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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Richard Rahl' timestamp='1300574424' post='2670437']
I'm 92% sure this questions isn't serious.
Always remember, you could go broke real quick betting against stupidity on the OWF.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1300573391' post='2670424']
Wrong. Try reading some of the vast amounts of literature we've been cranking out explaining why we attacked NPO. Of course I don't expect you to actually do that, instead I expect you to claim that you read it and all you got out of it was "HATRED AND PARANOIA"

Oh we've read it, you guys just keep chiming the same worn out line of bull !@#$ every time. "We attacked NPO because we thought at some point in the war they MIGHT ATTACK US" if any of US said something like that about one of your allies you'd call us crazy and give us a place in Toad's Kitchen.

Listen mister, Attacking NPO because they attacked VE or one of VE's allies is a valid CB (Only after the fact mind you). Attacking NPO because you THOUGHT they MIGHT at some point in the war, attack VE or one of VE's allies isn't a valid CB. it is an unprovoked and unjustified attack no matter how your spin doctors size it up. what you guys did was an ILLEGAL ATTACK!
in short let them attack first THAN you can COUNTER ATTACK. do you understand. that's how war works.

Edited by avenger218
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[quote name='KingEsus' timestamp='1300558825' post='2670311']
"My e-peen is bigger than yours" huh? He's fought.
No, he hasn't. He has the exact same tech, infra and ns stats he had at the start of the war. I'm looking at our stats on NPO from before the war right now. Branimir hasn't done any fighting this war.

I'll also note that you're the one that brought up casualties, so I think you're the one that brought in the dick measuring contest. If you bring it there, don't get pissed and take your toys home when you find out that your 4 inches isn't as big as you thought it was.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300575197' post='2670447']
Always remember, you could go broke real quick betting against stupidity on the OWF.
Stupidity is attacking an alliance that has taken a neutral stance for no valid reason whatsoever other than to exact revenge, as an act of paranoia and to flex your muscle.

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1300574235' post='2670435']
Alright, so what's your alliance's CB against NPO and what evidences does your alliance and their allies have other than the treaty web? They don't have to be shown, just at least mention where you got the evidences.

No fluff please btw.

We have very good reasons to believe NPO were going to enter on Polar's side, if you paid any attention to how the war unfolded from the very beginning you would notice how slow it escalated, unlike other wars in which escalation is usually quite rapid, this war was being delayed almost as if on purpose. There are also some logs floating around of people involved with the Polar Coalition (pezstar and lintwad I believe. Also at the time NSO were not actually combatants in the war) talking about keeping NPO out of the conflict until their coalition was strong enough. For a lot of people the idea of fighting alongside NPO still isn't a very attractive prospect and that proved to be an obstacle for the Polar coalition with regards to rallying people to their side. Hence the need to delay the escalation of the war for the grand entry of NPO.

(No those aren't my only reasons, I just don't feel like going into great detail and producing a wall of text for people to read selectively. That and I feel very ill so apologies if I'm a bit incoherent)

Now, there is something which I want to know from you: Where is your evidence that NPO were in fact [b]not[/b] planning on entering the war?

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300575397' post='2670450']
in short let them attack first THAN you can COUNTER ATTACK. do you understand. that's how war works.

By that definition, you can never attack another unless they attack you first. But if attacking first is ILLEGAL, as you say, then no one would ever attack anyone else, because it is ILLEGAL to do so. So what you are really saying, is that nations shouldn't even have the option of declaring war, because it would be ILLEGAL to do so.



My brain hurts...

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300575397' post='2670450']
Oh we've read it, you guys just keep chiming the same worn out line of bull !@#$ every time. "We attacked NPO because we thought at some point in the war they MIGHT ATTACK US" if any of US said something like that about one of your allies you'd call us crazy and give us a place in Toad's Kitchen.

Listen mister, Attacking NPO because they attacked VE or one of VE's allies is a valid CB (Only after the fact mind you). Attacking NPO because you THOUGHT they MIGHT at some point in the war, attack VE or one of VE's allies isn't a valid CB. it is an unprovoked and unjustified attack no matter how your spin doctors size it up. what you guys did was an ILLEGAL ATTACK!
in short let them attack first THAN you can COUNTER ATTACK. do you understand. that's how war works.

An ILLEGAL ATTACK you say!? My god HOW could we have been so FOOLISH! :(

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Richard Rahl' timestamp='1300576094' post='2670459']
By that definition, you can never attack another unless they attack you first. But if attacking first is ILLEGAL, as you say, then no one would ever attack anyone else, because it is ILLEGAL to do so. So what you are really saying, is that nations shouldn't even have the option of declaring war, because it would be ILLEGAL to do so.



