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When diplomacy fails...

Rush Sykes


Since my rise to the position of MoFA of Athens, I have always made it a point to protect and repair Athens image in all of my dealings. To this end, I am exceedingly polite and diplomatic in all of my dealings. Even to the point of leading nearly every diplomatic inquiry with an apology for having to take peoples' time. In the end, this is a game, and those people within the game have a life going on around them. Today, my faith in the simplest of diplomacy was shattered.

You see, Back near the end of April, I was looking around for tech dealers to buy tech from. I found a thread in the Black Market forum started by the alliance FAR. It listed no frills tech sellers. The instructions, if I recall correctly, said simply to send them the money, and I would receive the tech. I forget the exact date, but I will assume it was April 30(you will see why later). I clicked on one of the linked nations in the post(this nation....http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=392444)... and sent the $3 million. On May 9th, I received the following message from this nation (it will be pasted in IRC Query format... I had originally saved the message on CN, but it only saves for 30 days.)...

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> To: Rush Sykes From: Great1 Date: 5/9/2010 5:22:06 PM

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Subject: Tech Deal Reminder....

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Message: Hey dudes...

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> this is to Lord Gen, Anotoneher, Jerahoam, Mason Storm, and Rush Sykes.

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Reminder: 4 of you have tech due the same day and Rush you are the day after.

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I will only buy 50 tech at a time so its cheaper for me. So one accepts, then others may need to wait a bit until I log back in to rebuy tech.

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Anyway, everyone will get their tech just be sure to log in daily to check so we can get this all done.

The message was standard, and at the time I received it, it was no big deal to me. The next day went by. No tech. The following day, no tech. Another day... no tech. After several days, I sent this nation a friendly in-game reminder. Pointing out to him that the other 4 had all received their tech, and that I had not. I assumed it was just an oversight, so again, at the time, no big deal, I explained to him, in the message, that sending all the offers out at once is ok, cuz if he doesnt have the tech to fill it, the offer will stay in place till he does, and doing so will not waste precious days on the aid slot. Day after day goes by, he doesnt even open the message. His nations inactivity days are mounting up. They got in the high teens , so I assumed he just quit the game. It is not my style to hold FAR as an alliance, responsible for 1 bad seller who quits, so, at the time, I wrote it off as a loss. A few days later, however, I checked his nation to see if it had deleted. It was now at 2 days inactive. He had collected. Meaning, he totally just blew off my message. Did not even open it or make any effort to address it. It was, at this point, I contacted FAR government. During this contact, I had a pleasant chat with StealingPandas. Log:

[15:57:44] <StealingPandas[FAR]> Hey

[15:57:52] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> hello

[15:58:11] <StealingPandas[FAR]> I'm FAR gov, what did you need?

[15:58:27] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=392444

[15:59:12] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> That nation... entered a tech deal with me about 3 weeks ago... I have not yet received the tech... I waited so long to talk to you, because a few days back. he was 19 days inactive, and I assumed he just quit

[15:59:23] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> but, since, he has collected and what not

[15:59:34] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I messaged him in game 2 times... no answer

[16:00:41] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I know the aid slot no longer exists... but I have the message he sent me in game 2 days before the tech was due....explaining that he would buy in lots of 50... as he owed 5 people tech...

[16:00:44] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> standard stuff

[16:01:05] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> the other 4 he mentioned in the message, got tech on that day

[16:01:08] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I never did

[16:01:28] <StealingPandas[FAR]> I believe you... and he has 50. I have no idea why he wouldn't send it

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> To: Rush Sykes From: Great1 Date: 5/9/2010 5:22:06 PM

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Subject: Tech Deal Reminder....

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Message: Hey dudes...

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> this is to Lord Gen, Anotoneher, Jerahoam, Mason Storm, and Rush Sykes.

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Reminder: 4 of you have tech due the same day and Rush you are the day after.

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I will only buy 50 tech at a time so its cheaper for me. So one accepts, then others may need to wait a bit until I log back in to rebuy tech.

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Anyway, everyone will get their tech just be sure to log in daily to check so we can get this all done.

