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The Chestnut Accords

It is my pleasure to announce that the Brain will be fully connected to the greater maroon body. This maroon body, as everyone knows, enjoys all the pleasures of life and will be sharing those with the brain, who no doubt will explode with joy and overstimulation.

Signed for the Brain onto the document:

Central Nervous System




Brain Trust

SamFisher202 (MoD),

JLynn (MoI),

KitKatFox as (MoE),

Greg136 as (MoR).

o/ The Brain

o/ Maroonity


Coalition of Royal Allied Powers


Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations


Global Order of Darkness


Monos Archein


Random Insanity Alliance


The Brain


The Order of Halsa


The Templar Knights

Spam may be a cherished Maroon institution but it is not suitable for the public boards. Let this be a warning to all of you.

So please all, in this festive time of the year, do it the maroon way, and deck the halls with smexy spam falalalalalalalalala.

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Nobody's posted a pic of a chestnut yet... I will make it my duty as a member of The Brain to add chestnuts to this thread.

I 'accidently' searched for a Chesty Nut, a very different set of resulting images let me tell you! Alas quite in line with the Maroon spirit!

Glad to see this to come to fruition.

Edited by Cyphon88
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