My brain hurts...
VE attacks NpO on a trumped up CB,
NPO enters via treaty with NpO (Which didn't exist)
or NPO get's chained in, attacks VE
than and ONLY than can DoomHouse hit NPO on a justified CB.

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1300527126' post='2670077']
We did not start the war.[/quote] Lie. [quote] The attack on NPO was done out of strategic need to control their imminent involvement in the war.[/quote] i will give ya'll this. ya'll were of the belief they would enter. still you started the war with an aggressive attack. [quote]It is not on our best interests to keep NPO at war forever and no alliance should go through that.[/quote] then just give them white peace and be done with it. also, give their allies white peace since all they did was enter to defend NPO who DH aggressively attacked. [quote]But the problem here is that there's too much crap floating around for us to swim out of it.[/quote] the crap is all DH's doing and no one elses. period. [quote]Reducing NPO's capacity to cause us damage now that it's clear we're not going to be best friends is the only way to ensure our security.[/quote] had you not attacked them aggressively because you were worried they may enter later is what sealed the deal on not being "bestest" friends. maybe if you had entered the war in a common fashion and NPO hit you, you would have probably won anyways since you took on all their allies and are winning now but you may have not made an even worse ally of not only NPO but also NPO's allies and several other alliances who were neutral towards DH. good job. you just $%&@ed your entire security even more with this stupid action. [quote]We don't demand just about anything, the proposal we sent NPO is very rational and simple and provides an easy way out for everyone where everyone's needs are relatively satisfied (threat removed for us, NPO gets out of the war without terms and we all go home happy).[/quote] lie #2. you are asking to be able to utterly devastate NPO's upper tier while ensuring the damage done to ya'lls upper tier is minimal. thus, you are basically asking to neuter NPO for no damn reason but your own paranoia and fault. [quote]Refusing that proposal without giving it the proper consideration because "we started this" is not good for NPO nor anyone and reveals short sighting.[/quote] i am pretty certain NPO did consider it beyond "ya'll started this". considering you want to take around 2 billion in reps from the allies that defended NPO most likely popped up in their minds. the fact that you want to obliterate their entire upper tier from 60k and up, probably entered their minds as well. just because DH thinks this is a gosh darn swell idea, does not mean everyone else is retarded enough to think the same.

[quote]Last I checked GOONS were charging around 100 million per alliance. Sure you have 15 allies in or something, but 100 million is (stupid because it can't be divided by 3) nothing. I might be wrong though, I am not into other alliances' negotiation processes.[/quote] lie #3. CoJ is being charged $400 million unless they write a play using their own OOC time to do so. NSO is being charged more than $100 million unless they give RV the boot. so yeah, that is just 2 off the top of my head. so again, stop spreading half-truths and start giving the whole truth. i know it makes your side look worse, but that is again, only the fault of your side. if you wanted DH to look good, then tell GOONS to $%&@ off with the terms and just charge $100 million in reps without any of the retarded !@#$@#$ terms they are pulling.

[quote]Second, there's no implied threat. You were attacked because you were in the line to enter the conflict and we perceived you as an imminent and real threat in the conflict that was happening. We have better things to do than going around chasing ghosts and declaring on alliances out of the blue. Like buying tech.
[/quote] you attacked NPO for the sole reason of being a threat to your security. so whenever NPO is once again considered a threat to your security, you have already proven you are more than willing to aggressively attack them. so you are correct in that there is no implied threat. your threat is a direct and overpowering one. though, all other alliances should realize that there is now an implied threat to them from DH. any alliance that is seen as a threat to DH has a very damn good possibility of being aggressively attacked by DH.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1300573308' post='2670423']

OOC: A strategy that boils down to "this game let's us choose not to play, so let's not play", "we can't beat them, so we'll just bore them to death", and "I'm taking my ball and going home" is absolutely horrible for the well being of this game. I had the option (and ample opportunity) to utilize it way back in the Green Civil War and choose more drastic methods over it because of this fact (among others). CN is fragile enough as it is. The last thing we need is people refusing to play in war mode when they get the short end of the stick. We will not condone this strategy by succumbing to it. The dogpile on GOONS was silly and we'll kick people a little bit for it come peace negotiations, but the peace mode strategy is absolutely unacceptable.


So you are basically saying GPA, WTF and others aren't participating either because they aren't using the war option?

You gonna roll them next for that?

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Richard Rahl' timestamp='1300576094' post='2670459']
By that definition, you can never attack another unless they attack you first. But if attacking first is ILLEGAL, as you say, then no one would ever attack anyone else, because it is ILLEGAL to do so. So what you are really saying, is that nations shouldn't even have the option of declaring war, because it would be ILLEGAL to do so.



My brain hurts...
I'm saying if you're going to declare war, have a damn good and valid reason to do it, attacking out of paranoia and rage just doesn't cut it.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1300575251' post='2670448']
ITT: War is PZI.