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> thanks

[16:01:45] <StealingPandas[FAR]> I'll message him, and if he won't pay it then we'll find a way of getting it to you

[16:01:48] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> thats a copy and paste of the message he sent

[16:01:58] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I have it saved if you need a screenie

[16:02:35] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> any assistance you can provide is appreciated.... thank you very much

[16:03:26] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> also... if he refuses to pay, personally, I wouldnt want another FAR nation to be punished by having to send for him

[16:03:41] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> we can cross the "what if he doesnt pay" bridge when it comes

[16:05:17] <StealingPandas[FAR]> Ok, I messaged him. If there is no reply or if he doesn't cooperate then we'll figure out what to do

[16:05:27] <StealingPandas[FAR]> I'll notify you if he replies

This happened on June 1. As of the writing of this blog, my aid slots date back to May 21. On June 1, they would have dated back an additional cycle. It was clearly visible to anyone who looked that I had received no tech from this nation. Following this conversation, day after day went by, I did not bug FAR repeatedly because I trusted in what I was told. I still do trust in what I was told. As such, I can only conclude that Great1 did not reply to the message even from his own gov concerning this issue. Again, his inactivity days began to mount. Once again, I figured he was probably quitting, as he had ignored his own gov this time. Today, however, I checked in on him again. Back to 2 days inactive. He again collected. He has now ignored 2(it might even be 3, i really dont remember) in-game messages from me, and at least 1 from his own gov. Surely, now this matter could be resolved. I again approached FAR seeking to have this nation released to Athens military, as it was clear I would never see my tech from him. In the midst of what was a rather pleasant conversation with Sir Exodus concerning this incident, I received a query from Fernando. It was, at this point.. the pleasantries ended. Log:

[21:23:46] <Fernando12> yo

[21:23:56] <Fernando12> just got word from Sir Exodus

[21:24:36] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> yes... chatting with him now

[21:24:43] <Fernando12> you guys have any proof of him tech scamming?

[21:24:52] <Fernando12> screenshots

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> To: Rush Sykes From: Great1 Date: 5/9/2010 5:22:06 PM

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Subject: Tech Deal Reminder....

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Message: Hey dudes...

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> this is to Lord Gen, Anotoneher, Jerahoam, Mason Storm, and Rush Sykes.

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Reminder: 4 of you have tech due the same day and Rush you are the day after.

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I will only buy 50 tech at a time so its cheaper for me. So one accepts, then others may need to wait a bit until I log back in to rebuy tech.

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Anyway, everyone will get their tech just be sure to log in daily to check so we can get this all done.

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]>

[21:25:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> [16:01:39] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> thanks

[21:25:31] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I had it saved on CN.. and offered a screenie of it to Stealing Pandas when we talked about it before

[21:25:32] <Fernando12> and?

[21:25:36] <Fernando12> so what?

[21:25:37] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> he said not to worry

[21:25:49] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> and CN only saves messages for 30 days

[21:25:54] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> so, it vanished 4 days ago

[21:25:55] <Fernando12> yeah

[21:26:06] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> 4 days ago, he was 17 days inactive

[21:26:07] <Fernando12> but how do we know he did or didn't deliver the tech?

[21:26:13] <Fernando12> this is over a month ago

[21:26:24] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> to be honest... because I have better things to do than make this up

[21:26:40] <Fernando12> yeah

[21:26:40] <Fernando12> but

[21:26:42] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> and pick a random FAR nation to target

[21:26:58] <Fernando12> its a tiny amount of tech in the large scope of things

[21:27:05] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> its 100 tech

[21:27:07] <Fernando12> there is no way to prove anything

[21:27:11] <Fernando12> well

[21:27:22] <Fernando12> your going to put me in the position of believing him or you

[21:27:25] <Fernando12> you lose

[21:27:38] <Fernando12> what you should do is fill that slot and move on

[21:27:38] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> and the mere fact that he ignored your own govs in-game message

[21:27:46] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> IGNORED it

[21:27:56] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> ignored 2 ingame messages from me

[21:28:55] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> seriously... if you want to pain me in the role of the troublemaker here.. so be it

[21:28:58] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> we can leave it at that

[21:29:21] <Fernando12> i'm not doing anything here

[21:29:27] <Fernando12> its been a month

[21:29:34] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> yes it has

[21:29:35] <Fernando12> no real solid proof either way

[21:29:41] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I talked to Stealing Pandas 12 days ago

[21:29:44] <Fernando12> so move on

[21:29:55] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I gave him the message that was sent to me

[21:29:58] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> offered the screenie

[21:30:03] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> he told me it was not needed

[21:30:14] <Fernando12> too bad

[21:30:21] <Fernando12> i have final word

[21:30:37] <Fernando12> your wanting month old tech

[21:30:46] <Fernando12> i dont know if that tech was delivered or not

[21:30:49] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> you are missing the point

[21:30:54] <Fernando12> no i'm not

[21:30:57] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> he went to 19 days inactive..so I assumed he was bailing

[21:30:57] <Fernando12> you are

[21:31:03] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> and I was willing to forget it

[21:31:08] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> he has since collected

[21:31:12] <Fernando12> so?

