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Adrian LaCroix

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Everything posted by Adrian LaCroix

  1. When I refresh the game page after a certain period of idle time, it takes me to a login page. Well that's not unusual, it did that before, so I enter my password and I click enter. Then it spits out an error message telling me that I've not entered the CAPTCHA correctly. This strikes me as odd, because no CAPTCHA appeared on the screen, and there is nowhere to enter it.
  2. Fun times round here on Bob.
  3. I remember that, that was pretty great.
  4. I'm mildly surprised BRIG's flag is in there. Thank you.
  5. /me facepalms. I don't think I want to know what's going on at this point.
  6. So, how many alliances have you founded now, Dan?
  7. I lol'd. I'd really just rather make the lot of you think that I'd suddenly found something productive to do with my life, really.
  8. Since it's such a popular question type, what do you think of The Brigade?
  9. I should be able to start doing these again about next Wednesday or Thursday. Ugh, finals.
  10. Excellent, now I can be lazy and avoid the OWF.
  11. Why do you not bring your amsging goodness to #brig?
  12. That was easily one of the most epically hilarious things to happen during my tenure here.
  13. Lol, one of our guys sent him a trade circle invite recently.
  14. Congratulations, this has been a long time coming.
  15. You wrote that post as if their upper ranks are taking huge chunks of damage. They aren't, they're sitting in peace mode. Don't know what difference that'll make in the long run, but /me shrugs
  16. I've talked with GGA gov a fair amount, being allied with them, and I think they're genuinely headed in the right direction. Did the war force them to re-evaluate their positions on some things? Probably. But they still re-evaluated their positions, and I think they're interested in going a different way this time round.
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