Self-inflicted, if I'm reading this correctly.

Sorry i'll just sum that up: SURRENDER IMMEDIATELY (after you take your beating)

Edited by mattski133
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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1300576348' post='2670465']
lie #3. CoJ is being charged $400 million unless they write a play using their own OOC time to do so. NSO is being charged more than $100 million unless they give RV the boot.
Ah yes, that just goes to show how people will spin some things. We want to give RV a much-deserved vacation, and here you are saying we're demanding NSO expel him permanently.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300576364' post='2670466']
So you are basically saying GPA, WTF and others aren't participating either because they aren't using the war option?

You gonna roll them next for that?

[b]No, that isn't what he is saying at all. Just because you and yours felt it was completely acceptable to roll Neutral alliances does not mean everyone else does. Do you understand? Can you stop with these terrible slippery slope arguments and stop putting words in our mouths and argue your case based on logic/reason/fact for just once in your miserable existence.[/b]

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300576628' post='2670471']
Ah yes, that just goes to show how people will spin some things. We want to give RV a much-deserved vacation, and here you are saying we're demanding NSO expel him permanently.
you never addressed why you're charging such steep reps from CoJ

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1300576753' post='2670472']
[b]No, that isn't what he is saying at all. Just because you and yours felt it was completely acceptable to roll Neutral alliances, we do not.[/b]
what a load of crap, your rolling 1 now.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300572484' post='2670413']
1. you're in debt.
2. 100k or so from your peak low isn't exactly a regrowth.
3. you got more alliances piling you than any 2 alliances on either side.

5.3 billion is nothing to Umbrella or MK. We have nations in Argent with that much, let alone entire alliances. I know, being in NADC, you might be unfamiliar with well built nations, but they do exist.

Not sure why you quoted me and then mentioned "you". My alliance is currently not in the war. We are allied with TOP though, so if you guys are working them over so much, maybe we should send in some soldiers.

[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300572666' post='2670414']
Size isn't the only way to gauge damage. Our side has fewer in anarchy and we're doing all the blitzing here. Where are the big MK, TOP and GOONS blitzes?

You are indeed completely divorced from the reality of the situation, as I first suspected. Thank you for confirming this.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1300576544' post='2670470']
Self-inflicted, if I'm reading this correctly.

And seriously people are still calling out GOONs' fighting ability? Has anyone withstood a 5 to 1 assault and two months later still have nations on the offensive? I honestly don't recall any.

And Doomhouse's answer to the, I'll admit, pretty decent tactic of grinding GOONS down was magnificent. Over 5 billion dongs in aid? [b]You guys are outmatched on every level and it's only going to get worse.[/b]

1) Doomhouse remains relatively untouched at the levels that count.
2) GOONS did not fold and are now getting to a point where we are better armed than our opponents.
3) The other fronts have folded and reinforcements are on the horizon.


srs. before it gets bad.
Pre Karma NPO = 83 score, 23 million NS, no alliance TO DATE was ever that big, 1000 nations.
Pre Karma FAN = less than 100 nations, all in hippie, no aid, no tech deals, 90% in ZI or close, around 700k NS.
where is NPO today, where is FAN today. this could evolve into a protracted Guerilla war with you guys ending up like NPO in the end.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300567594' post='2670376']
Having trouble keeping allies lately? none of ours has switched sides yet.

Nordreich was originally on your side and is now fighting against NPO.

[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300576810' post='2670474']
what a load of crap, your rolling 1 now.

What neutral alliance is being rolled? :huh:

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300576364' post='2670466']
So you are basically saying GPA, WTF and others aren't participating either because they aren't using the war option?

You gonna roll them next for that?
No, don't be silly. They're consistently neutral. They've chosen a way to conduct their affairs and stick with it. My criticism is of those who use peace mode when at war, not those who choose neutrality altogether.

You don't get to swing back and forth. When you choose to interface with the greater global community and treaty web, you take the good with the bad. You do not get to choose to fight only the wars you will win. This isn't a new idea. Alliances that refuse treaty obligations or declare neutrality in conflicts in which they appear to have obligating interests catch a world of flak from everybody. There is no difference between this and say, for example, Legion's approach to this war, where nearly the entire alliance hides in peace mode after declaring war. Such is an attempt to dodge the disdain a neutrality declaration would have incurred [i]and[/i] the damage a war would cause. NPO is admittedly less guilty than Legion of this, but still took efforts to dodge a war that demanded a clear and decisive response, then hid its upper tier in peace mode when those efforts failed.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300577025' post='2670477']
Who is the neutral alliance that's getting rolled right now?
you attacked an alliance that wasn't even in the war!
This proves that any alliance that is unfortunate enough to have you guys view them as a threat is gonna get rolled. Atleast NPO had reasons when they attacked alliances.

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