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Good Bye CyberNations



Good Evening Cybernations.

The time on this game has been fun. The Debates have been Great. I`ve made friends and enemys. I have won wars and lost them.

But then i relized, why am i playing this game for 5+ hours a day? It`s a bit of a waste. That just didn`t make sense to me.

Then i have my theories, some people agree others don`t.

My political ideology is textbook Republican, but i belive in it. People disagree with me a lot but hey whatever.

I wrote a lot of blogs.Useful in ways pointless in others.

Whether people think i know what i`m doing or not, i will stand by my ideas.

I am a diehard sportsfan and love to debate on it.

I hate IRC because it makes my computer freeze and it crashed once.

But as the tital says, i have to say goodbye Cybernations. Goodbye. Goodbye to all.

Well at least for about 20 hours. But then I`ll be back.


Recommended Comments

1. 99% of the cyberverse does not play this for 5+ hours every day.

2. Most don't agree with your theories.

3. If you actually open a textbook on political science, you will realize just how fringe and misinformed you are.

4. What blogs.

5. I don't think anybody gives two flips about whether you stand by your ideas or not.

6. K.

7. What sort of a fail computer are you using?

8. Bye

9. K.

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1. 99% of the cyberverse does not play this for 5+ hours every day.

2. Most don't agree with your theories.

3. If you actually open a textbook on political science, you will realize just how fringe and misinformed you are.

4. What blogs.

5. I don't think anybody gives two flips about whether you stand by your ideas or not.

6. K.

7. What sort of a fail computer are you using?

8. Bye

9. K.

OK. I don`t need to explain any of it. I saying goodbye for ever. And ever=20hours or less.

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Why are you posting that you are going to come back in 20 hours time? It makes this thread kind of pointless. I know there is a running joke in CN that for older players they always come back, and even comments about leaving being for attention. However to claim to be leaving and then admitting you will be returning really doesn't chime in well with that and really does begin to strike as attention seeking.

From the list you posted, I think you really need to review your attitudes. There is no way of saying this nicely, but currently you are on a fast track to being hated by everyone here. Ultimately you need to drop back and learn. Certain things you have done have been interesting and people have followed them for that. A lot of what you have done has been void of meaning and people have hated them for that. I would suggest you post less, drop into some small AA, and then watch for a month or two. Then think about what you want and go and do it.

When I say you need to learn these are things you need to take into account;

-What actually interests people? People here like dynamic and different things. Generally they will fight against them and stand fast for the status quo, but they like the idea that out there somewhere there is a difference. However beware. Fighting against the status quo is not new a different and generally gets ignored and trolled.

-What style of posting gets the most attention? The answer is those that are distinctive. 95% of posts are short and consist of idle chat. People like longer posts and it is impossible to assert an independent character without using them. However that does not overrule the need to be concise. Say something, but say it quickly. And don't repeat it.

-What type of character do you want to be? There are two types of high profile poster on this forum. Those that have power, and those that sit and comment (not all commentators are high profile). Currently you have been trying to straddle both worlds and act like a significant leader when you have very little backing. If you want to act that way, you are going to have to build it.

As for your political beliefs, I would stop referring to yourself as a textbook anything. It binds you to one school of thought and also prevents you from being original.

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I one day spent from 10:30 AM to 9:00 PM on CN. Don`t judge.

Your dedication to CN astounds me, good sir. I can only bow my head in shame. :(

For IRC, I'd say download hexchat instead of using the mibbit webchat. Mibbit freezes my browser sometimes too.

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1. 99% of the cyberverse does not play this for 5+ hours every day.

To be fair, [good] alliance leaders play this game 24 hours a day. Even when we aren't playing, we're playing.

I personally recommend against it.

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