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Everything posted by SonOfHoward

  1. I was thinking of signing a treaty with Baskan but because of this I have reversed my decision. Thank you 1TF for enlightening me and preventing me from making what could have been the largest political blunder of my life.
  2. I've learned a lot through traveling and real life experiences. I have yet to learn anything about life or humanity through a computer game. CivIV comes close but even so... Ok wait I lied, kinda. CN is an internet meme. The one thing I take away from that fact is that people tend to be become narcissists in this medium. So maybe that says something about the deep psyche of the human brain and how culture can either oppress or promote our self feelings of me me me. That begs the question which one is right? Is there a happy medium? Are people either completely selfless, narcissists or can they be a bit of both? Can they be any 1 of those 3? Is CN just pure escapism and completely meaningless? Now my head hurts. I didn't come here for this, I just want to fire some missiles at someone and have them shoot something back... Congrats on 1000!
  3. Pretty soon it will be IRON's allies' who will be the targets of OWF smear campaigns for sitting idly by while their 'friends' get pummeled. Or is IRON actually winning this war? I haven't had time to research the stats...
  4. What's the point of this? Doesn't IRON have any good allies left? I'm guessing eventually someone may stick up for them militarily, as opposed to making silly threads like this. Someone call me when the DOW's start dropping kthnxbai.
  5. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' date='17 April 2010 - 01:46 PM' timestamp='1271537165' post='2264161'] Grazia for the medal, you guys were truly a pleasure to fight, were more then pleasant to deal with afterwards, and reminded me that war doesn't have to always be filled with anger and spite. [/quote] If you fight hard, bravely and honorably there really is not need for long lasting hate after. I wish more people would come to that conclusion. I respect a good hard fighting opponent.
  6. Typo must be a WAY better SoS than I ever was. Tromp's favorite pastime was shooting down my advances. I even tried to buy hims drink and offered myself to hi....oh I've said too much.
  7. Hail! Now we only need to get CATLAND into The Stickmen and my master plan will be nearly complete!
  8. PIATS are useless unless they're team wide PIATs with economic perks and cool forums.
  9. [quote name='Mussolandia' date='12 April 2010 - 02:46 PM' timestamp='1271108774' post='2257760'] iFOK usually comes up when you think of things like "losers" or "subhuman". Refer to Michiel's signature for 1 and speak to them in Dutch for 2. [/quote] Hey now just because you got your feelings trampled on by Polar doesn't mean you have to make yourself feel better by calling Dutchies subhuman!
  10. This annoucnement made me think of changing my CN name to SinOfHoward. Congrats to everyone on the elections.
  11. Congrats, now I think you are more pretentious than ever.
  12. I'm positive Farkers and NpO'ers are in private talking about NSO'ers mothers at this very instant.
  13. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='08 April 2010 - 07:31 PM' timestamp='1270780246' post='2253778'] [color="#0000FF"]Fark is a completely unreasonable and unnecessarily difficult alliance, and Polaris is an alliance whose word means nothing. Yes, excellent treaty between excellent alliances.[/color] [/quote] Actually you have that reversed. Nonetheless; I'm sure that's why the two alliances did it; to cause peoples' panties to bunch up their bums.
  14. All I gotta say is Grub must look really good in a dress.
  15. Fran iz zaT u? Edit: did Hellscream re-roll?
  16. VonDroz|Gre managed to out arrogant IRON. Impressive. *yes I turned that into verb. got a problem with that?* I doubt many people will be willingly jumping to Gre's assistance when it's Gre's turn to get the boots. Oh I forgot Gre is so awesome that they can 'fight for a couple years at this pace, a little longer'. I want some of what you're smokin' boy!
  17. First time I've seen a protectorate cancel on their protector. Then again I've had a lot of braincells wiped out by radiation so who knows what I remember. Rather odd choice of protector. *stokes the embers of the orange cold war*
  18. Hail our new dark iFokkian overlord(s)!
  19. That's why Purple needs to tear up/down this joke that they call 'Purple Unity'.
  20. Is Insert FB status here.

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