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On the Eve of War...

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OOC: For real this time. I hit the post button accidentally, hit edit, had a nice post all edited in, hit the completed button but alas, nothing. Hope the suspense has paid off, my sincere apologies to Vivi and the mod staff for the errant thread.


Tonight promises to be a major night in this unfolding war. According to the popular rumor some alliances will be joining the fray. Should they do so other alliances will follow suit either tonight or tomorrow in launching counter offensives designed to halt the charge. This war will escalate and, in many ways, set the pace for the coming year. We stand on the brink of 2010 and, in many ways, this shall truly mark the beginning of a new age.

In the pursuit of this conflict there are some things worth considering. First, your conduct. When you say things, be it within these hallowed forums or via direct communications with other national rulers, do remember that what you say and how you conduct yourself will impact that person and how they view both you and your alliance. While many of us purport not to care about the opinions of others our masters (mine, if I had any) would often care to disagree. Your words, your actions will come back to haunt your alliance regardless of whether or not you post a little quip to the effect of "my words are mine and mine alone". If you are truly ronin then yes, this is true. Many of you are not. Remember that.

Second, take a moment to consider what the other person has said. All too often venerable rulers like to speak and too often they dislike listening. Take the time, have the patience and the courtesy to give a fair response to the question posed or the comment returned to you. Miscommunication has been hailed as one of the repeat reasons that fine alliances have drifted apart, that friends have become enemies and that conflicts have escalated from the impersonal to the personal. During these coming days tempers will flare and nerves will be tested. When you are in your palace, your command bunker or at your holiday pagoda take the time to refresh yourself, look at the horizon and then respond to what some else has said before saying something potentially foolish.

Third, remember that your actions have consequences. It has been proven that the inhabitants of the Cyberverse have long memories. No doubt the ridicule I receive from many for posting this will be referred to time and again in the coming months. I accept that. In doing so, I hope that each and every one of you treats their words and their actions with the gravity that they warrant. What you do will be remembered. Think on how you would like that to be.

Finally, remember that at the end of the war there will come a time for rebuilding and reconciliation. Your shattered populations will be birth more children, your tall towers will be reconstructed and the technological base of your empires will be restored. Think carefully on how this will happen. Shall you pillage the conquered and run the risk of breeding further hatreds? Shall you help them and attempt to gain new friends despite having clashed with guns and swords and nuclear fire? This is worth considering along with the inevitable joinings of treaties and new pacts that shall emerge.

I hope that you take the time to read this, ponder it and consider it as we move into the new year. This is truly a brave new world. To The Phoenix Federation, Athens, Ragnorok, \m/ and the Global Order of Darkness, the responsibility has been taken by you to show the rest of us the way. To the others that join this war, that responsibility will shift onto your shoulders as well. Set the tone, set the climate and perhaps this war will see the emergence of the better 'verse we all know is out there.

Fight well, fight honorably, and may you find solace at the end of this path.


Tokugawa Mitsukuni

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Tonight promises to be a major night in this unfolding war. According to the popular rumor some alliances will be joining the fray. Should they do so other alliances will follow suit either tonight or tomorrow in launching counter offensives designed to halt the charge. This war will escalate and, in many ways, set the pace for the coming year. We stand on the brink of 2010 and, in many ways, this shall truly mark the beginning of a new age.

[citation needed]

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Shall you pillage the conquered and run the risk of breeding further hatreds? Shall you help them and attempt to gain new friends despite having clashed with guns and swords and nuclear fire? This is worth considering along with the inevitable joinings of treaties and new pacts that shall emerge.

There's no one likely to defend TPF that I'd consider being friends with. Just sayin'.

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Very interesting viewpoint, where can I subscribe to your newsletter?

Edit: This is how I respond to motherly scolding and long-winded reminders that actions have impacts, etc.

People tend to need reminding. I'm only too happy to oblige both in verbalizing and in demonstrating.

Good post. Unfortunately, those who it applies to will not read it.

The forms, unfortunately, must be observed. Hopefully people will not turn into hypocrites or develop memories of convienience suddenly, especially in the case of Zero Hour.

No one is more ronin than Toku. :D

Perhaps except for the alliance of the same name (but that's another debate and one I might enjoy with Airme sometime). I'd also argue Opethian did it first and by and far has shown the way but that's how it goes.

Anyway, saw the New Hegemony coming. It's all the same.

Let's hope not. I'm working on becoming more of an optimist. However, you may very well be correct.

There's no one likely to defend TPF that I'd consider being friends with. Just sayin'.

I was referring more to the people you'll fight alongside today who you may end up turning tables on at a later date. Just sayin'.

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I agree with Shogun Tokugawa's assessment of this whole spiel. I am one of those that people might look upon with dismay, due to my conduct, past and present. I, as well as others, should heed this sage advice that has been given.

[ooc] Regardless of what side of the treaty web you're on, I'll have a drink with you, so, don't be shy [/ooc]

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