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Everything posted by Lusitan

  1. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1326603419' post='2899901'] Sparta are your allies. [/quote] No, they are not.
  2. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1326318353' post='2897576'] GOONS lose in the end. That much is certain. [/quote] That was actually a smart observation.
  3. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1326317880' post='2897568'] that didn't take long [/quote] Almost a case study success I'd say.
  4. [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1326205347' post='2896864'] We did vote to annex DRAGON and DRAGON has agreed but we have not agreed on a time table with DRAGON as to when they move over and the OP was not authorized - as far as I know - to post as he's not government. [/quote] Figured as much.
  5. [quote name='Blue Lightning' timestamp='1326210087' post='2896887'] You realise that by hogging casualties like this you are reducing the damage dealt to your enemies? Having members who enjoy war is great, but casualty whoring at the cost of actual war effectiveness is just plain retarded. [/quote] NEW.txt itp
  6. Are you sure this is real? Doesn't seem TFD style to not have gov signatures...
  7. [quote name='Rocky Horror' timestamp='1326047526' post='2895790'] Sometimes that isn't a likable trait, like when it drives you insane and you undo everything you did with conspiracy theories and nonsense. Just as an example, hypothetic like. [/quote] Sure, but you're making yourselves look ridiculous in your self-victimization effort and by trying to make him look like a lunatic. [quote]With all due respect I don't think you are the one who can say that. You have never been in Umbrella when Roq was in (or maybe just a small time) and esp not when Archon was still actively leading MK. I have always wondered why Roq got all those praises, but I guess the majority came from non-allies. Those that haven't worked with Roq closely. Sure he did a lot for Umbrella and I'm sure most Umbrellians still thank him for that, but to paint him as God's greatest gift is just inane. Roq sure as hell isn't better than Archon or any of PB's current or former leaders. [/quote] I was in Umbrella for 6 months while Roq was ahead of it and I am fairly sure that, while I don't have a full picture (or even a decent half) on how Archon led MK, no other leader directed an alliance as Roq did, specially at internal level. You may want to dispute that, and you're well within your right, but you will just be wrong.
  8. [quote name='Rocky Horror' timestamp='1326041858' post='2895758'] You aren't Archon, and you won't ever be perceived as an Archon. For all your efforts, you got no credit, and you're not going to get it by throwing your toys out of the pram and whining like you are in this thread.[/quote] To be fair, regardless of the current situation, Roq was much better than Archon ever was in pretty much all the fields. Too good sometimes, he went to the extreme.
  9. And so a new age of Deinos domination starts.
  10. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1325914284' post='2894552'] As for VE, who cares? They've successfully isolated themselves politically and they were about as open as they could be the entire war about being involved in the decision on who got to destroy GOD. Did VE have a pretend fight with an alliance on the other side of the war that I missed? Do they intend to spend the next year pretending it was one of the most important actors in the war and whining that nobody on the winning side is giving them enough credit or thanking them properly? [/quote] You seem to show some inability in separating VE's low coalition involvement with VE's FA performance in general. Which is why what you posted doesn't make any sense. However, if you'd like to get a clearer perspective, VE's core of allies remains intact and as attached to them as it was before the war - which by itself refutes your theory they are politically isolated. You're only getting that impression from VE's week participation in the war operations.
  11. [quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1325906746' post='2894463'] It's a pity MK didn't get to GOD first. [/quote] It had nothing to do with getting there first or second.
  12. [quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1325604669' post='2891500'] TOP, Umbrella, and FOK! are all democracies. [/quote] We're a different kind of democracy. We only elect the President who picks a Vice-President and its cabinet. Umbrella membership is divided in two tiers: regular members and parasols. Parasols are members who actively contribute for the functioning of the alliance in things that range from slot watching to Minister positions and as such are rewarded with the ability to vote on treaties and admissions. However, Umbrella is a combination of well-informed players from the most different political quadrants (or some former political quadrants) of CN so we maintain frequent discussions about what happens in CN if those discussions are relevant to our interests - and of course we value our members opinion very much.
  13. [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1325558136' post='2891141'] We told them to save their money and not spend it on gold plated pools. Edit: well, 1/3 of the people you knew who are still there have statues of you in their capitals, 1/3 burn effigies of you, and the remainder are undecided or just don't care. [/quote] I suppose you abandoned the concept of tiered infra building. Oh well.
  14. [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1325557697' post='2891133'] When IRON et al hit NPO, we immediately messaged our members to start building up their warchests and watching the forum. [/quote] You only build up warchests after the war is started? Where's the TFD I knew?
  15. Deinos for sanctioned alliance 2012.
  16. [quote name='Taliburn' timestamp='1324682885' post='2885128'] And who are you? And why is that. Now i'll be on the boards commenting more thanks for the encouragement. [/quote] That's up to you really, I wasn't saying you should shut up because your posts hold any sort of relevance I was actually saying it because it is easier for people to respect you better next time you get rolled if you're not running your loud mouth around the forum. If you don't see the benefits on shutting up, then, by all means, carry on.
  17. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1324663854' post='2884954'] Everyone here has a right to speak their mind Lusitan. [/quote] And how does that relate to what I said ? EDIT: english
  18. [quote name='Taliburn' timestamp='1324659035' post='2884916'] thanks, At least one person gets it. Now if only you can school these haters on the concept of going into war and then leaving war. I'll try again We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. We go in to defend an ally, we leave when the ally leaves. Maybe saying it more then once, you will understand. If not i teach the uneducated at a discount rate, because of the holidays. [/quote] By now, you probably should have figured already it's better for you when you shut up.
  19. [quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' timestamp='1324048386' post='2879905'] They've more than deserved it for their shameless behavior over the years [/quote] Actually that's really unfair. MCXA didn't behave shamelessly, not more than ex-hegemony in general. If you'd say they deserve it for political and nation-building incompetence that would be a different story because they absolutely suck on both those fronts. But they didn't really ever do anything more wrong than anyone else. Also lolmorals.
  20. [quote name='Ninja gumby' timestamp='1324011696' post='2879580'] nice to know ODN and GATO got cold feet and couldnt take it anymore. [/quote] I honestly can't believe people keep using this line as if it made any sense.
  21. [quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1323979201' post='2879035'] Maybe you shouldn't have joined a bloc while sharing a MDAP with an alliance on another bloc. Did you really think Super Grievences (and PB) would last forever? [/quote] Electron Sponge had some sentence about dancing on people's graves. Funny how things turn out when you look at Polar.
  22. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1323923725' post='2878429'] I'm happy to see that Mj understand their position of submission in relation to PB, is quite amusing see this feudalistic relationship. [/quote] I suppose it might be hard to understand the social dynamics from the bottom of the food chain.
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