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VE is totally goofy



It's safe to assume that if you read the OWRP, Alliance Politics, or World Affairs forums, you know I hate the Viridian Entente. But, people have varying levels of lives, so for those of you who didn't, now you do. I hate VE. VE makes my skin crawl.

One of the main reasons that I hate VE is that Viridians have their heads wayyyy up their own butts. This week--like every week in which a Viridian posts--I ran across yet another infuriating instance, and to avoid derailing a commemorative thread, I've brought it over here to the lol_blogs.png

Last night a Justitian noted PatJenn had deleted and GPA had opened a thread, and "VE has hijacked it." PatJenn is sort of mystical and VE is completely awful, so I definitely went to check it out.

Sure enough:

Sucks to see Ted go. Although I am honored that you have decided to allow VE to have two senators going forward because you have decided that no person from GPA could ever fill Ted's shoes. Thank you for that gift.

I made a snarky reply, to which Goldie said he was just joking and it had gone over my head.

I found that claim hilarious given that VE is utterly incapable of detecting jokes, and had recently refused to accept that I was joking when everyone else on the entire planet could tell:

The joke, made like 24 hours after logs began floating around:

It just so happens that I haven't got the slightest idea what this coalition thing is and I'm exceedingly butthurt that accusations are being leveled on the peace-loving Cult of Justitia. The idea that BAPS would fight alongside CoJ for example is just plain silly.

VE Lawl-yer and Chief Clowncil Impero jumps on the case

Ohhh, you.

You're a liar.

Schattenmann, my statement is very, very narrow: You lied.

You hold yourself out as some sort of truthbringer to the masses, screaming and yelling at the top of your lungs about anything GOONS related and making post after post attempting to defame them, and lieing in a public venue about a matter which you are very vocal on speaks volumes about the rest of your words here. The fact of the matter is you have showed a propensity to lie about your involvement and investment here, and it calls your character into question. Refusing to address it will not make reality any less real.

Stop responding with nonsensical statements which aren't even close to being on point to what I'm saying about you.

And poor bottom-rung lackey Reptyler who has just recently embarked on a quest to get more involved in world politics chimes in. I guess the first lesson in World Politics 101 for Viridians is "The party line."

Oh, so you were just joking? I get it.

Admittedly, Goldie was not personally involved in that strain of Viridian paint-huffing, but you can see why I would find it more than a little funny that I would find the tables turned so soon. Maybe Goldie was joking, if he was, no one laughed. And I certainly am not going to spend like 7 posts arguing with him on whether or not he was joking. Impero's Nancy Grace impersonation was a better joke than my own "BARK! YOU'RE A LIAR SCHATTENMANN, ADMIT IT, RUFF! RUFF! I'VE GOT YOU CORNERED BOW-WOW! SAY IT! SAY YOU'RE A LIAR! GRRRRRR"

Then of course even though the exchange between me and Goldie was done--me having got my dumb jabs in and he having said they were jokes, boom end of story unless you're Impero--another one of my favorite VE space cadets has to get things going again with this gem in response to my last reply to Goldie:

Really? Does every single thread have to be about VE?


I guess some will never learn.

Le sigh. So let me get this straight:

1. GPA opens a thread about a GPA member deleting

2. Viridian Entente's Goldie makes either a joke or a veiled threat, depending on your perspective:

Sucks to see Ted go. Although I am honored that you have decided to allow VE to have two senators going forward because you have decided that no person from GPA could ever fill Ted's shoes. Thank you for that gift.

3. I reply to Viridian Entente

4. Leprecon admonishes me for making the thread about VE.

Can you all feel my frustration? How do you reply to someone so stupid? What is the reply to that? Maybe Leprecon does not understand that all those replies in the thread, they're in chronological order, and Goldie's comes before mine. But, honestly, if he can't already figure that out, what am I supposed to say to him to make him get it? Does anyone know? Is there an exceptional education specialist out there that can help me formulate an IEP for Leprecon, or do we just have to look at his level and say, "Welp, there's no point?"

This is why I hate VE. They're all exactly like Leprecon and Impero.

This one from the same PatJenn thread also absolutely cracked me up:

WCE has humbled you, you don't even try anymore to feign rational arguments.

I basically refrained from comment on the WCE topic when it came up. I feel no exaggeration in saying that, along with Doitzel, and maybe Stumpy, I created the last age of OWF discourse (with NPO having been on forum silence for almost a year and Vox dominating the airwaves), so I knew there was no point in trying to fight that fire--you get some intel, you make it funny, people eat it up, anyone that argues looks dumb. Not going there. I read along, I made a few clarifications on private forums, I laughed at some of the jokes.

