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Everything posted by SonOfHoward

  1. Just goes to show keeping low tech levels might protect you from GOONS(Maybe) but not from batpoo crazy roguery!
  2. Every alliance has a right to be 'lulzy'(as you so put it) or 'boring'. What would be boring was if everyone was the same. Oh carp grave dig. Mods not my fault I was directed from here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=92913
  3. [quote name='kingknon' timestamp='1288312785' post='2495788'] are you not human? str8 up. people make mistakes ratard [/quote] Hell ya I'm with on that one brah. [img]http://www.one4theotherthumb.com/images/stories/facepalm.jpg[/img]
  4. The best part about this is sethb being in charge VE's FA department.
  5. Rooooooll out the barrel Rollllllllllll of fuuuuuuuuuuuun EDit: Drunken edit.
  6. On a related note the civilians of Ulysses every hallow3edween hold a 48 hour bloodshot competition(Until the participants got too drunk to participate after 2008.). The same director won 2 years in a row(2007 & 2008). Here are his hell movies in all their horrity, banned across the universe. Prepare to be terrorfied beyond your wildest nightmares. DO not watch in the dark, or the day for that matter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs6Rru1MCXY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sByW7njE4Uw Edit: all music was original and recorded with the 48hours that it took to make the bloodshot.
  7. Crap this beats VE's triple drop before the Karma fires ate everything. (I read this ages ago, only responding now.) Edit: Also Post 420. Epic.
  8. Nice upgrade. I don't see this changing anything on the treaty front so I can only assume that the bawers were trying to pull MHA to their side? Which would be a total waste of FA resourced and time. haha.
  9. o/ MACK Oh ya and o/ TERTIS(I realized my typo but I decided to leave it in there anyway.)
  10. Congrats on creating an alliance that isn't Star Wars or Starcraft themed. Good luck HOW(Which is also a part of my name btw.)
  11. [quote] We acknowledge that threatening The Empire of the New Evolution when they desired to defend their alliance from unwarranted attacks by an unaligned nation was wrong, and was an aggressive and interventionist action. [/quote] I don't think NSO did anything wrong; the NSO is the NSO. They did what they did and lost. Should be as simple as that. If we didn't have alliances like NSO we would have no wars at all; no one would do anything(Much like NSO's allies.)
  12. I can see this as merely a housekeeping thing. These treaties are probably not neccassary anyway; I think Rok is tied to these two alliances through other allies.
  13. Congrats! Green is swiftly becoming the most popular sphere to move to. It's definitely one of the more friendly and inviting colors.
  14. Nice, coulda spent a bit more time on the wording so it isn't so bare bones. I was expecting more from reading the title.
  15. Accept a nation at war into your alliance and expect problems. It's always been the way.
  16. Great, now everyone on PB possesses the knowledge on how to run their own alliance. May admin have mercy on our souls.
  17. There could be a few things happening here. Below I present 3 viable scenarios of what has transpired and what is going on behind the scenes right now. 1. NSO asking their allies not to help is actually a way of goading their allies to help. If NSO asked them outright their allies would probably say 'no'. 2. Point 2 is somewhat related to point 1. NSO is saving their allies from the embarrassment of having to say 'No' to helping them. 3. OR it's still too early and a counter attack is in the making!
  18. Too bad none of your allies will help you Sith. I was hoping for wide spread conflict with lots of drama. You guys are a bit of a buzzkill. I would expect more out of an alliance that was into brinkmanship such as yourself(Such as trying to pick a fights with Neutrals and that ridicoulous Moldavi 2.0 Doctrine or whatever it is.) I hope this is a clever front and that you really do have plans for a counter.
  19. Here are my thoughts on points 3 and 5 which would provide war in the short term. 3. Generally people don't care enough about tech raiders to do anything. The unfortunate thing is that for the most part the people who do care are nothing more than invertebrates crying on the big boards. Point 3 COULD be the start of a war in the short term if some people grew a pair. 5. A larger alliance acting through a protectorate is a possibility. Once the facade is revealed then expect all hell breaks loose. I think that would be the best scenario because we could see some crazy poop like what happened in the 2nd Unjust War/TOP-CnG.
  20. Shame on you UPN. May you feel the wrath of CAT LAND! Any CATLAND nations selling tech can PM me in-game. I pay first.
  21. So you're going to be warring against GOONS?
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