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Everything posted by bzelger

  1. Happy to see this! I was sad to see FEAR merge with Europa and even more so to see BFF's implosion. Good luck getting going again, and I hope you steer clear of the unsavory elements this time.
  2. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1344749433' post='3021107'] Looks like only diamonds last forever. [/quote] Diamonds are thermodynamically unstable at ambient pressure and temperature.
  3. As FEAR was my first real alliance I'm sad to see them go, and especially in this way. Good luck to the former members of FEAR and Wolfpack.
  4. Welcome back to white, my erstwhile comrades.
  5. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1329612151' post='2923660'] Again, seven alliances and NPO (who made several of the government change requests that were granted by the victors and laid out as terms) are suddenly condensed down into TOP for the convenience of a flawed argument.[/quote] The existence of other culpable parties does not somehow absolve you of responsibility. You got more credit than others because you spearheaded the operation and because you're generally an ass. The participation of others in the WoTC is why I likewise have no sympathy for IRON, TORN, Valhalla, and others for what they got in BiPolar. There were alliances legitimately wronged by Polaris in that war (e.g., FEAR), but you weren't one of them.
  6. [quote name='Bodvar Jarl' timestamp='1329538958' post='2923061'] And here I was, fancying ourselves being merciful. Polaris not demanding/receiving reps from the great betrayal is hardly a valid argument. We came in to help, foolishly as that might be, and they not only repaid the favor by performing the most heinous and unspeakable act of depravity ever performed against a fellow coalition member in the history of Cybernations, they went so far as to declare war on us to make the treachery complete. The result was a severely weakened Paradoxia, forced to labour for over half a year with the burden of reparations on top of this. For justice to be delivered, simple destruction of the nations of Polaris is not quite satisfactory, Polaris must be made to sweat and toil under the weight of restitution. Greed does not come into it, tech can be purchased, and given the logistical issues, for both sides, as can be expected, traditional tech trade is not really of diminished effectiveness. There is also a principle involved. Those who wish to truly hurt Paradoxia, not simply besting us in the game of power, not simply going after us because we stand in the way of their interests and goals, but because of the malice in their black hearts. Such heinous scum better make sure that we never will be able to rise again, because should they fail in that, we will have the patience of the sea, we will bide our time, we will wait for as long as it takes, and we will make sure that the consequences of their crimes shall prove to be so terrible that they not only will make the perpetrators rue the day they did the deed, but also serve as warning to all of Digiterra. Paradoxia never forgets and Paradoxia always pays back. [/quote] Oh please. You can't really have that myopic of a view of history. You attacked Polar aggressively, extracted extraordinary reparations with extra punitive clauses and additional terms intended to harm their alliance. You later got a knee to the groin in return. Your insistence on getting the last fist in seems, for the moment at least, to have been quite successful - but to try to dress it up as justice or righteous vengeance is contemptible.
  7. More like "The Order of Pettiness," it seems.
  8. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329412659' post='2921842'] We need less Crymsons and more Bob Ilyanis. [/quote] I was right with you through the first half of this statement, but you lost me in the finale.
  9. Many thanks to the allies and friends who've helped us get going again. Also to IRON, GLOF, Colossus, and WAPA for giving us this opportunity.
  10. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1328930151' post='2918139'] To be fair, it IS nearly 5 years ago since the alliance merged into TOOL [/quote] No! Emperor Tempest ended up in TOOL eventually, but LDN merged into NEO, who died as the result of an ill-advised raid against the relatively large but unconnected Sultans of Swing, which is a bit amusing considering the thread we're in. TPF dropped them like a hot potato and then they disbanded before RoK killed them, IIRC. Blackblack, another LDN alum, was one of their forum voices during their death throes.
  11. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1328929860' post='2918137'] That's the one! [/quote] Man, I thought I was the only one left, although I vaguely remember you now. I guess I never put it together that you were the same person.
  12. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1328929583' post='2918129'] It's how we used to do it in my first alliance (League of Nations I think it was.. I really can't remember the exact name anymore) [/quote] Was it League of Defensive Nations, run by Emperor Tempest?
  13. Thanks everyone for a good fight. I had a couple tough opponents. Sorry to be leaving you on the field, Polar. There just wasn't anything left to fight with for the majority of us.
  14. Yes, truly everyone should take HeroofTime as an example of how to comport yourself.
  15. [quote name='Turetel' timestamp='1322724815' post='2857993'] Holy nuclear winter batman, it's a bladegolem! [/quote] That was pretty much my thought on the matter too, except for the part involving bats. Congratulations, blade!
  16. I'm late to the party, but thank you for an honest CB. Perhaps the first one in history where the aggressor is not accused of ulterior motives. I think that of all the people who suffered abuse at the hands of Polar's BiPolar move, you have the smallest claim to offense, which amuses me a little. Can't say that I don't see your point of view though. I hope this war cleanses some of the extra bile.
  17. I still have a soft spot for you guys. Welcome to white.
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