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Everything posted by SonOfHoward

  1. You both have huge gov'ts. No innuendo intended. Congrats!
  2. Happy B-day Rok! You make me want to do dirty things to you.
  3. This was great to read after 3 days of straight drinking. o/ you guys!
  4. The odds were never 3:1 or 4:1 so TPF would never have needed to get involved.
  5. I actually thought there was someone called 'Gus' in this thread and then I realized what you meant. I'm starting to understand you which scares me.
  6. We finally we get the real CB out of you.
  7. You didn't explain anything. You attempted a poor cover-up and in the process made an issue out of a non-issue. It's probably better that you walk away at this point.
  8. Your own guy admitted 'to jumping the gun' http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1833939 lol. At least he's admitting it and standing his ground like goldie. Edit: Grammar again darn it.
  9. The Thunderbolt of Zeus! Sounds kinky! Rawr! Congrats.
  10. It's spread out over Black/Kol and AI so it's only slightly less than that.
  11. Congrats on the elections. Welcome back Rish - Shortest retirement ever?
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