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Everything posted by SonOfHoward

  1. I screwed up in my wording, I know you meant you think it was KARMA's goal, but I still stand by what I stated that no KARMA leader has said that KARMA's goal is the destruction of the NPO and that post by LM doesn't prove otherwise. If he has told you in private that there are alliance leaders hell bent on the destruction of the NPO then from what I have seen they haven't made it public or a part of their policy.
  2. Well I guess I have no other alternative than to and PM him myself to ask him if your claim is true that his goal is the destruction of the NPO and that he has stated this fact himself to you in private channels. This was fun and constructive, I'm begining to remember why I stayed out of these debates since everything seems to be hearsay or individual deductions.
  3. I think he was agreeing with the OP that he would stand by the cyberverse if it believed the honour was eroding. I don't see how that equals the destruction of NPO but I'm sure you can PM LM and ask him yourself. Also, KARMA has leaders?
  4. You mean this? http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...p;#entry1668895 How does that equal 'The destruction of NPO' ? He has quoted someone else saying once honour erodes so does KARMA. Also, we have a General of KARMA?
  5. I'll say again that my comment was not necessarily reffering to any particular terms previously offered or the precise situations surrounding them; it was only directed towards how the NPO dealt with alliances it deemed as a threat to it's hold on power and dominance. No leaders from KARMA's side have officially stated that their goal is out to wipe the NPO off the face of the planet forever. Once the terms are done the NPO is free to grow and carry on after that.
  6. I wasn't neccessarily comparing the reps offered to different alliances, my comment was directed towards how the NPO has acted in the past towards alliances that they believed to be a threat to their hold on power and dominance.
  7. These terms are a far from being 'Draconian' as I described in my previous post. NPO isn't being forced to dissolve.
  8. Forcing our opponents off their team or into disbandment would be much worse than having them spend 3 months or so paying reps. That good sir would be the definition of kicking a bleeding man lying in the gutter. Actually the former would be more like shooting him in the back of the head while laying bleeding in the gutter.
  9. Not sure if this is worksafe. Also if this dramaz is over why post this?
  10. Oh snappers wut?! Hai MHA! This could have been handled better.
  11. Done! err I'm not SoS anymore, and we're treatied. It's my Friday! [/end of bad joke]
  12. I said NPO attacking OV during negotiations no doubt helped make the reps what they are since no one wants that same thing to happen again. TORN dropped out almost immediately claiming to be deceived by their ally which puts NPO in a bad light. Justifying actions with quick snippets can go both ways. Like saying hand over your MoFa for accepting a SS or we're going to attack you. There's a million X's and Y's as to why the reps are what they are. I initially only suggested that the original attack on OV was one of them. The original question was whether NPO holds pride or stats more important, and for some reason since then you've interjected and then skirted around the question wasting about half a dozen posts in the process. Edit: Grammer & spelling, probably didn't get all of it.
  13. If you're saying attacking during negotiations an alliance 1/10 the size of the attacking force using a flimsy hypocritical CB helps determines the reps then I agree. And we can only deduct that NPO's intentions where to isolate OV and when that didn't work they tried negotiating a ceasefire without their allies. Otherwise I have no idea what you just tried to say there. Edit: Spelling
  14. I said this: Are you saying that NPO attacking OV is a 'presumed universal truth'?
  15. NPO made that decision for themselves when they attacked OV during negotiations.
  16. Rebel Virginia's Law=Lets see if we can make this thread reach 300 pages. Edit: messed up the quotes
  17. totally expected necessary surprising o/, \o, \o/, I'm drunk and seeing colors Edit: Disclaimer, The Green Team is not responsible for any broken legs as a result of drinking absinthe.
  18. Excellent announcement. Congrats on the new gov't and non-Rok people awards. FYI I've seen Hoo skulking around the Nemesis forums.
  19. I'm happy to see this. I will share a teaching from one of the great masters(Because MoAwes are kinda like Jedi's.): 'Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.' o/
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