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Everything posted by USMC123

  1. Well sure. I mean most alliances probably ban members trying to peach you.
  2. Oh Christ Smurf. You know exactly what he means. The statement happened yes, but the statement itself was incorrect and you know it. Stop trying to dance around it.
  3. Yeah seriously Chax posts like once every three months or so now.
  4. C'mon KenM. You should know by now there is no reasoning with Kaskus including Smurf. Everything they say is twisted, a lie, or otherwise deceitful. There is not a less trustworthy alliance in CN and it amazes me people still try to communicate with them. Oh well. Have fun MI6 and Kaskus. Let the GRL rise.
  5. Not sure who NSYNC is, but they have Tywin is govt, so I feel pretty safe assuming LoSS is getting boned by a hilariously incompetent alliance.
  6. There is a war going on? Well that explains the GRL then I guess.
  7. Treaties or no treaties, friendships would endure and the spheres would still be the same and the coalition planning of wars would remain. Nothing would really change IMO.
  8. On behalf of GOONS, I lay claim to the CIAB AA. That is all.
  9. As Director of the CITY and supervisor of the Spycore Leader, I demand you recognize ReyTheGreat as head of Spycore Religion. This insubordination will not stand!
  10. The irony (and hilarity) of his post is that he is implying he was/is a better leader than Rayvon which is hilarious.
  11. First off, let me preface this with stating I don't know of any multis, nor do I have any. Anyway, I was talking with some people that used to play CN, one of which is the infamous banned user Hurricane (he ended up moving to the same uni as I and we met irl), and we got on the subject of that one period of time the mods locked a bunch of nations (mine included) while they investigated whether we knew he had a ban evade. This made me think about whether it was a potentially bannable offense to know someone has a multi and not report it, but I cba to read the ToS to find out, so I'm asking here since a simple "yes" or "no" would be adequate. Thanks.
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