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Comrade Goby

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Everything posted by Comrade Goby

  1. [quote name='Thomas Jackson' timestamp='1295978285' post='2600489'] You talk an awful lot for a man of no action. [/quote] No action? lol Trust me if you guys had someone in my range and I could declare I would. Also I've already secured \m/'s death. LiVe.LaUgH.lOvE. <3's
  2. [quote name='Lezrahi' timestamp='1295976508' post='2600429'] I, for one, respect \m/'s ability to check themselves before they wreck themselves. Some might argue that they are already wrecked, but I laugh at such sentiments. Merrie Melodies, I am certain, will serve \m/ well in his new position and undo any wrecking that may have occurred as a result of this and other mistakes. Godspeed, \m/y brothers. [/quote] Don't worry! They will still be wrecked.
  3. [quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1295953069' post='2599838'] I do not agree with this move, and have resigned from \m/ gov and left \m/ as a result. I found out by reading the DOW after joining IRC minutes before. Words cannot express how retarded I think this move is, so I have shown how I feel by leaving \m/. [/quote] Gee I wonder if only almost every other person that's ever been gov in \m/ has been trying to tell how retarded Marx is. Why do you think so many people tried to get rid of him? Oh well \m/ will be put to sleep soon enough.
  4. You guys are still gonna be zied either way. So have fun I guess hahahaahhaah
  5. Out of all the alliances attacking us only RIA has been any concern so props to them.
  6. SLCB doesn't afraid of anything. Check out our stats yo
  7. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295776274' post='2593733'] Aww, you remembered! [/quote] [img]http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp324/natet2003/funny-random-photos-241.jpg[/img] Ya rly
  8. [center][img]http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc3/imbored24470/SLCBpropaganda1.jpg[/img] [b]In Seaworthy Liberia, Economics work for you![/b] In these times of too few tech sellers and way too many hungry mouths to stuff full of microchips and nuclear technology upgrades, we have had to outsource. And who better to outsource to than myg0t? Haven't heard of them? Well $%&@ you. Because their resources are ours now. Term I Technology sharing myg0t will research technological advances for cheap and send them to SLCB. SLCB will send over bills, cash, cold, unmarked. myg0t and SLCB will work together to fill as many slots as feasible. Term II Trading myg0t loves trades. SLCB loves trades. Perhaps we'll love trades together. Perhaps we'll even sing about our trades in little circles of six people each. Term III Long term This exchange of economic resources of whatever kind shall be assumed to continue for a "really long time". We'll be keeping in touch. Close touching might be encouraged. But we won't say "I love you." That just makes things complicated. Signed, Generals of SLCB rambo Leader of myg0t[/center]
  9. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1295751957' post='2592801'] Since a lot of the real OG \m/ members have decided we're real enough, I think we might not be a farce! [/quote] lol you mean real OG \m/ members like? Chief Goby Starfox Tygaland! bm etc. Not on list Marx Caliph Legendoftheskies Also who are you to talk about "OG" \m/embers? You guys have Margrave and like Merrie Melodies Pretty much every other "OG" \m/embers find you guys a joke
  10. [quote name='Margrave' timestamp='1295739558' post='2592569'] I aim to please, Lennox. \m/ exists to ruin the game of people like Citizen Kane. Also, PLEASE CRY MORE CK/GOBY/D3FILED, YOUR TEARS ARE DELICIOUS AND TASTE OF LOST INNOCENCE! [/quote] I have not cried once. In fact I was ecstatic when you guys declared. \m/ will finally be put to rest and maybe better days can be remembered instead of the farce it is now. (Inb4 someone says it never had better days)
  11. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1295695810' post='2591720'] So threats of disbandment and EZI already? This is depressing. [/quote] Not threats my good sir. Not threats.
  12. [quote name='Louisa' timestamp='1295682801' post='2591545'] You will all be happy to know that Herr Schrödinger and I have settled our differences and that the war is now back on track under the benevolent leadership of ComradeGoby and his inner clique of ruthlessly democratic Politburo functionaries. I wish fun to friends and enemies alike, and I will buy you all some cinnamon tea when we have finally ground each other to fine particles of dust. Enjoy! [/quote] Excellent! Now it's time to starve the plebs.
