I used to be in Zenith before I left to form Carthage. I've made so many friends there and still maintained my friendships. I'm going to love having DK, Ska, mike and many others (that I forgot to mention) in TFD.
My best friend and my ex-best friend and? Rubber bath toys!? (That's a Spongebob quote)
Anyways AUT + Kzopp + in same alliance = bff's
Yea boi!
So my summer thus far has been going very, very slow. Before graduating I worked out like crazy and played basketball or soccer nearly everyday.. now I feel out of shape and haven't played basketball or soccer in at least three weeks. I guess I need to get off the computer.
Anyways my new job is going well and I go back to work tomorrow, had the day off today. I plan on picking up Napoleon: Total War after work tomorrow (seeing as I have no food and need some things I don't care what you say Wa
Well before I go into my blog today I graduated and will be out working soon. I may take up a job offer in Syria, but I don't know. If I do needless to say you'll know because I'd then leave CN but I'm looking at my options all together.
Anyways on to something more within the realm of the game.
It's no secret I'm an outspoken individual with little relevance or power within this game. At one point, I did want to strive to be both relevant and command power. However looking at this game, I've
This is a comment from MiketheFirst on the Rating Alliances thread. Now I'm not picking on Mike, I don't know him personally and I'm sure he's a cool guy and I'm sorry I picked on this comment in particular; it's just the first one I saw. I've been seeing this quite a bit however. "I like you NEW/TFD, but I question your FA choices." Is this just based on opinion? I mean these friendships we have aren't based on "FA choices" they're based on friendship. If our friendships were so weak and fragil
I'm here because I'd like to know how you guys style your hair. I tend to prefer a high and tight look, and I'm thinking about shaving it for the summer. Anyways we've all had bad haircuts too. Here's some I posted on TPF's forums and if you guys are wondering why the folks in #tpf on IRC have been giving me a hard time about my haircut, here's why:
The lady who was cutting my hair messed up. She used the wrong razor and it took off too much. I was so upset, I didn't tip her. We've all had
Many believe that you grow up to a certain height, and that's it. Biologically you are incapable of growing anymore.
This however is simply not the case. Just because you are past the age of growing, does not mean you can't get taller. When you stop growing, your back is not straight due to the vertebrate's not being properly stretched out. The only way to stretch them out is by doing exercises daily for 6 weeks.
I am around 6'1, happy with my height but I'd like to get a little taller. Throu
So today I came to the decision to disband Carthage after 250 days. It was a tough decision but the right one. I know, that's two failed alliances now. I'm sure I'll get flak over it but at some point I have to think of someone other than myself. I worked hard at recruitment. Spent just so many hours on helping new nations because I knew I had to do it on my own. I started my alliance with just myself and literally no one else. It took a toll. I found that doing everything yourself, although rew
So while I was gone, I heard Penkala said some not so nice things to me on here. I don't like people saying not so nice things to me, hurts my feelins and stuff. *sniff* Anyways, I challenged him to a duel. He turned it down claiming he'd "destroy me" one on one yet couldn't because he was out of range. Yet what separates us is only 5k of NS which he could easily gain with some aid.
So, with this, I call out Penkala. No more hitting small inactive nations with MP's and thinking you're all that
We all play this game for different reasons. There really isn't a correct way to play the game, though we've developed a very defined form of etiquette on Planet Bob. For example, the more nation strength your alliance has the more relevance and respect you seemed to get. And sometimes, nation stats gives some the God-given right to avoid using manners when talking to "lesser" peoples within this game.
When I created Soldier, I had this dream of being at the top. That's why I invested so much
Well for us soccer fans the World Cup is less than a year away. For those looking forward to it we also know that World Cup Qualifiers are currently underway. But who can we expect to be in and who's going to be out? Well I'll give you all a breakdown of who to expect in 2010 competing for the World Cup. First off let me just say for those who want to get into soccer yet don't quite get the qualification system here's a breakdown.
The games are segmented into three types of end results:
A wi
When the whole Soldier debacle took place I wasn't so sure I'd ever see my allinace again. However through TPF's surrender terms I was able to. Although I didn't want to return to Soldier after what happened I felt like I had an obligation to return. Turmoil had overcame the alliance and they lacked a leader. facetten convinced me to come back and now I'm happily nestled back into Soldier.
Our growth at first after the war was discouraging. We weren't recruiting well, we weren't growing interna
Upon the creation of my new alliance, Soldier, I've been peppered with personal messages telling me various things. When I first created this alliance I didn't want it to be represented by a great score or large nations, rather what my alliance stood for and why the nations within this alliance should take pride in it.
I've received numerous messages telling me that Soldier is bound to fail and that we should merge and adopt another alliance's charter and procedures for the sake of more member
Hello all. I am relatively new to Cyber Nations and was brough here via a friend from real life, who has been banned due to donation fraud, and a friend of mine named Jack the Great from Galava.
However, since most don't know me, allow me some time to introduce myself. I grew up on the south side of the ATL, life there was rough but I found my way. I did well in school and because of it got into the University of Georgia Tech. I majored in sports therapy and decided to move to Pittsburgh where