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Everything posted by Moridin

  1. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1281149555' post='2403375'] There isn't really anything juicy to say. He left to form an alliance. We wish him luck, and we miss him. HEAR THAT MORIDIN? We miss you. We're here all alone, missing you. Abandoner. [/quote] I only really have one thing to say on the subject. It'll take a lot to drag me away from here.
  2. [quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1281068533' post='2402412'] This. My names been on a few things I didn't like, I'm sure the same for other people/alliances. Protip RAM: stop crying and dealwithit.gif [/quote] I believe this varies from alliance to alliance. When I was in Polar, anyone in government who wanted to sign a treaty could, and likewise anyone who didn't want to sign was in no way obligated to. The only signature that was required was the Emperor's. For less autocratic alliances this might not be possible, and not knowing how what Grämlins' policy is about this (if there even is a policy, given they've gone 'paperless') I can't say whether putting Ramirus' signature on there was the correct move. However, one shouldn't assume someone in another government is signing a document.
  3. [quote name='M6 Redneck' timestamp='1281120669' post='2402909'] Didn't Einstien stuggle with the unified theory of everything because little things behaved differently from big things? Well I doubt that would have vexed him here. Afterall big alliances sanction great reps, little nations tech raid. Same rules apply. \M/6 [/quote] That's the worst analogy I've ever heard. Tech raiding bears absolutely no similarity to quantum physics.
  4. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1281119508' post='2402890'] Good luck getting a serious answer from a forum poll, heh. But to me, all raiding is aggressive warfare with no CB, so I voted yes to both parts. Having said that, raiding alliances is worse than raiding unaligned nations, because once you start doing that there isn't an easy out for nations to avoid being raided. [/quote] I agree with all this, except the part of there being no easy out. Nations can fairly easily join a major alliance, but I find it abhorrent that doing so (or finding a large enough protector) has become necessary to avoid someone attacking you for a tiny profit. Personally, I've resigned myself to the fact that raiding isn't ever going to disappear entirely, but I find it nothing short of hilarious that the same alliances who in the past complained to no end about the CB (or lack thereof) in the War of the Coalition have no qualms attacking entire alliances just because the membership of the alliance falls below an arbitrary boundary set up by these raiders [i]so that they can raid entire alliances[/i].
  5. Vladimir is correct in that the Continuum did not topple One Vision. It co-opted it, certainly, with the ejection of NpO in favor of MCXA, another Continuum member (as well as Echelon, which by that point was firmly in the NPO's pocket). The entirety of One Vision was on the Continuum's side of the War of the Coalition, so to say it was "toppled" in the War of the Coalition is quite incorrect. One Vision did become politically irrelevant after the ejection of Polar, because it became a bloc comprised entirely of NPO lackeys who would be on NPO's side with or without the One Vision Treaty, but it wasn't toppled until Karma.
  6. Or we all really want to bug Doppelganger.
  7. [quote name='DJTranquility' timestamp='1280859190' post='2399672'] I think this should be the solemn oath taken before joining: "I know that I must do what's right As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti" [/quote] This is an excellent idea. Perhaps a charter amendment is needed.
  8. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1280755153' post='2398313'] Who? What is the flying tigers? [/quote] The Flying Tigers were a micro alliance that declared war on the GOONS in the summer of 2007 (July I think?), at the height of GOONS' power.
  9. [quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1280814291' post='2399240'] I don't know, I think Africa should use this constitution instead: I suppose you guys want an alliance where democracy isn't just a word though [/quote] The main problem I see with that charter is there are not nearly enough clauses about blessing the rains.
  10. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1280812791' post='2399214'] But in all seriousness, congrats, and may it be everything your looking for. [/quote] It's already everything we're looking for. That's the best part about having low expectations.
  11. [quote name='Mussolandia' timestamp='1280811163' post='2399164'] What a wonderful song. What a horrible alliance. [/quote] That is our attitude as well. We will honestly be surprised if anyone applies.
  12. It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you. It's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do.
  13. Moridin

