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Adrian LaCroix

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Everything posted by Adrian LaCroix

  1. To be fair, the forums have been down for a couple days, so this timing may have been the best they could do.
  2. I'd say I'm mostly True Neutral, with leanings toward lawful.
  3. I'd say 2, no, and no. Two because more than one is an alliance, and you probably shouldn't raid alliances. No because it's a decent tool for teaching newbs how to use the war system, and wasn't unfun to get raided in my experience. No because, whatever. Just be willing to face the consequences.
  4. 289 days. I've not had steady trades since the circle that trade was from fell apart before it got together.
  5. There are some forms of warfare that are just too inhumane.
  6. I'll probably never quit in the sense that I'll delete my nation, but if the game got really uninteresting for whatever reason I'd probably withdraw from paying attention to the wider game outside of pixels.
  7. That was the day everyone got drunk. We woke up and Quad was government, and our wallets had been emptied.
  8. o/ BRIG o/ Sanctuary o/ The tech I am about to receive
  9. I joined just before the Woodstock Massacre, so I guess that puts me closest to the UJW.
  10. The Brigade was founded on 4th July of 2007.
  11. Because asshattery hasn't been standard operating procedure for all of recorded history, right? There are no good guys, and no side is righteous, it's just a matter of who fools the masses into thinking they are so.
  12. I think that no matter who you are, we can all agree that this was one of, if not the, worst war ever.
  13. Wait, so they wanted him dead for requesting information from someone?
  14. Wow, we qualified for Survivor. Go us.
  15. If you're willing to shoehorn in Gems, I've got your Uranium.
  16. It'll probably be some random microalliance.
  17. What are you doing about the unequal distribution of technology amongst nations?
  18. I feel as if I would do that, but it would steal a little piece of my soul and burn it.
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