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Comrade Craig

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Everything posted by Comrade Craig

  1. Kill 'em all, boys. Burn their fields; salt the earth. -Craig
  2. There's only one thing I can say, but when I type it, it comes out looking like "@$#!% !$#@ up, boys." Kick some ass, fellas. -Craig
  3. [quote name='President Gunn' timestamp='1322782397' post='2858589'] Glad to see this finally announced. [/quote] I know... It feels like it's been in the works for HOURS! -Craig
  4. As your friend and ally, I have to say... WEAK. -Craig
  5. [quote name='JackSkellington' timestamp='1322371163' post='2853424'] That was actually a decent DoW [/quote] I can actually relate to the OP. Cheers, UPN. -Craig
  6. [quote name='Californian' timestamp='1322352903' post='2853026'] Can someone explain how this is anything other than TI bailing on an ally headed to war? [/quote] I can't believe it took 5 pages before someone finally dredged up this pathetic little rhetorical ploy. -Craig
  7. [quote name='Proest' timestamp='1322298202' post='2852194'] Please do not cancel our personal MDAP Craig. [/quote] But Cuba, I was especially looking forward to engaging you personally! -Craig
  8. [quote name='KemMo' timestamp='1322211482' post='2850934'] Don't see why you decided to make a joke out of the OP though... [/quote] It was a rhetorical preemptive strike against the peanut gallery of know-nothings and armchair conspiracy theorists. -Craig [i][OOC]I sound like a broken records some times, but it's a game and we must make the best of it. There's nothing wrong with having some fun with every situation. We didn't break up with our longtime lover. There are no children now in broken homes. There are no funerals to attend. No real-life enemies have been made. Don't be so serious. It's bad for your health.[/OOC][/i]
  9. I took no pleasure in announcing this. RIA is home to some great members of this community. -Craig
  10. [quote][center][IMG]http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/2175/seallarge.png[/IMG][/center] [size="4"]In deference to the demands of our Fungal Overlords (as communicated to us through their puppet alliances in the Complaints & Grievances Union), the servile and obedient International bows to the mandate of the New Hegemony(TM). Pursuant to Section VII of [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=47859][i]Socialistic Insanity 2.0: International Insanity[/i][/url], the 48 hour notification of intent to cancel has been invoked.[/size] [/quote] The real reasons have been communicated via private channels, but don't let that stop you from inventing your own narrative. I'm rather fond of the one you just read, but if you come up with a better one then by all means, I insist that you run with it.
  11. [quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1322067321' post='2849778'] Looks like I am going to have to find another place to park my semi-inactive butt , thanks to my fellow Ronin members and good luck to one and all. [/quote] Come back home, Cata. -Craig
  12. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1321994707' post='2849220'] I love ya J, but I'm not taking your word for anything. I'll stick to what I know from the people who have proven I can trust them before. [/quote] Do you trust me? I've been closely involved with INT government since prior to its foundation. I was one of the main proponents of C&G membership. I am probably the main point of contact between INT and the rest of C&G. I can assure you that I have never felt any pressure to modify my foreign policy. Your information is clearly tainted. That isn't how we operate. -Craig
  13. Quite an intriguing development. Is surprise the right reaction for an MDoAP partner? -Craig
  14. This appears to be what those in intelligence circles call "blowback." -Craig
  15. Tromp [i]and[/i] Harry? Damn I missed you guys! Let's do lunch! -Craig
  16. [quote name='Sang Amurwabhumi' timestamp='1320617181' post='2840610'] Its party time..but where's the beer? o/ INT o/ NEW [/quote] [img]http://www.ratebeer.com/beerimages/74296.jpg[/img] To NEW! -Craig
  17. [quote name='James Saldana' timestamp='1320605296' post='2840332'] Whoah! INT Changed its flag! thats sexy! This is Marcos btw Hi all! [/quote] Hey buddy! Long time! -Craig
