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Dear AirMe



I personally request you stop using that image.

I should also note that the situations are not the same...in the least. And your use of LUE 2.0 propaganda is o so clever. You disgust me, which is sad because I was probably one of the last people on this planet to respect you.

Your opinion and attempted character assassination means nothing to me.



(Too cool for school)


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That's not character assassination I'm afraid. People being disgusted by you and not respecting you are not statements about your character. Though having said that, it's more than likely because of your character that they're disgusted by you and do not respect you.

Personally I respect your willingness to degrade yourself to give us all a cheap laugh.

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character assassination - Definition

(n.) A vicious personal verbal attack, especially one intended to destroy or damage a public figure's reputation.

What I did was not a character assassination, it was me letting you know that the last straw had been drawn. I have been a victim of character assassinations before and it consists of people following you to every thread telling you that you suck and I have not done that.

I personally wouldn't do that to anyone. Not even people I greatly dislike because this is a cyclical game and what goes around comes around.

It's cute though that you dedicated a blog post to me.

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The "I don't care what you think" defense is a shield behind which morons hide when others criticize them. If you don't care about what AirMe thinks about you, why do you think he gives two !@#$% about your blog posts? Either man up and actually interact with the rest of community - including taking our criticisms - or just stop posting. Nobody wants to deal with someone that sits in their ivory tower and snipes at everyone else with cheap jokes. If you don't care what we think, chances are no one wants to hear what you have to say either.

And for the record, the idiotic 'propaganda' image that AirMe was asking you to stop using is just terrible. I'm pretty sure the "MK is LUE 2.0" jokes got old a month or two after they reformed.

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I considered doing the "pull definitions and make him look like a fool" approach, but frankly, it didn't seem worth the time. I found just laughing to be a better use of time however.

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If you think his opinions don't mean anything, etc. etc. then why do you comment? His opinions obviously mean enough to you to leave your two cents behind, so why not just drop the whole "you mean nothing to me" routine when it's obviously !@#$%^&*?

If you really thought his opinions meant nothing, you'd ignore them.

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If you don't care what he thinks, why are you addressing it at all? You'd either comment and move on or just not bother commenting in the first place. Taking the quote and displaying your response to it in a venue where it is more likely to be seen is really just calling attention to it.

Part of not caring about things is, well, actually not caring. That usually means not having a reason to point out that you don't care. Most people that bother doing that are lying.

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