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Adrian LaCroix

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Everything posted by Adrian LaCroix

  1. Congrats to my allies in GGA. I look forward to your proving the prophets of doom wrong.
  2. Lol. You're fairly confident that NPO and friends will change the way they've done things for the better part of two years because they lost a war and got to walk away afterwards? Pardon the cynicism, but I'll believe it when I see it. There is a difference between making this a kinder, gentler world and slaying a monster. You may hand out easy, good as white peaces to the monster and feel nice and good about yourself, but at the end of the day all you've done is let the monster live, and you'll find that nothing will have changed. Slay the monster. Change the world. It only works in that order. Just my two cents.
  3. That tl;dr had me loling. Good luck to the folks in new positions.
  4. This seems very much like the Charizard War.
  5. I've never stated that I didn't want to see harsh terms. My concerns are limited to ensuring the existence of my alliance and the members who've entrusted me with their safety. For me, the entire exercise was to honor my treaty with Sparta. Beyond that, the point of the coalition seemed to me to be to change the world for the better. I don't know that this will do the job.
  6. You seem to have disregarded what I said in the post you quoted entirely. When I said "more than just pixels" I meant our right to exist. As alliances (forced disbandments) and as nations (P/EZI). If the people you want to slap on the wrist come back and win a rematch, that's likely what this side of the war is facing. I'm saying that that more probably ought to be done to prevent that, because I don't think these alliances will all of a sudden change after however many years of doing things this way.
  7. Partly because if they come back, it's likely more than just pixels at stake for Karma.
  8. Can't say I think things like this is good strategy. I'm of the opinion that people don't change, but here's hoping.
  9. So you hit peace mode before you knew what was going on because of some rumors, because you wanted to make sure you were in the second wave if war should happen to come? Okay.
  10. The war may have been the final straw there, but I don't believe MCXA's problems were even mostly due to the war.
  11. Oh Lord, have you any idea what you've just done?
  12. I can't do it either. Last Sunday meeting for a while today, though. Also, I really and truly never thought I'd see the day NPO got passed.
  13. Please stop making me lol. People around me are going to think I'm an idiot. That's three times in this thread.
  14. Fairly low. I'd expect it to level out fairly soon, with the conflict shrinking, and Sparta probably won't lose enough to fall below it before it starts to drop. And a membership of over 700, if I recall rightly.
  15. That is quite a lot of nukes. Congratulations on bringing a healthy green glow to CN.
  16. A fairly interesting read. It's always nice to get some perspective on how this world came about, being a post-UJW nation.
  17. I see no one in this thread talking about wiping out NPO, much less any in a significant governmental position in a Karma alliance. I somehow doubt that this is the overall objective of the coalition.
  18. Who said anything about "obliterating" NPO?
  19. Except that they aren't attacking or being attacked by anyone.
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