    Old MDP Webs

    It still could be pre-GWIII (and probably is, due to the presence of alliances like ACID and MCCF). As part of their surrender terms after GWII, LUE was forced to either suspend or cancel all their military treaties, which is why they don't appear on the web.
  14. [quote name='Byron Orpheus' timestamp='1280195341' post='2390607'] Also, let me take this moment to say how much we ex-GGAers all appreciate the vultures that have been messaging us with recruitment letters: The Conservative Underground MCXA Tetris Guru Order TORN Those are the ones I have received. Stay classy. [/quote] Surely you can forgive the vultures for starting on the carcass so quickly; they've been circling for years.
  15. At long last. Please, for the love of admin, rest in peace.
  16. [quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1280101468' post='2388919'] Beefspari appears to have been consistent. [/quote] Beefspari was the one who [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89629&view=findpost&p=2388676]offered[/url] the 'compromise' of not declaring any future wars against Solders of Legion but finishing current raids after CptGodzilla claimed on IRC that Monos Archein was protecting SoL. Upon posting notice of that protection to the forums, the GOONS stance changed, and GOONS offered peace in the current raids. There is an inconsistency at least between Beefspari's initial stance upon being informed of the protection and GOONS' final stance after this thread was posted.
  17. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1280098763' post='2388843'] Oh of course, but this seems like an examination of a routine matter solved normally. Seems rather silly to me. [/quote] When one party [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89629&view=findpost&p=2388543]publicly states[/url] they were ready to escalate the conflict to all-out war, I would disagree that "routine" is an accurate characterization of the situation. [quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1280100047' post='2388877']I believe that would be the difference between members and government.[/quote] Not being familiar with the structure of GOONS, I assumed that [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=397425]"High War Adjudicator"[/url] was an office of some importance in issues of war, and at least not simply a regular member. Perhaps a GOONS member can clarify.
  18. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1280097581' post='2388800'] If that's the case, what in gods name is the issue? Or is it just people freaking out again whenever GOONS name is mentioned in public :x [/quote] It is quite common in our public discourse to examine the actions of various alliances in recent conflicts in an attempt to determine if anyone was right or wrong. I'm not sure how you haven't noticed this yet in your time in the Cyberverse.
  19. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1280094331' post='2388740'] Missing one thing. GOONS implied he was lying [4:34:00 PM] <Beefspari[GOONS]> I'm compromising as far as making sure that your guys don't get raided in the future. I'm offering that because the raids as far as I can see are valid since no protection notice exists. [/quote] Well, that was my interpretation as well as to why they didn't halt the raids immediately, but why, upon this announcement, did GOONS decide he wasn't lying? Is someone more likely to lie via IRC than on the forums?
  20. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1280094092' post='2388734'] Seems pretty much on that line. [/quote] Alright, so why is there a difference in GOONS' response when CptGodzilla informs GOONS via IRC as opposed to the forums? Nobody can fault GOONS for the initial raid, but it seems odd that there is such a noticeable difference in GOONS' response depending on the mode of communication.
  21. Let me get this straight. Being something of a spectator here, I would appreciate if either side can clarify what I interpret as the events in this raid: [list=1][*]GOONS members find no information indicating Soldiers of Legion is a protected AA after taking reasonable steps to find such information.[*]GOONS proceeds to raid Soldiers of Legion.[*]CptGodzilla informs GOONS via IRC that Monos Archein is protecting Soldiers of Legion.[*]GOONS states they will finish the current round of raids but not re-declare.[*]CptGodzilla informs the general public via these forums that Monos Archein is protecting Soldiers of Legion.[*]GOONS offers peace.[/list] Is this correct, or am I missing something?
  22. Bastion is not an actual bloc, it's yet another pathetically sad attempt at engineering fake drama in the absence of anything actually happening in the game. Just so you know.
  23. Is "blog" really feminine in German?
  24. [quote name='Beefspari' date='23 July 2010 - 11:51 AM' timestamp='1279911075' post='2386287'] Yes. Not writing the essay means the war continues. Writing it means they can go free. If that's not a benefit I don't know what is. [/quote] You're hopeless. I've seen people be deliberately obtuse on these forums, but you deserve a medal.
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