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Everything posted by Williambonney

  1. That thread is awesome because my name is in it Thanks for the flashback Mozart
  2. How disappointing. Repent and you shall be saved. Go in peace my son. *Makes a memo to vote Grub next election.
  3. Well idk who to side with in this shoot out so i'll just say gl to both sides and have fun ya'll. If anyone needs me for something I'll be at the beach with a beer and a stogie, send me a pm and I'll get back to you when I sober up. Glad to see Grub is actually being civil for a change.
  4. I would have named it the "if you see this van a rockin' don't go a knockin'" accords. :D Congrats on the treaty.
  5. Here is a screen shot of my nation before changing defcon: http://postimg.org/gallery/1c21z9cmi/e531e891/ According to the index defcon 1 lowers happiness -2 and defcon 5 increases happiness +2. After changing my defcon to level 5: http://postimg.org/gallery/3g9odnqxu/09e165c2/ I gained 3.8 instead of 4 happiness for some reason. After changing threat level from severe to low: http://postimg.org/gallery/3f5xcames/f61190e8/ I gained 1.9 from that change instead of 2 happiness. While the difference is 0.3 happiness and summed up to a paltry amount of 900k I thought I should report the bug. Mea culpa, forgot to add in the tax rate modifier
  6. Sad times indeed 😢 Shoutout to my former alliance mates wherever they may be, and a special shoutout to Tela of Gamehenge, was an honour to have served. O/
  7. I guess the question I would ask is why did you leave ODN and why didn't you go to another alliance?
  8. I was at level of 110.34 happiness prior to adjusting my defcon and threat levels. I am currently at 116.04 happiness. Thanks
  9. While I find this to be highly entertaining and the popcorn is absolutely exquisite, my growing figure is impeding my golf game :(
  10. I think someone needs a hug. https://www.google.ca/search?q=charlie+sheen&client=ms-android-rogers-ca&biw=360&bih=615&tbm=isch&prmd=niv&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj4vtGU-vPLAhWLPxQKHdrOBYQQ_AUIBigC#tbm=isch&q=charlie+sheen+winning&imgrc=Zf9IV_BOP6XjQM%3A
  11. I think that should answer your question sammy.
  12. @ admin: I'll make a name change request donation if you add a golf clap emoticon.
  13. In his current situation he cannot buy infra, probably for a long time. While on that subject Matt, drop your tanks and disregard free, he's still learning. Edit: Also forgot to mention the rehab facility, you don't need that unless you drop your cpr too low. Not sure if you want to go there, but you do have a bit of an excess in land, may help you to get out of your jam if you sell off a bit. Cheers
  14. Their. How typical of you free :p Happy hunting Al :D
  15. I'd suggest getting rid of your barracks, labour camps, factories, missile defenses and satellites for starters. Adjust your government positions for maximum happiness ( your cpr is 650 so you easily afford to lose 100 score) ask around your alliance for trades and aid if possible.
  16. Did you try to reset the citizen count ch33ky? From the wording I would think that it would apply automatically upon a re-purchase. Based upon your current numbers the max you can store is 13,924.14 citizens (I would assume this number would be rounded upwards to 13,925)
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