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Everything posted by SonOfHoward

  1. Goodluck dude it was nice havin' ya. Edit: Keep it real.
  2. You good sir are a beacon of light! See you on the battlefield!
  3. If they're going to go through the work of posting something that is BS then we're going to rebuttel. There can be two sides to war: political and what goes on the battlefront. I can't let SE go that easily metaphorically it's in my blood, and I believe there's an element of rapport that still exists in TE to a certain extent. Edit: grammar.
  4. That is true but they went to the trouble of constructing one that is false. They would have been better off not using a CB at all.
  5. Cause you wanted to post a double DoW. Which is fine. If you would admit it you would get points for style. All we need is Roo. He is a monster-beast-manly-man-whoisn'tafraidofhisfeminiesideeither.
  6. Wait who are we at war with again?? I know they're treatied with you so I knew this was a possibility.
  7. We pm'd him to peace out today. Just sayin.
  8. Our nation saw one of their own being hit so they jumped to their defense. Your reasons for war don't even ring true. The threats started with KoL claiming they were going to bring RE against us. The nations attempted to peace out and then we have 2 AI nations attacking UJA nations, one with the reason 'For the honor of AI' which is suspicious. Maybe they jumped early? If anything we shoulda pre-empted you guys but whatever. I guess we felt we didn't have enough allies cause we're a new to TE.
  9. We couldn't take all the credit guys.
  10. I stand corrected. Edit: Just so you know I haven't talked to him in that long so I wouldn't have known he sent pm's. Edit Edit: My original point still stands. I'm just changing the length of activity from 48 to 24. There done now.
  11. Wait isn't that the same reason AI declared on us? lol.
  12. lol logs dumpz but who cares. Mr rebuttal(I'm not gov't btw,this is just what I've dealt with in the last 48 hours) Strike 1: <Itsuki-sama> so what <Itsuki-sama> i told my ppl to peace <Itsuki-sama> goldie refused <SonOfHoward[VE]> meh <Itsuki-sama> not much i can do past that point <Itsuki-sama> the ball is in ur court <SonOfHoward[VE]> oh goldie didn't accept? <Cheese_Puff> Just let me and goldie fight <Cheese_Puff> Yes <Cheese_Puff> Where the **** is infidel <Cheese_Puff> He has logs <SonOfHoward[VE]> sure whatever <Cheese_Puff> This is between me and goldie <Cheese_Puff> And whoever attacks me <Cheese_Puff> Ok Getting conflicting stories from gov't. Peace could may have possibly been achieved but Goldie hasn't been around for 48 hours. I guess you didn't want to wait, but that's cool. Strike 2. I dunno maybe some of our members said that. Here's something from Kol's public channel. <Cheese_Puff> > they were tech raids lol <Cheese_Puff> <@SonOfHoward[VE]> o rly <Cheese_Puff> <@SonOfHoward[VE]> those were active nations <Cheese_Puff> <@SonOfHoward[VE]> so LIEZ U SAI <Cheese_Puff> * Mack[GGAway] is now known as Mack[GGA] <Cheese_Puff> > active nations that I can pound into dust Pounding nations into dust? Threatening much? You're members are probably no more innocent than ours. Also is Cheese gov't or what? Strike 3. Peace was offered but never accepted because the Kol nation was inactive. Edit: I thought I'd add this quote in here from the other thread as well since it is relevent and ironic at the same time. This IS TE! Good luck guys!!
  13. By the way peace was offered the KoL nation was inactive.
  14. Good lord. Could you rewrite that into something we can understand?
  15. Good luck guys welcome back to Gov't life Morey.
  16. Congrats PDGray, I think this is your first time as prez?
  17. [insert discussion and celebration here] Congrats NV!
  18. If it makes you feel any better I dont have a full set of trades.
  19. You were planning on leaving VE because you were starting the Realm. In fact at one point you were in the Realm AND VE (During a war.).
  20. You joined NPO becuase you think they'll destyroy VE? How loyal of you.
  21. Congrats on the new gov't! Tromp Uncle Harry
  22. o/ Green Unity For anyone who's interested IRC: #uja (ColdFront) -Everyone is welcome to hang out there. UJA forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/United_Jungle_Accord/index/ (Ya they're zeta and we may move soon, but I'm just so damn lazy.)
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