What is so funny to me is that Goldie believes what he is saying. Goldie, and probably hundreds of people, think that I was "humbled" by the leaking of the #stratego logs. But if you ask him "howso?" he will not be able to answer you.

For years, literally years, people have tried to marginalize me as a blowhard. Docartaigh coined "Schattenham" (which I found clever), recently Proximus at ODN called me "Schittenman" (and I'm sure he found that clever), etc. A talking head. A last Vox relic that forgot to turn in his megaphone.

So here's the problem with the idea that I have been magically humbled: Schattenmann--the leader of an alliance with 2 optional military treaties--creates a channel to discuss the possibility of going to war, and 16 alliances show up for the party. Oh, yeah, I am sooooooo mortified and humbled.


Are you serious?

Yeah, you go ahead and call it humbled. I hope I get humbled like this every month.

Humbly yours,



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I'm torn here.

As I was expressing to RV on IRC a week or so back, there is a large part of me that wants to see a competent opposition arise because, frankly, that simply will make things more fun. It is pretty clear to everyone that threads like these along with the rest of the verbal diarrhea that you and your small group of 5 or 6 others relentlessly spew upon every topic hinders the formation of any meaningful opposition because of the fact that it repels the people with the necessary mental aptitude from your cause. Therefore, every time you do stuff like this it lessens the chance of anything meaningful that will generate some fun from happening.

On the other hand, I really do enjoy you making yourself look more and more ridiculous (something you have been doing pretty regularly lately).

VE Lawl-yer and Chief Clowncil Impero jumps on the case

Also, I would prefer if you don't bring my ooc onto these forums, however cutesy you put it.

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You may or may not have been humbled. I'd say a rational person would have been humbled by being shown to have no discernible leadership ability, no political sense, no idea how the mechanics of the game or the treaty web work. But on top of that, and most significantly, they would have been humbled by being a person who rails on and on about 'atrocities' like forced disbandment and excessive reps, derides those with 'flimsy' CBs as fabricators, and implies that dirty tricks like entrapment to draw enemies into trapdoors are specifically tools of the other side, when in reality none on that other side actually do any of those things, all things you yourself, in the comfort of #stratego, show yourself to be a proponent of.

You may not be humbled, more like exposed. I will continue doing what I am doing, and myself and those I work with will have a great time doing it. You will either continue doing what you are doing, or fade into the oblivion that your relevancy suits you to, but you'll have to live with the fact that you have been shown to be among the least competent CN'ers in the cesspool of ineptitude that #stratego was. It is funny to me, because your irrational hate of VE, which infiltrates your every post, isn't even what you are most known for to us now. No longer will people think of Schattenmann, Voxian. Nor will they think of Schattenmann, clever and classy writer of TWiP. No, they will think of Schattenmann, the worst leader of the worst attempt at a coalition this game may have ever, or may will ever see in anyone's lifetime.

Ride us all you want, but VE is here, and we mean a lot of good things to a lot of good people. You, on the other hand, are nothing. You aren't honest, you aren't competent, you aren't a friend, you aren't even an enemy. You are just irrelevant. Thank goodness you keep posting amazingly incorrigible things like this to keep reminding me that someone like you does exist, and that my laughs for the day will always be guaranteed when I see an alert saying "Schattenmann has quoted a post you made".

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[Warning: the following will completely be OOC]

Honestly, I thought that Goldie's post would have been recognized as a clear joke by almost anybody that has a clue about CN politics, the UJA or the OWF.

On the other hand I am fine with My Dear Shantamantan constantly and consistently putting forth his anti-VE agenda but - as with everybody else - I'd prefer that his IC conflicts remained confined in IC places. In fact I warmly thank him for having posted this blog entry, thus removing that issue from Patjenn's thread.

What I don't get is why you all people can't recognize the value of each other and just play fair from that premise.

Schattenmann is one of the best writers of CN. He has a long, intricated and mostly transparent (after the facts) history that is a pleasure to read about and to think/comment on. If I was in VE I'd probably IC-ly verbally fight him each day I could find the time for it, but OOC-ly I'd be happy that he chose to target VE in his latest "crusade", as he always played an interesting and legitimate game.

Likewise, VE is one of the oldest prominent alliances and it reached a position of prevalence by skilled, legitimate playing, in the meanwhile creating a notable community. Goldie and Impero are experienced "politicians" which - like Shatt - always played an interesting and fair game. If I was in Shattenmann's shoes I'd probably be glad that such quality players accepted my challenge.

The situation has a great potential to be fun for everybody: you all just have to keep the "political" confrontation where it belongs and to recognize and appreciate each other's value as an opponent.