[21:31:16] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> which means... he renegged on his deal

[21:31:28] <Fernando12> prove it

[21:31:33] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> wow

[21:31:34] <Fernando12> you got a month old message

[21:31:35] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> really?

[21:31:42] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> you really think...

[21:31:46] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I just made all this up

[21:31:50] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> wow...

[21:31:52] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> ok

[21:31:54] <Fernando12> i told you

[21:32:03] <Fernando12> believe him or you...you lose

[21:32:15] <Fernando12> many of our guys have done very well at selling

[21:32:18] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> believe the guy who ignored a message from YOUR gov just to address it?

[21:32:20] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> seriously?

[21:32:23] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> thats your stance?

[21:32:27] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> its fine

[21:32:53] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I will now leave this in Londos hands

[21:32:55] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> Good day

[21:32:59] <Fernando12> cya

[21:33:06] <Fernando12> #FAR if he wants to chat ;)

[21:33:20] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> oh you will hear from him

[21:33:28] <Fernando12> good

[21:33:34] <Fernando12> never talked to Londo

[21:33:38] <Fernando12> should be a treat

### Log session terminated at Sun Jun 13 22:02:19 2010 ###

### Log session started at Sun Jun 13 23:27:39 2010 ###

[23:27:40] Common channels for Fernando12 [ModEdit - IP Removed]: #siberian_tigers, #nsa, +#RoK, #mushroom, ~#FAR

[23:27:40] <Fernando12> you get a copy yet? Londo has one

[23:27:44] <Fernando12> To: Fernando12 From: Great1 Date: 6/13/2010 10:03:28 PM

[23:27:44] <Fernando12> Subject: RE: Did you finish all tech deals?

[23:27:44] <Fernando12> Message: I finished all of my tech deals a few weeks ago. I'm sure if I did sell him tech that I sent it to him. I messaged my buyers like was showed. I had all of them the same day so they had to wait to get their tech. I'm sure all of them received their tech. I quit selling because the hassle and little profit was not worth it.

[23:27:49] <Fernando12> ....

[23:28:11] <Fernando12> Londo said he would discuss it with you...

[23:55:34] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> quit amusing

[23:55:37] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> quite*

[23:56:02] <Fernando12> its a you said he said...

[23:56:09] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> no it isnt

[23:56:14] <Fernando12> it is

[23:56:25] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> 12 days ago when I contacted SP about it

[23:56:35] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> proof existed within MY aid slots that I didnt get tech from him

[23:56:52] <Fernando12> you should have screen shot them

[23:57:01] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> the only reason such proof does not exist now, is me taking your gov at its word that it would be looked into

[23:57:07] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I was told no proof was necesarry

[23:57:15] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> I have the log to support it

[23:57:20] <Fernando12> it is necessary

[23:57:31] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> My aid slots as they stand now... date all the back to May 21

[23:57:42] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> 12 days ago...they dated equally further back

[23:57:46] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> the proof was there

[23:58:08] <Fernando12> Rush, fill your slots with new tech deals. I'm not making great1 send you any more tech

[23:58:34] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> of course you arent... you prefer to believe that I sat around and made all of this up for no apparent reason

[23:58:40] <RushSykes[Athens|MoFA]> and thats fine...Im finished with you

[23:58:45] <Fernando12> k

[23:58:51] <Fernando12> gnite

Essentially, I was called a liar. What should have been a simple matter of diplomacy, ended with me being called a liar. Lesson learned... sometimes some involved parties do not want simplicity. For my part, it began with one nation screwing me over in a tech deal. And ended with an entire alliance supporting such action. And Athens are the bad guys.... Diplomacy FTL.


Recommended Comments

My condolences rush.

Let that be a lesson, that you should always save evidence, and ignore those that say it isn't necessary. It's not being paranoid, it's being prepared.

That being said, sorry you had to put up with that stuff.

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I do feel bad that you were messed around with your tech, but can I ask one question of your facts? When you speak with the government the first time he owes you 50 tech, but when you speak with them the 2nd it's 100?

I ask this not to question you, but simply to find out which amount it was you were wronged of.

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I do feel bad that you were messed around with your tech, but can I ask one question of your facts? When you speak with the government the first time he owes you 50 tech, but when you speak with them the 2nd it's 100?