  18. [font="Georgia"][center][size=5][b]A Joint Announcement from [color=red]Nusantara Elite Warriors[/color] and [color=red]the International[/color][/b][/size] [img]http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/9599/handshakeg.jpg[/img] [/center] [size=3]It is my distinct honor to announce a union that has been planned and finally enacted after [i]days[/i] of intense discussion. English is insufficient to express the joy that I feel; only this ancient Indonesian proverb can succinctly describe my feelings on this glorious occasion: [i]Selamat. Anda telah berhasil menggunakan alat terjemahan otomatis.[/i] Without further ado, here is the treaty text which I can only assume will provide employment for (and unsolicited interpretations from) an army of e-lawyers in the years to come.[/size] [quote] [center][size=5][b]The International Maho Accords[/b][/size] [img]http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9736/int250.png[/img] [img]http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/1592/new250.png[/img] [/center] In the interest of promoting friendship, ever-lasting peace, and security between two sovereign alliances, the International (INT) and Nusantara Elite Warriors (NEW) do hereby sign this Pact mandating mutual defense and encouraging mutual aggression. [b]Section I[/b] Both alliances and their respective members shall remain sovereign of each other. [b]Section II[/b] Neither alliance shall engage in or endorse military action against the other signatory. If a nation is found in violation of this they will be ordered to offer peace and reparations, the amount of which to be decided by the signatories’ governments on a case-by-case basis. [i]Item A.[/i] Neither signatory will engage in or endorse espionage against the other. [b]Section III[/b] Both signatories and their respective members shall remain civil to each other at all times, especially in public forums. [b]Section IV[/b] If either signatory receives information concerning a direct threat to the other, that signatory will notify a member of the other signatory's government and provide the relevant information, keeping the source hidden if chosen. [b]Section V[/b] Should either signatory find themselves in a defensive war, the other signatory is bound to provide military, financial, and diplomatic assistance to the aggressed-upon signatory to the fullest extent of its ability to do so. An attack on one signatory shall be considered an attack on both. This section may be voided in particular instances at the insistence of the aggressed-upon signatory without the pact as a whole being voided. [b]Section VI[/b] Should either signatory, for whatever reason, embark upon an aggressive war with a third alliance, it is required to inform the other signatory of its plans to do so. The other signatory is under no obligation to provide military, financial, or diplomatic aid, but it has the option to do so and such aid is strongly encouraged. [b]Section VII[/b] Either signatory may terminate this pact at any time; however, the withdrawing alliance must notify the other signatory through diplomatic channels 48 hours prior to cancellation. This pact is void automatically if a signatory or its members do not fulfill their stipulated obligations. [u]Signed for INT[/u] [img]http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/2306/seal50wvb.png[/img] The congress of the International [u]Signed for NEW[/u] Maha Prabu: [b]Cyrus0321[/b] Maha Patih: [b]gantanX[/b] Sang Panca Ring Nusantara: Kelvinlovedewa - [b]Mahamentri Hino(MoIA)[/b] Kutumoncrot - [b]Mahamentri Halu(MoF)[/b] D Vibianto - [b]Mahamentri Sirikan(MoE)[/b] Marginali - [b]Patih Amancanegara(MoFA)[/b] Coekrix - [b]Tumenggung(MoD)[/b][/font] [/quote]
  19. I don't accept this pathetic excuse for an apology. I will not be satisfied until each of the TLR Triums present sacrificial offerings and grovel at my feet. Also, I want money. And if you have attractive sisters, throw them in, too. Same goes for your mothers. Oh, do you have any valuable collectibles? Comic books, maybe? o/ TLR! -Craig
  20. I got nothing to say that hasn't been said a dozen times in this thread already. You'll be missed, etc. But honestly, you're too old to be playing this game anyhow. Enjoy your retirement. Go golfing. Take up shuffleboard. Play chess in the park. And save a spot for me. -Craig
  21. So many flawed arguments. Everyone keeps saying that smaller nations are not relevant. That's complete bull. Nations at the top ranges can't hit nations at the bottom. ALL nations are relevant within their narrow offensive/defensive band. I've been playing this game for nearly 5 years, and it's pretty clear that I don't have a shot at the #1 position -- by the logic in this thread, I should quit playing because all is hopeless. I agree that there is too much money in the game, but you don't solve that problem by punishing successful players and making the game less fun. It can only be solved by giving people more ways to spend the money: more wonders, more improvements, etc. I think lifting the aid cap would be disastrous, but most of us do understand that the $3 million limitation is terribly outdated and could stand to be increased. Degrading tech is perhaps the most terrible idea yet. You work hard to build your nation, and then you must struggle simply to keep it static? Talk about a surefire way to destroy the interest of veteran players. -Craig
  22. I am a mere peasant and am humbled by the almighty CN Staff. [spoiler]I knew about this weeks ago. -Craig[/spoiler]
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