What you seem to do is instead to try to blindly exploit each remotely suitable occasion to try smear each other, continuing to repeat that your opponent is dumb/incompetent/etc. The outcome is just repetitive and boring and in fact I doubt that you find much fun in it either.

IMHO it was a bad idea to start with that attitude, it was a worse idea to continue with it until now and finally it won't be clever to insist with it in the future.

Then again as I said at the beginning I'm not really getting why intelligent people can indulge in this behaviour. Maybe the mistake is mine that I don't see some obvious reason for it... If that's the case please just explain.

(Side note: I call Shattenman "My Dear Shantamantan" with the greatest affection, and he knows it.)

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Damn, a whole post dedicated to VE hate and nary a mention.

Does this whole thing really come from one failure to notice a joke on each side? Really? That was worth a blog entry?


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Last night a Justitian noted PatJenn had deleted and GPA had opened a thread, and "VE has hijacked it."

The leader of an alliance with 2 optional military treaties--creates a channel to discuss the possibility of going to war, and 16 alliances show up for the party.

I am going to have to disagree you strongly on this one. The insinuation that these alliances turned up to help you in your war is false. The people taking the charge in that room were far too eager to invite alliances to their cause. After the logs were released, I was a good MOFA and talked to two of the people in there who were treatied to MCXA. They weren't in the channel because they wanted to help your coalition. They were in there just to see what was going on. If the only two people I asked about the logs said that, its likely good deal many more had the same reasoning to be in that war room.

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Goldie, if you think the "WCE" is what will define Schatt from this point on, you're mistaken. Of course his enemies will want to point it out constantly, but more moderate people (I'm meaning actual moderates and not his political allies) will not dwell on one point. It takes a lot more than one failed venture to kill a strong personality. So far, I'd say Schatt has far more successes than he does failures.

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Goldie, if you think the "WCE" is what will define Schatt from this point on, you're mistaken. Of course his enemies will want to point it out constantly, but more moderate people (I'm meaning actual moderates and not his political allies) will not dwell on one point. It takes a lot more than one failed venture to kill a strong personality. So far, I'd say Schatt has far more successes than he does failures.

I think you hit it on the head, in that there are people out there who will not define Schatt by the hypocrisy he displayed in his failure during WCE, but I would point out that the majority of the world will see the name and associate it with failure. It is easy to be forgotten for your successes but difficult to be absolved of your failures, fair or not.

I don't need to be subjective about Schatt politically, because it is so easy to objectively see what he has become, and that is someone who has totally lost his touch in this game. This isn't the Schatt who wrote TWiP, this is the Schatt who can't distinguish misinformation from information, who refuses to bring logic into his arguments but still insists on making them, and who has failed miserably in his first attempt to do anything tangible in CN, like lead a group of alliances toward a common goal.

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So the first coalition to form to oppose the current power structure has failed. Big whoop. How many failed coalitions were there to try and take down the NPO? I'm sure more than a few. People just didn't get together on the first go round, no, they had talked about it before, and tried to organize something, but it never took off. That's what happened with the "WCE." The only difference is those failed anti-NPO coalitions didn't get plastered all over this forum. And people know that.

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Well I think that most of what I wanted to say has already been said, so I won't rehash any of that, but I do have one important thing to add.

Schatt. Buddy. I'm not really sure how to break this to you, but here goes... you aren't funny.

Now I'm not sure if humor is something new to you, or maybe you were funny at one point but you're out of good material, but regardless it's downright painful to see what you're doing now. It hurts me to say something like that to such a close friend, but someone had to tell you.

You really should probably step back and take a good hard look at your sense of humor, and try to see the truth. It's for your own good. And ours. Okay actually mostly hours. It's just that painful.

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Sorry, Ktar, next time I'll include beards, black people jokes, and sexual innuendo to appeal to the goons in my readership.

No... no... I'm not sure you are ready for such advanced jocularity. I think the best thing to do would be to simply stop all attempts at being funny altogether. As your posts are, on average, negatively funny, by not including any jokes at all your posting would actually have a net positive funny gain.

Once you get a handle on not being heroically bad at humour, then we can start talking you through some basic japing exercises.

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@Bob There are much worse blogs about worse things. Take mine for example. The only good blogs I've seen are from Dac and MrCyber.

Letum and Jerdge are right, to be honest. VE is clumsy when they reply to Schatt and VE doesn't do enough to really complain about.

Schatt, you need to write more, I'm down with whatever.

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So here's the problem with the idea that I have been magically humbled: Schattenmann--the leader of an alliance with 2 optional military treaties--creates a channel to discuss the possibility of going to war, and 16 alliances show up for the party. Oh, yeah, I am sooooooo mortified and humbled.

To be fair, when the alliances that show up are UPN, DF, Invicta and NSO that's not really a good thing.

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