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Comrade Goby

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Everything posted by Comrade Goby

  1. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1282001386' post='2418374'] It was initiation, no refunds! [/quote] Damn you Celestial Being! And how could you initiate me into an alliance I founded!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  2. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1281995709' post='2418286'] All GGA nations have been messaged with an offer to change their AA to Celestial Being Applicant. While we will not help in their current wars that occurred before the change we expect that no new wars will be launched on them once the change has occurred or they will be met with retaliation. Once the wars expire we will be giving them aid so they can get back on their feet and decide where to go from there. [/quote] Why you gotta buzzkill brah? Also please get into my range so I can pay you back for that tech raid a few years ago
  3. [img]http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/22/3517jvp.gif[/img] Good job RoK. A most just decision indeed.
  4. Good job brah If it is consistent could be nice
  5. Fine comrades to the glorious \m/ empire!
  6. [quote name='Lezrahi' timestamp='1280885914' post='2400229'] [i]Lezrahi had happened to have come down from the mountain to be among the crowd today, and when he heard this speech by this man displaying his preposterous jawline, he could not help but to cover his mouth as he shook his shoulders in laughter, doubling over slightly. Sometimes, people exhibit the damnedest speech impediments. Once he was done, however, he became somewhat more serious.[/i] For one, my friend, words can be powerful, yet these are not, and never are when you have betrayed, and have yet to offset that betrayal. For another, though, the infamous Pacifican definition of betrayal is one handed out all too frequently. Though I do not pretend to know how long it is these days, I am sure that their historical list of 'traitors' could be fed around this planet more times than a human's circulatory system could. That said, with so many 'traitors', one must ask themselves whether or not Pacifica betrayed [i]itself[/i] (and even whether or not it still does). If you truly do feel that strongly about your actions, then you had best be prepared to repent for them come the next time they find themselves in dire straits. Perhaps a good place to go for this purpose would be The Phoenix Federation. They have come a long way since the Unjust War. [i]Lezrahi bowed, and then, longing for the shade of the oak atop the mountain, departed.[/i] [/quote] [quote name='Cortath' timestamp='1280887312' post='2400256'] Yeah, I ask myself that question all the time: Has Pacifica betrayed itself? No, what I really ask myself is, how is a list fed around a planet? Do planets eat? Do things need to go around them before they eat? Or is it that lists are like satellites, and they go around the earth? Are they then eaten? Do other planets eat them? [/quote] What is this I don't even....
  7. \m/, in honor of MHA will only sign unbreakable treaties. They can be canceled though if we don't like them anymore.
  8. Chief Savage Man never plots. Don't worry guys, we'll be the next big moralist alliance yet!
  9. Just have all major blocs merge. Create super alliances.
  10. I was a member of the New Polar Order. I know the irony >_< Edit: lol reading fail
  11. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1280202357' post='2390790'] [url=http://www.newsithorder.info/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=116&t=12026] I sense problems.[/url] [/quote] I'm sure everything will work itself out most unentertainingly.
  12. Good job NSO. Let's plot with people we don't know we can trust. That's the way to succeed!
  13. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1280038819' post='2388141'] And after 50 pages, I have yet to see one compelling reason why red should be afforded protection while the other spheres remain open. [/quote] Red is the color of <3's tee hee!
  14. NPO aren't the "bad guys". All political morality is a point of view. I would argue that every alliance should be considered "bad guys".
  15. No war? Well I'm sure harsh words will do something! I love that can-do attitude.
  16. Now we can read fanfiction in peace.
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