  13. [quote name='Margrave' timestamp='1295693502' post='2591692'] Goby, you're on the wrong side of the fence, brother, the real gangsters are over here. Also, you think I'd ever allow \m/ to exist if I thought it was a joke? This is the real thing bro, sorry you couldn't hang. Also, Erikz; if you'd have read the logs of I have of Kane getting into a temper tantrum, you wouldn't care what words came from him either. [/quote] lol look at your gov brah, real thing lol Sure you guys may not disband, but eternal ZI works for me as well I go hard in the paint brahs.
  14. [quote name='blueski' timestamp='1295690504' post='2591650'] Whats left of you are the pathetic and bitter fools who've driven away every good member and friend \m/ ever had. But who needs them when you have RoK, right? When SLCB is dictating your terms I hope they do the right thing. [img]http://www.virginmedia.com/images/firing-squad-431x300.jpg[/img] [/quote] Oh it will be done, trust me. I think I can safely say this is the end of the joke-\m/ Edit: OMG Margrave!1111
  15. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1295659795' post='2590102'] Man, I just hope you guys are having fun. [/quote] Oh you guys made it so much better I assure you.
  16. Oh thank you! Dreams do come true! [img]http://i41.tinypic.com/1127gif.gif[/img] Also don't be afraid to declare on me! I'm in nuke anarchy so I can't hit you guys up, but I look forward to your deaths nonetheless.
  17. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1295632058' post='2589310'] Also the losing side. Whatever the case, it's RIA's infra/tech/land/and cash on the line and they may freely spend it as they see fit. The consequences will hopefully be something they can stomach when this is all at an end. Delta1212: I don't wish you ill-will, just seems strategically a bad move. But as I say, we'll see in the end and perhaps in the end I'll agree with you. [/quote] I think it was a strategically sound move. [img]http://images1.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/4933092/Im-Just-Saiyan.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Raditz[/img]
  18. [quote name='spearo' timestamp='1295608884' post='2588990'] Then I read the tetris DoW and realised just how boring Goby is [/quote] Mines betta! The pictures !@#$@#$ move! Woah Harry Potter!
  19. [quote name='Style #386' timestamp='1295585722' post='2588112'] We're still bringing the tea and crumpets. Has anything changed? [/quote] Why postpone the party? GATO I am disappoint
  20. [quote name='King Death II' timestamp='1295585669' post='2588100'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QMqM7.jpg[/img] Nah brah, we cool, you cool? [/quote] It's all good. Just mire us brah. I'm mirin you as well (no homo)
  21. To the OP [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/e71ile.jpg[/img] U mad brahs?
  22. [quote name='rnegafan' timestamp='1295571975' post='2587482'] I love Poison Clan so I understand attacking Ragnarok but I secretly still love Ragnarok so I'm not super excited about this belligerence. Still, the newer love of Poison Clan is shiny and official while the remote admiration of Ragnarok is innappropriate and more like a passive stalking no one knows about. So you know whatever we just doing what we do much love all around. Just punching the clock and hailing Poison Clan and hailing iFok. Don't get me started on the amount of love I have for iFok - I am only in SLCB just to be close to them. I could never actually join iFOK because it would be like flying to close to the sun... you know, heart-wise. [/quote] Are you in the right thread good sir?
  23. [quote name='Squirrels United' timestamp='1295560476' post='2587218'] Something just screams wrong move... Attacking Rognarok [i]and[/i] invoking the wrath of GATO at the same time by attacking TIO? Brilliant. [/quote] We at SLCB have no idea how treaties work. Don't hate us!!!!!
  24. [quote name='justinb904' timestamp='1295559052' post='2587167'] If you find that impressive then wait till you see our non-idiots. Someone might want to tell that Hydra bloke that sending aid to the fellow you just declared on is a little counter productive. [/quote] Oh come on now. It was obvious you were attacking since last night as most of your alliance seemed to not so coyly allude to.
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