I ask this not to question you, but simply to find out which amount it was you were wronged of.

You are reading it inaccurately. He was messaging me about sending 50 tech (it would have been the 1st 50 of 100). I purchased 100 for 3 mil.

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It's really a tough break. Both sides could have handled it better. You really should have taken screens of the aid and unread messages prior to bringing it to their attention and with any others sent after. Panda should have done some preliminary investigative work before sending the message out to the would-be seller in the event any aid offers were deleted as a result of receiving the message. Fernando also should have conferred with Panda if he didn't. Great ignoring or merely not responding to Panda's message (if what you say is true) should certainly work against him.

Really, it could have gone more smoothly and if all Fernando did is ask "did you send tech" and "are you sure?" then there probably wasn't enough questioning.

IMO sellers as well as buyers should really be saving proof of their transactions in this game.

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I was in the channel at the time, and I would say you were probably in the right. That said, I'm not altogether sure that throwing your issues onto the blog system is the best way to deal with your frustration.

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I wish to add to "IMO sellers as well as buyers should really be saving proof of their transactions in this game." that it's far easier to provide evidence for a positive and not possible to prove a negative, though taking screens every 5 days of your aid screen could remove doubt unless they cry it was shopped out.

Ultimately it was nothing more than a number of mistakes by yourself and FAR's government. It's nothing to lose sleep over. I do believe that taking anyone's word is a bad idea and someone should look into it just to see if either or both stories are plausible.

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I was in the channel at the time, and I would say you were probably in the right. That said, I'm not altogether sure that throwing your issues onto the blog system is the best way to deal with your frustration.

It's alot better than making a OWF post about it. Since the blogs are suppose to be about us, he is talking about something that happened to him.

Sorry you got a bad seller Rush :(

It's strange that one government member told you one thing and another said something completely different.

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Essentially, I was called a liar. What should have been a simple matter of diplomacy, ended with me being called a liar. Lesson learned... sometimes some involved parties do not want simplicity. For my part, it began with one nation screwing me over in a tech deal. And ended with an entire alliance supporting such action. And Athens are the bad guys.... Diplomacy FTL.

I skimmed through and read this part, if they're backing someone who screwed you in a tech deal and then call you liar, you should of attacked or had someone or a few from Athens or C&G declare on the tech scammer, then let him go once the owed tech is payed. I didn't read all the logs and such though, so I'm just going by the quoted.

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Never mind the tech, I feel more sorry for you for having to deal with Fernando. How that guy got a ministerial job will forever be a mystery to me.

^^ That.

It's only 100 tech, at least you know now to steer clear of FAR's tech sellers and hope that you never have to speak with Fernando again.

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Rush, as far as I'm concerned you handled that pretty well, though if you're open to suggestions, I'll provide one in a minute.

Frankly, this was a good opportunity for FAR to build a better alliance to alliance relationship, but instead, this Fernando just came off sounding like a &#33;@#&#036;%. Or at least very hostile. Did you piss in his wheaties or something? Even amongst enemies, squaring up accounts builds mutual respect. Unless there is proof indicating a scam, it's better to give the buyer the benefit of the doubt, and just cough up the tech. 50? Even 100 tech? That's chump change. And begrudging that minuscule amount only makes them look petty.

Here is a tip I picked up as MoFA: many people come into a FA situation as a me vs. them mindset. They try to argue their points and make the other person submit to the superior logic/proof. They use the threat of repercussions, be it war or smearing their reputation, or what ever. That is the strong arm version of diplomacy (and diplomacy is simply battle on a different ground). In really big issues, ones that will make a major impact on the alliances or set some sort of precedent, it is important to do that. But in many cases, the issue can be resolved much more amicably.

To do that, one must abandon the us vs. them mentality and adopt a more conciliatory one, even if you are the aggrieved party. Instead of saying (rhetorically) "You have done me wrong and I demand redress" you frame it as "here we have a situation and I am your partner in finding the best solution so we can move forward". You move to the side of them rather than confronting them head on. Abandon the "who is right" debate, that only generates hostility. Instead, appeal to their sense of justice or fair play. Use your character as reference.

One solution is to hand them the problem and let them solve it for you. For example, ask them for help, "Look, I know you have to take the word of your alliance mate, and I respect that, but please understand I'm still out 100 tech. Is there anything you can do to help me?" Now you've given him the power over your situation, and most likely, since people are eager to exercise their power by solving your problem, you will get closer to what you want. In reality, you are owed the tech and have the right to demand it, but by appealing to their ego, you can get them to fix it for you. Just be sure to thank them, wax poetic about their generosity ect. That is the payment they like to have.

