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Comrade Craig

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Everything posted by Comrade Craig

  1. Congratulations to both alliances! I've fought FEAR as an adversary on battlefield, and stood alongside ODN as comrades-in-arms. Both were fine experiences. -Craig
  2. [quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1335904805' post='2961739'] Please do not encourage him [/quote] Don't deny it. You know you want it. -Craig
  3. And now one more alliance exists only in the wiki. Homeboy man, this makes me sad! -Craig
  4. So Mandellav, this makes how many players you've made cry? -Craig
  5. Praise Curtis Martin, the Creator! Seriously though... Congratulations. -Craig
  6. [quote name='Allan a Dale' timestamp='1335313002' post='2958721'] Further claims of bias or discussion of moderator action will result in additional warns. [/quote] I have nothing but respect for the moderation staff. There are a lot of testosterone-fueled teens and early twenty-somethings in our alliance (I'm sure we're not unusual in that regard), so if they overreacted I apologize on their behalf. I would, however, just like to express that we never intended any deception or trickery. Our action was not malicious. We made a considerable effort to investigate it ahead of time, and throughout the whole process we were transparent about our actions. The drive to attain the flag was a positive and motivating force within our alliance, and within the alliances of those who helped. The surprising removal has been very demotivating. Several people put a significant effort into this (Comrade Trotsky and Lanore notably among them), and the rest of us were proud of the achievement. I know it might sound silly, but it was a big deal to a lot of people. It wasn't a stunt to subvert the system. We are genuinely disappointed. INT doesn't cheat or game any systems. Regards, Craig (nominal "leader" for this herd of house cats) [i]edit: I'm anal and fixed a typo.[/i]
  7. I love the fact that I know all these names. I'm particularly pleased to see MS and Senhart in the list. In my experience, both have been extremely competent. And I didn't know Milo was even still alive! Congratulations, guys. -Craig
  8. (Wow. This thread is still going strong!) So I'm a little late. We're 12 pages into this thread and I'm finally here to post a mindless hail. o/ mindlessness o/ TPF o/ INT -Craig
  9. This is a bad day for the world, and that makes me smile. I hope that some day this union will bring us a serious body count, and that I get my fair share of the blood. o/ GATO o/ C&G o/ Pacifica -Craig
  10. [quote name='Scandalous Rumour' timestamp='1334763442' post='2955336'] Scandalous Rumour, Formerly TGEF (The Greatevilfish), Consul of SFS and architect of GUILD, both adorable micro projects . [/quote] Hey man. Thanks for dropping by your old friends and letting us know you still existed. -Craig
  11. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1334302872' post='2952020'] If it's a comment on the treaty and other treaties International has, how is it being taken off the tracks? I know people just want hails for their treaties and no criticism. I guess maybe "nice grouping" would be allowed? I already said I had made my points, but I got quoted. Again, I'm not going to get into anything else, but if you call me out specifically, I will respond. [/quote] If it's any consolation, you're providing me with an opportunity to listen to the sound of my own voice, so I'm not complaining. -Craig
  12. Personally, this seems like a pretty reasonable announcement. People should fight to win. They should bring every available gun. Overwhelm your enemy. I hope both sides fight as hard and destroy as much as they can. In the end, that's why we're all here, right? -Craig
  13. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1334275498' post='2951679'] ...BFF alliances have had run-ins with DH, and DH alliances have shown their disdain for NEW. Can you balance your commitments to NEW with DH's dislike of them?[/quote] I recognize that among our strategic adversaries there exists a widely held belief that INT is an MK pawn, but I can assure you that we are independent of Doomhouse and intend to pursue our own selfish foreign policy objectives. The International has no treaty obligations with the Mushroom Kingdom or any other DH alliance. We have no intelligence-sharing arrangement. We don't even have a PIAT. There is absolutely no requirement for us to consider their objectives while we pursue our own. That's not to say that I don't have immense respect for DH and the work that they have done. Overall, it's a great organization (if it even is an organization at all) filled with great people who have done great things. I am a fan of their work. As for our treaties, LSF and R&R are ancient treaties. Both treaties are much older than INT itself, and there has been no change in the relationship that would cause us to reevaluate it. Our bond with the LSF transcends strategy and even friendship. It represents class solidarity. And, of course, the R&R connection is almost a family bond -- born of our entry in the brotherhood that was LEO, and battle-tested during the opening salvos of the Karma War. They have been dependable and loyal. I'll concede the obvious point: we've been on different paths recently, but even through this our friendship has been unquestionable. Lastly, the treaty web is already a cluster-hump. We didn't invent the damn thing and it ain't even in our power to unilaterally "fix" it. Every alliance faces tension between its friends at some point. It's a fact of life, and it's why we have diplomats. We are not unusual in this regard, so absurd to single us out for that. -Craig
  14. C&G is the epitome of peace and justice. It is laughable to suggest otherwise. We are a peaceful bloc. We aggressively pursue peace. In fact, we demand it as a precondition for the termination of all our wars. Unconditionally. -Craig
  15. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1333746197' post='2949248'] How long until the cultural revolution kills off these new gains? [/quote] I give it about 10 days, plus or minus. -Craig
  16. I'm wondering if the OP even did a casual search for [ooc]similarly-themed[/ooc] and structured alliances. -Craig
  17. The sound of marching boots draws closer and closer. -Craig
  18. [center]¡Viva la Internacionale! [img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f2/dr_mckinney/personal/stuff/int-war.jpg[/img][/center] -Craig
  19. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1332537829' post='2942311'] I wish luck to our allies in their continued attempts at having more ODPs than we have members. [/quote] It's all about options, baby. -Craig
  20. [quote name='Phineas' timestamp='1332306804' post='2941051'] no one other than you knows. [/quote] I know nothing, and reject all assertions to the contrary. -Craig
  21. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1332091974' post='2939774'] I don't see what the point in not signing a treaty with MK and staying in C&G and signing this is, tbh. Methrage is right. [/quote] I think you left out some parenthesis. I'm having trouble figuring out the order of operations here. Did you mean: !(INT & MK) & (INT & CNG) & (THIS) or (!(INT & MK) & (INT & CNG)) & (THIS) or is it all one expression? POINT != (!(INT & MK) & (INT & CNG)) & (THIS) Am I even close? -Craig
  22. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1332090630' post='2939768']So you're just posting repeat treaties for the extra attention since you didn't have anything meaningful to announce? Gotcha... [/quote] Wait. I need to wrap my head around this. Someone is dancing around, screaming "everyone look at me" and you of all people have some sort of moral objection to the behavior? Is this a recent change? -Craig
  23. Congratulations, guys. Looks like that was a lot of work! -Craig
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