my word and doing my duty as always. How about you? So do something about that instead of throwing out the baby with the bathwater and making it stupid for everyone instead of just stupid for most? Also not *all* drama is behind closed doors, some really good stuff leaks out sometimes despite the best efforts of those involved That's not true at all really. Even if you arent in politics, arent in leadership, and your leaders dont tell you what's going on in politics (if that is the case, and you are unhappy about that, why not choose to follow different leaders?) it's still a lot more than a (very poor) war simulator. Nation building and community building, remember those? We used to do a bit of both together back in the day. We also had a good deal of war-related contact as I remember, but I also remember those wars had a purpose. We were defending our community from attack. Without that context would you have cared? I certainly wouldnt have. [/quote] oi Sigrun, glad to see you're around and doing well too. I too think average CN'ers get plenty a lot of drama, the Grub-TOP thing was drama, and very good drama IMO. I would never want to take that out of the game. I didn't intend to trivialize the drama and politics that envelopes war. In my mind war and drama go hand in hand, so I think of the two as being one. So I agree with you there.
  11. [quote name='Mamazlilmistake' date='10 February 2010 - 09:57 PM' timestamp='1265867823' post='2174134'] Dont worry iFOK its just USN. o/ any FOK will do [/quote] Thanks now just made me want to drink. Oh hai USN
  12. Stickmen drawings to us is like what brail is to the blind. Good luck.
  13. Fair terms. I think the sheep to garlic ratio is a bit out of wack, but hey. Congrats on peace guys!
  14. [quote name='ChairmanHal' date='09 February 2010 - 09:03 PM' timestamp='1265778212' post='2171957'] Fact is as players we've always been free to say whatever we want so long as it fit within the rules of the forums. However, others may take offense and people have and are doing something about it when they are offended by pushing nations and therefore other players, into war. The current conflict is absolutely no exception. [/quote] I'll have to disagree, if I were to have said something like 'spiaing isn't so bad' over a year ago, regardless if I was serious or not, I'd probably get my alliance accused of harbouring spies and have myself put on a ZI list. I think you can pretty much express almost any opinion now. [quote] No, there is no brave new world, only a change in management. I do however congratulate the OP for reaching 1,000 days. Get out before its too late. [/quote] Thanks! kriek
  15. [quote name='Tigerdonia Redux' date='09 February 2010 - 06:38 PM' timestamp='1265769496' post='2171661'] Happy 1000 days, SoH . Thank you for the things you taught me during your time in VE. [/quote] I'm glad I was able to pass something on to someone. My OP really is less to do about my nation hitting 1000 days (since it actually happened a while ago) and more about the changes I've seen happening in recent times.
  16. [quote name='The Kaptain' date='09 February 2010 - 06:50 PM' timestamp='1265770206' post='2171668'] Congrats on the milestone! But seriously, no reps? I agree with everything but that. [/quote] Besides the points I made above reps run you the risk of creating a viscous cycle.
  17. Yes I get that a lot Thank you kindly.
  18. After more than 1000 days of CN I find my nation in a world where raiders roam the wastelands, rogues cruise alliances’ shores like hungry sharks, espionage around every corner, and wars being waged in every direction. It’s finally getting good(Again?)! Freedom of speech is prevalent; gag orders are becoming a thing of the past. Alliances are engaging each other at more or less even odds and individual nations are bravely throwing whatever they have at their opponents with little regard for their infra stats. White peace is becoming the new norm. Wars ending with a handshake and a ‘good job, it was fun’ then off to rebuild and/or fight again. Admin has blessed us with a military system for a reason. Reps and terms do nothing more than deny a nation’s right to use the war system. Terms are a tool of oppression and implemented out of fear by the victors as means to extinguish the possibility of a rising . Either that or it’s punishment for possessing a different set of ideals which is equally as sordid. After which point we find ourselves sitting in long stretches of boredom, albeit another curb-stomp here or there to keep the minions from falling asleep and to prop up the ever so important hollow culture of winning. As I see it [b]large[/b] MADP/MDoAP blocs are archaic. By nature large blocs are oppressive, cumbersome and inactive. Whether it’s their intention of not these hulking relics create stagnation, they slow down change, discourage diversity, promote apathy and keep us at bay with their ideals and influence. Very few are willing push the boundaries of a large bloc thus they sit there…Like hibernating dinosaurs until the bloc finally implodes. I hope that one day the concepts of harsh surrender terms, reps and large military MDAP/oAP blocs will go the way of the dinosaur. This will make way for a new world that is not ruled or influenced by a singular philosophy or military force. Instead it is replaced with a myriad of viewpoints, credos, and beliefs, weaved into the tapestry of PB’s culture. Change is the only constant; expanding, contracting, joining and splitting. Differences are celebrated. This I hope, will be the future. A PB that is dynamic, and accelerating beyond boundaries without restrictions. As Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard would say... [img] http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/geek-to-me/assets_c/2009/11/picard-thumb-450x300-37338.gif[/img]
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