Remember, power plays in diplomacy is the brute force method, anybody can do it as long as they've got the numbers to back them up. But that is a crude method indeed. A truly skillful agent gets the other party to move as the agent wishes by letting the other party think it is their idea and in the end both the agent and the other party disengage happy with the results.

Good luck getting this sorted out.

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Rush, as far as I'm concerned you handled that pretty well, though if you're open to suggestions, I'll provide one in a minute.

Frankly, this was a good opportunity for FAR to build a better alliance to alliance relationship, but instead, this Fernando just came off sounding like a &#33;@#&#036;%. Or at least very hostile. Did you piss in his wheaties or something? Even amongst enemies, squaring up accounts builds mutual respect. Unless there is proof indicating a scam, it's better to give the buyer the benefit of the doubt, and just cough up the tech. 50? Even 100 tech? That's chump change. And begrudging that minuscule amount only makes them look petty.

Here is a tip I picked up as MoFA: many people come into a FA situation as a me vs. them mindset. They try to argue their points and make the other person submit to the superior logic/proof. They use the threat of repercussions, be it war or smearing their reputation, or what ever. That is the strong arm version of diplomacy (and diplomacy is simply battle on a different ground). In really big issues, ones that will make a major impact on the alliances or set some sort of precedent, it is important to do that. But in many cases, the issue can be resolved much more amicably.

To do that, one must abandon the us vs. them mentality and adopt a more conciliatory one, even if you are the aggrieved party. Instead of saying (rhetorically) "You have done me wrong and I demand redress" you frame it as "here we have a situation and I am your partner in finding the best solution so we can move forward". You move to the side of them rather than confronting them head on. Abandon the "who is right" debate, that only generates hostility. Instead, appeal to their sense of justice or fair play. Use your character as reference.

One solution is to hand them the problem and let them solve it for you. For example, ask them for help, "Look, I know you have to take the word of your alliance mate, and I respect that, but please understand I'm still out 100 tech. Is there anything you can do to help me?" Now you've given him the power over your situation, and most likely, since people are eager to exercise their power by solving your problem, you will get closer to what you want. In reality, you are owed the tech and have the right to demand it, but by appealing to their ego, you can get them to fix it for you. Just be sure to thank them, wax poetic about their generosity ect. That is the payment they like to have.

Remember, power plays in diplomacy is the brute force method, anybody can do it as long as they've got the numbers to back them up. But that is a crude method indeed. A truly skillful agent gets the other party to move as the agent wishes by letting the other party think it is their idea and in the end both the agent and the other party disengage happy with the results.

Good luck getting this sorted out.

Thanks for the advice Kzoppistan, I have no doubt that Rush will greatly appreciate some tips from a veteran given his inexperience in FA wheelings and dealings.

Now see if you can find what's wrong with the above sentence.

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Thanks for the advice Kzoppistan, I have no doubt that Rush will greatly appreciate some tips from a veteran given his inexperience in FA wheelings and dealings.

Now see if you can find what's wrong with the above sentence.

It's presumptuous?

The way you responded seems to indicate that you think I was somehow speaking down to him. Which I'm not, Rush and I have debated a number of times, I know he's got a keen mind and good way with words. He was venting and I replied with some advice.

Rush is very capable and I have confidence that he can handle any situation. I was just 'talking shop', as they say. I'm always eager to hear another diplomat's take on things and so freely provide my own, as well.

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Rush, be aware that Great1 might have been in good faith and he might have not even seen your/his government's PMs, as in-game PMs get deleted when they're seven days old: when he came back and collected, his Inbox might have been empty. I suggest that the next time you send a "reminder" every 6 days (or less) - that's what I do.

Also, they might have thought that you were just wrong/didn't remember well and were just unable to admit it; that may be not nice but it doesn't automatically equate to telling you that you're a liar.

Also consider yourself lucky that your lesson about "collecting evidence of everything, especially Foreign Aid" was so cheap.

I remember my one: GOD and/or ArGo and/or Andromeda (Ephriam Grey was confused about that) incorrectly claiming that I had harboured aid from an enemy of theirs, and maintaining their position despite their lack of any screenshot - and unfortunately I hadn't any either (I didn't think of screen-shooting what had not happened, silly me!)

It was an important part of their CB against AHEAD in the LoFN war... <_<

At least, now you know that even an entire group of alliances can be as incompetent as that when it goes down to collecting screenshots, so you haven't been that bad at it.

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